> Tradcons want me to 'man up' and fulfill my traditional/evolutionary role as protector and provider
> "Hey guys, that sounds nice and all, but I don't really think you are taking into acco-"
Why are tradcucks so bad at arguing? Ask a MGTOW why they went their own way and they will be able to very calmly and articulately tell you that their decision was based on sober economics, legal considerations, socio-political analysis of prevalent and accelerating trends, and a desire to manifest their highest level of self-ownership, but tradcuck's only response is to screech about society. Bitch, if you want me to care about society, maybe you should fucking do something to make it worthwhile to bust my ass for a wife and kids instead of the shitty deal most guys get now. Jordan Peterson is marginally better, but he still won't touch the real reasons that men are dropping out.
If I can get a qt traditionally-minded gf so can you faggot.
>to very calmly and articulately tell you that their decision was based on sober economics, legal considerations, socio-political analysis of prevalent and accelerating trends, and a desire to manifest their highest level of self-ownership,
Blah blah blah cuck shit
You're the one who needs to make society worthwhile. That's your duty. By embracing mgtow you become part of the problem that you correctly identify. Thus you're a coward who shirks his duty. Thus Cuck cuck cuck cuck
> missing the point entirely
When workers are being mistreated by their boss, they form unions and go on strike. When men are being mistreated by their women and their leaders, you want them to shut up and get back to work. Fuck off, Chaim, you aren't going to make a Jew-debt-slave out of me
Nice false equivalence m8
Getting a gf is fucking easy, and you don't need it for your livelihood. You're just mad that 10/10s don't want to suck your microdick.
Oh? Where is the false equivalence? No bullshit ad homs, defend your argument you fucking faggot, or are you so afraid of criticism that you can't?
>You're the one who needs to make society worthwhile. That's your duty.
>He thinks "women" are his boss
No. Women as a collective don't represent any individual woman.
If a woman is behaving incorrectly, you should correct her.
Hiding in your basement till things work themselves out, or worse, promoting the problem itself, is not going to solve anything. It's a coward's path.
Sure your life will be easier. You can have the easiest life by living like a nigger. But don't expect any respect from society.
All men think that they've found the """one""" that won't cuck them like you, until it eventually happens. It's simply a matter of statistics.
> He thinks he can be an aggressive neanderthal alpha without legal and social repercussion
Great job, retard, you completely missed the point where women have been made your 'boss' whether or not you agreed to it. The natural/evolutionary/genetic/traditional order is for the man to be the leader, fine, I agree. But try pulling that shit nowadays and watch the cops get called so fast it will make your head spin. And have fun dealing with the TV, social media, friends and family who will tell her to stand up to you, usurp you, disrespect you, divorce you and "fix" you. Oh, and don't forget the legal and physical power of the state backing her up no matter what she does, so good luck trying to reign in her natural hypergamy, irrational emotions and rebelliousness.
> Lol my gf is completely different from every woman who has ever lived and is totally not like the statistics and religions say she is
If you're that dumb, you deserve everything that is coming to you.
>he doesn't understand what a logical fallacy is
Please read the sticky before posting on a board.
> Dodging the question
False equivalence claims that I have made a comparison which cannot be taken as valid, yet where I have given reasons as to why I made the comparison I did (women occupy a social position akin to a boss in our socio-political culture commensurate with their evolutionary role as the mate-selecting sex), and you have said nothing.
MGTOW: 999999999999999999
Tradcucks: 0
I haven't found a good one yet. I'm not saying I have. Another way of saying it is the women I've date have been beyond my ability. Too far gone for me to bring back. You point out all these negative influences: we have to work against them. I see these things happening all over the place. Whenever I see women behaving this way, I always let them know that they're doing something wrong. We have to voice our disapproval with this behavior. Just as white people need to develop group consciousness, men have to as well. We have to correct both sides so that things can get better.
Avoiding it is no solution. Things will just get worse. The solution must start with you and me.
