Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.
Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race
giv elsa gf
so you're telling me I can actually achieve something by being a neet?
Daily reminder no self-respecting man will settle for roasties and there's not enough unicorns to go around. So kys faggot.
I'm ugly as fuck 26 still a kissless virgin
tfw having severely autistic brother means I'd be adding more tard genes to the gene pool
No matter how many times I try, Cumming in a sock wont produce a child.
there are no QTs where I live, only degenerate chavs
Don't remind me Canada, it feels bad enough already.
daily reminder that there are no white women left. There are just millions of sluts, attention whores and degenerate drugged up pieces of shit.
tfw still never going to race mix. Just because our women are traitors doesn't mean I have to be
cool, now tell me where to find females.
there is none, good ones are taken, and the rest is just mental asylum patients.
Church. Not that it matters anyways, I've yet to see proof that church girls are any less whores, they just suppress it better
Am white. Have 2 sons. Also I used to love in the same building as Elsa Hosk (chick in OP's post) and have spoken to her a bunch. It was a small building (9 units) so we ran into one another often. Not really relevant. Anyway, She dates short, average-looking rich guys that run clubs in NYC.
women are trash i fucking swear , i work in a hotel/hostel , these sluts , just give a few drinks and they soon start to beg for you to fuck them , i fucked at least 100 girls in 1 year ( i probably have 100 trillion stds ) , at beging i tought that it was just luck , but noOO so many sluts keep coming , i met this polish slut , she liked cum so much , i came 4 times in her mouth . i m not even CHAD , they just cock hungry , it s fucking disgusting .
i envy my friends who found themself a virgin in the early years and keep the relation going. THAT S MY ADVICE , IF YOU HAVE A VIRGIN NEVER LET GO OF IT . THIS WORLD IS FULL OF WHORES
Daily reminder that if you're white and not doing everything you can to stand up for the values you believe in and trying to become the best man you can possibly be, then you're just making it easier for (((them)))
Find a chav and turn him/her into waifu/.... and breed
Friendly reminder that whites breeding with ASIANS is still also contributing to the end of the white race.
You're not supposed to show that you're clenching your fist that hard.
Need to do another, for the ladies.
What if I'm white with brown eyes and brown hair?
I have an incurable disease that could potentially be passed on to my children, so it's morally unethical for me to reproduce.
no homo
Reminder that you should care about eugenics if you want to have children.
>find a whore
>turn her into a house waifu
nice try law offices of schlomowitz and swartz
good job
mirin' no homo
I'm not white, but at least I'm not black... So I have that going.
This. Self improvement is the one true religion.
not all normie girls are whores
it's a curse, the higher your self esteem goes and perceived value, the less likely you will want to settle for some roastie. The problem is lack of quality women.. clearly.. there are enough shirtless selfies in the thread so I will not add mine.
The white race can only be saved with artificial wombs
And yet no amount of lifting will fix your hideous face and shitty genetics
Find a girl that is in college and hasn't yet been ruined. Take her to places that college guys can't afford and date her seriously.
Grad school girls that are in either law school or med school are also usually OK because they had to study hard to get into these types of schools. That means they probably had a boyfriend in college and were not passed around.
wew lad
Birthrates are a meme and don't matter. There's zero reason to enable the worst generation of women to have ever existed.
We need less minorities. A handful of WN's having a few more kids won't make a difference in the long run.
Bullshit. No group has ever thrived or failed as a result of individual reproduction. The future of the white race will not be determined by anyone reading this. White people are just blinded by this truth because of their group appreciation and capacity for individual heroism.
Daily reminder that you will die one day and your race wont fucking matter to you because when you die you cease to exist and its impossible to give a fuck when you no longer exist.
well, I'm only considering marrying a virgin with no nudes on the internet. I've dated monogamously 30 different females (no sex with any except 1 to keep my count as low as possible)
29 of the 30 were not virgins, can you guess which was the only 1 I put out and went ring shopping for?!
I'd rather cut my own dick off than not marry a virgin (legitimate statement)
Good, white people deserve genocide
Take the fucking flag off. You are a disgrace.
Nice id
Dude clean your fucking bathroom. The clench fisted muscles might be alright but are you gonna bend a girl over the counter and let her have a taste of one of your ten old fast food pops? Clean your room. Sort yourself out. Faggot.
Eat shit, muhammad
Give me your wife's number and I'll put a baby in her no problem senpai
>...than marry a virgin
what a place to make a typo lmao
meant ...than marry a NON virgin
>Oh I'm a Nazi, I even have this flag here
>1488? What does that mean, who cares when I die it won't even matter lol
Except I have GF who is total whore in the bedroom, and is submissive outside of it as she believes man rules the house. Love making her gag on my dick, make her spit the saliva on her tits, spit on her face and make her thank me for it and then ram my cock down her throat again.
I'm taking the 5th path, which doesn't require marriage
That made me laugh so hard I think I woke up my neighbours.
Rage harder, abdul
i keep trying to have kids but no white bitches want kids anymore. they're all materialists and think you shouldn't have kids until you're 30. if i were wealthier maybe i could convince one to breed. oh well.
I had one with JEW in all caps one time while in a NSG thread.
>pic to get your attention
>1 post
>muh kids meme
Honestly just fucking kill yourself you waste of oxygen faggot. You and every other person that has this mindset should be hung from a tree.
I'm not white but I want to have a baby with a white bf and he'll use an aryan surrogate