History is cyclical, not linear (though it may be cyclical AND linear) thus we have been here before, and we will be here again. The only solution is to let this degeneracy ride itself out, like the flu. There is no point in agitating like the MRAs do, society will reconfigure itself when the pain of not doing so becomes overwhelming, and not a moment before then. The real danger is that we will have a partial resurgence of traditional values before we have reached the critical mass, and thus become complacent rather than revolutionary.
mgtow = feminists faggot little brother.
One of my quibbles with MGTOW is how they 'advertize' how they don't give a shit. If they really didn't give a shit and weren't fox and the grapes tier envious, they wouldn't need to heel-turn and label themselves MGTOW losers.
>manning up is hard
That's what MGTOW really stand for.
You know, I think I may have more sympathy for MGTOW now. Just look at this picture. Many of us dont have as many partners as these wenches, yet when they reach the end of their roasty lives they suddenly demand that we get jobs and become successful for them and their high mileages?
Srsly it doesnt make sense. They demand all sorts of things for us, try to shame us and make us not desire something younger and fresher still. Mocking those things and such a path in life when its a valid strategy to avoid too much degeneracy.
HPV is with 1/3 of them, they are disgusting with their tattoo's. So MGTOW actually seems like a good thing. And I think we are nearing a point now where there are actually desirable man in those ranks. Cutting off the man supply to these vile degenerate skanks.
This. Perceiving women as your boss is your first mistake. You'll always be pushed around no matter what
No one really gives a fuck if you reproduce or not. I doubt that you have valuable genetic material if MGTOW ever appealed to you.
I'm not sure if there's a cause and effect there. Literally the type of woman who'd be a whore, is the kind of woman who wouldn't stay faithful. How was this not obvious to begin with? MGTOW makes it seem like there's a pussy-science where labia's grow and all this brah-pseudo science shit, when really the bottom line is:
>Don't Marry A Whore.
I also think like this, but more like as history was a pendulum. You can push far to one side, but eventually the gravity pulls it back and the farthest away it went to one side, the faster it will be one reachs equilibrium.
Eventually the results of degeneracy will catch on, and the females of new generations will regain conservative values.
One of the results of feminism is that man are not interested anymore in marriage, as should not be, and this alone will act as gravity.
MGTOW = Miserable guys that only wank
>Calm down. Let the jews kill off the white race, goyim
You guys are such fucking niggers.
>Bitch, if you want me to care about society, maybe you should fucking do something to make it worthwhile to bust my ass for a wife and kids instead of the shitty deal most guys get now
So you're asking other men to change things for the better instead of doing it yourself? What a completely beta mindset you have there, leaf. In fact, you sound like a woman, talking like that.
This. I fucking hate (((Learned Helplessness))) memology.
> MGTOW: "Society doesn't like men, the only winning move is not to play, and instead of complaining, just mind your own business and sort yourself out."
> Feminists: "Society doesn't like women, so the only winning move is to violently restructure the society in which we live while demanding the benefits of being male and getting rid of the downsides of being female."
> Same thing
At least part of that is due to the tradcucks who insist that MGTOW are just incels fueled by resentment. Much like being accused of racism, the only way to reply is to accept/deny the assertion, or deny the premises.
> MGTOW: Uh, no? I just don't care about being a protector and provider for women because of the soci-
> Tradcuck: HA! I KNEW IT. C U C K
> Letting yourself get fucked over is beta
Is this bait?
OP the common perception of anyone who IDENTIFIES by their rejection of women, is that they're some kind of loser projecting their problems onto the opposite sex.
Drop the label. When asked why you don't have a significant other just say why: common law marriage, haven't found any good enough women, divorce court rape, and so on.
Personally my plan is to go somewhere that still protects marriage, if there are any nations like that, otherwise I'll just invest in an artificial womb when they come online.
How can you tell if one is a whore?
>muh ability to notice signs
I swear fags that say this are pathetic. Yes, some give off a vibe or don't even hide it or whatever. But with most of them, and especially when they are ready to marry and appear decent, you will have NO FUCKING CHANCE to know for certain.
>not being a slave to jew society
I love that pic. It's a kike trick to not pull the trigger.
> *Not letting yourself get fucked over is beta
This. Are tradcucks just delusional, or intentionally deceptive?
>B-but how can I ever know if she's lying to me, I'm not a telepath, she might sneak up on me and bullcuck me while I'm peeing
>this level of paranoia and lack of confidence
Are you kidding me? You're right. You have no business mating.
It's more I'd prefer to do what I want with my own time. If I want to go have a relationship I can go and have one. I prefer to spend my time alone and doing things I like, (playing video games and surfing the internet). Call me what you will but those are the honest reasons I've been MGTOW. If you stay in a relationship status all your life you're sharing tons of important moments with someone else and not letting it be a personal moment for yourself. How can you grow as an independent being when you have to consider another persons emotions, wants, needs etc.
When men of past saw something rotten in their society they went and fixed it and set their societies straight. You defeatist cucks just want to give up and let your lineage die because you don't feel that you're up to the task of solving the problem. You'd rather immerse yourself in hedonism and let your society degenerate further than try to make your society better. You are the fucking Jew's puppets if you give up on the white race.
Why should I care about something that doesn't care for itself, user?
well the balance are in the favor of MGTOW in my opinion. I think that there is a legitimate mass of men who perhaps unknowingly now hate upon the women, and these men may actually be normal to good men too.
I guess the next part is for these men to band together and to start to remove the jew, and the nu cuck males who impede the proper operation and workings of society.
When women give up and let go they turn to feminism to validate their actions.
MGTOW is feminism for men, don't turn into meninists.
Life is hard, don't give up, build your character, learn to deal with disappointment. Being a little snowflake and gtfo'ing from society won't do anything good for anyone.
If you want to MGTOW, just pop a round in your head, because the jews got you.
Sure, get married fag. I'll just fuck your bitch and you'll never know about it, cause why would you think about this scenario lmao just don't think about it, if you don't imagine it it can't happen wtf bro srsly lmao.
Listen to finbro
While I agree with your sentiment, what do you expect men to do to change anything?
Men are demonized. Any attempt to petition for change is met with rebukes of sexism, patriarchy and "mansplaining." You can attempt to start changes at home, but you better become a master manipulator of women (after you win the lottery of finding an acceptable woman who loves you of course) in order to undue the lifelong habits and expectations society expects her to uphold.
You're right something has to be done, but what? And is it realistic?
I'm not implying you should; you clearly don't though, and you're trying to push the opposite mindframe. Why shouldn't I care? If there's no reason to care, then there's no reason I shouldn't. Any other answer is obviously absurd and contradictory on your part.
I am not white, stupid burger, don't you see the flag?
We are talking about collective effects, you moron, not personal lifes.
Of course I look for a younger girl with traditional values (catholics down here) to marry and have a family.
What I am not doing is extending my hand to old women who deluted themselves with the promisses of the feminism. Those should be left as example for the next generation.
The problem is that society lacks any kind of moral fiber, and whorish behavior is becoming increasingly common and in fact, praised.
THAT is the issue.
>Being a little snowflake and gtfo'ing from society won't do anything good for anyone.
Not getting divorce raped is going to do me some good, user.
Mgtow is so cringe. I don't even necessarily disagree with the talking points but I don't understand the need for all the fuss. If you don't want to get married find some fucking jewess with like 3 cats and go travel or whatever the fuck you people do.
U mad bro
>you clearly don't
Well yeah, that was implied.
>Why shouldn't I care?
I'm not stopping you, user. Have fun fighting an uphill battle that (looking at how the entirety of white civilization has turned out) your descendants probably won't even thank you for IF you manage to win.
>You're right something has to be done, but what? And is it realistic?
One thing you may not know: Women are drastically more sensitive to social pressure than men are. If you shame them publically, it will make them very uncomfortable even if they pretend it doesn't.
Shame them whenever you see them acting incorrectly. They will try to shame you back, but as a man, you're used to it anyway. You have defenses against that bullshit. Learn to take pleasure in their weak, desperate retaliations when you correctly point out their wrongdoing.
> MGTOW is the same as feminism
When will this meme die? I just want to be left alone, and if I seek out human contact, I want to communicate those values to others so that I can be heard and understood, and associate with people who share my values (aka other redpilled men).
I don't get mad at roasties any more, I get mad at tradcucks who can't defend their arguments and try to shut down anyone who disagrees with them.
>economics, legal considerations, socio-political analysis
Who does that sound like?
Un-kike yourself and you might realize that muh shekels is not a biological imperative.
They're envious, so they feel the need for back-up on their loserdom status, because it's literally all they have. In this sense it's like the trans community and all that bullshit. Parade of the horrible.
I hate losers of every type so bad. I want to crush them.
The cultural change has already begun. The younger people are not as brainwashed as the baby boomers (see how many of the young voted for Le Pen vs. the 65+ boomer traitors). Right-wing media is growing fast on the internet, that needs to be supported and expanded. The left rule because they got a hold of the media, as media moves to the internet the right can get a hold of that, as they are already doing. The least a right-wing man can do is work on himself and make himself into a better man than the leftists, a builder. People will naturally gravitate towards that.
Not even. Just hoping you would come up with a decent argument as to why not take into account something that might happen.
Do you not even think about being cautious around niggers? I bet you are like the faggy liberal that's walking on a street pass some nigglets and gets ko'd by one of them. Never saw it coming cause he didn't even think about it happening. Just like it'll happen to you.
>inb4 6'5, 8" dick, rich, handsome CHAD that no women would cheat on
Doubt it. If not, lucky you, you don't have to worry.
She looks Jewish as fuck bro.
>Be paranoid about niggers and my (((BLACKED))) meme, goyim yeahh
I wonder why jews write these posts. It really causes me to think.
So true OP
Im a 5/10 guy lokks wise and because of my 150+ IQ I have a god complex so I only want 10/10 girls.
Im a doctor at 25 but girls my age dont give a shit about me and ride the cock carousel with Chad. The red pill is that I will be a beta provider and marry a 30+ roastie that will divorce/ cuck me ASAP. So thats why im MGTOW, im waiting for the artificial womb.
Ok but very calmly you're still a cuck who betrayes his ancesters and his country.
But you do yours...
cool story bro
If you want to be left alone stop circle-jerking and propagating your beta-culture in this mongorian image board you fucking nigger. ty prease.
why not try to use your money to kill the chads and the roasties? Better yet, why not try to kill the jew enablers who removed our good and angry religious leaders who put the chads to work in their armies or on the fields to plow?
Tradecucks are just retards who don't understand that you can't get traditionalist results without traditionalist laws.
>It's impossible to be happily married longterm, goy
I wonder jew could be behind this post.
If you are poor you have nothing to lose.
When you are a doctor women will marry you for the money and divorce you. Or worse cuck you!
The laws are fucked, your wife will fuck chad in your house while your children can hear the screams from the room next door.
(((MGTOW))) is for weak beta boys, and bitter men, who've been divorced too many times.
imma doctor to
Fuck off cuck, not even gonna bother to post a webm or gif with some apes attacking someone. You are a cuck, blacked subscriber and no argument faggot. KYS.
And marriage is for women. They can marry each other.
are you implying im lying? Im drunk out of my mind, this story is more honesty than I would give my mother.
>Having heterosexual relationships is gay and futile
You're retarded. I hate you.
Why would someone go and lie on the internet?
We not in this looking for praise, user.
>don't attack the problem at the source goy, just marry a woman and shut the fuck up and pay your taxes, jamal needs his welfare.
Catering to your own needs 24/7 makes grow as person?
Are you even trying?
Yep. But good luck trying to get that through the thick skulls of the tradcons on here. Dumbasses think they can snap their fingers and get 'Leave it to Beaver' back without rolling back the laws that have made this shit possible.
> what is learning from others mistakes for 200, Alex
Im literally starting foundations to fund the research for the artificial womb. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
>waiting for the critical mass of people fed the fuck up to make your move
You fucking moron.
Cry some more beta bitch. Have fun raising your wife's black son. Unless you are a stupid roastie, cause you sure sound like one, in which case I hope you get raped to death by some BASED BLACK MEN.
>commit suicide--at least then nothing will be stolen which you deserved and was rightfully yours. Take no risks in life. Be a loser and die wagering nothing. Live in constant regret for having not lived, and then absurdly die alone & lonely, having accomplished nothing for anyone.
Real good plan.
My boss is a tradecuck. It's absolutely pathetic. Here he is: a divorced beta who's "traditional, feminine, le redpilled" wife (tm) took everything from him including his dignity, but he insists on being a complete cuckold.
>Well that's how it goes user
>Ye gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps and try again
>I used to sit in my apartment feeling sorry for myself, but I gotta live my life
>I'm getting so tired of this dating stuff user, these ladies need to be wined and dined by a real gentleman
>It gets expensive and never goes anywhere
>And they all want a guy with a house...not that there's anything wrong with that, a traditional man should be a provider
>When do you plan on getting married user? A good young guy like you should have a pretty wife & kids
>Tells another horror story about marriage
You can't save people who are trapped in the matrix
Most tradcucks are nothing more than feminized men.
Masculinity is individualism.
Femininity is collectivism.
Tradcucks simply want to destroy the remnants of masculinity by abolishing individualism.
>literal niggerjewkikeahmed posting
Inshallah, Kike. Kek.
>Not desiring women isn't gay
None of these MGTOW fucks seem to have any interest in fixing society. They are proudly nihilist hedonists.
>MGTOWs make economic benefit argument why the sweet life is more pleasurable.
Because life is more than just you. The virtuous life is the good life. If you want everything to be about yourself then you will never be happy anyway.
Also tradcons can't argue with MGTOWs because they value different things.
Nice wife!
If you have given up, I'm okay with that, nobody really cares.
But don't propagate your betacuck poison to others to find reason behind your actions. Seems like a really immature thing to do.
>guys look i've given up
>i'm not a loser, r-right?
>guys validate my choice to be a beta
>lets all give up on women and suck dick
Dont believe. Your grammar is terrible. Are you pajeet?
Yup. Same problem I have with your typical atheist. I have some crazy born-again Christian friends who will only talk about religion when directly asked. But the couple of cringey atheist friends I have will interject atheism into fucking every conversational topic. They constantly have to advertise to the world how """""enlightened""""" they are, even when I'm just talking about cerakoting a new gun.
What are these ridiculous parallels you are triyng to make, they make no sense and you are not giving anything to explain your comparison.
A man that finds excuses to not be a man is no man.
>I'm scared of something going wrong
>I dont want to risk it
basically "i'm not good enough and I'm not even going to try"
yeah have fun with that. I bet you are a communist because you hate dealing with risk when you invest your capital.
>mgtow cucks want to destroy this
>that picture
Oh God, my heart.
>ywn have a cute loli wife fix your tie in the morning and kiss you on the cheek before you go to work
>ywn have come home from work completely exhausted to a delicious dinner she prepared
>ywn take a bath together after dinner and then fall asleep while holding her close and listening to her breath
I promise I'll treat her well. Fuck society.
You dumb fuck, no fault divorce is the source of the low marriage rates. No man wants to risk a woman leaving with half his wealth just because she got bored. Change the laws and society improves, but you retards never push this. I know why, because you're feminized men who want to ensure this idiotic system continues.
MGTOW = sucking black dick behind a shed
if you think relationships are like terms of employment then you are a fucking idiot. The fact you think men are like "employees" and women are the "bosses" shows you are a weakminded pathetic faggot.
maybe if you thought more like a boss and less like an employee you wouldn't be such an unsufferable cuck.
>brown eyes
>that nose
kek, I bet you think she's white
>Ask a MGTOW why they went their own way and they will be able to very calmly and articulately tell you that their decision was based on sober economics, legal considerations, socio-political analysis of prevalent and accelerating trends, and a desire to manifest their highest level of self-ownership, but tradcuck's only response is to screech about society.
Translation: I'm scared of women and I don't want to admit it, so I just add a shitload of window dressing to my statements because I don't want to take responsibility for my actions.
VirginTOWs make me sick.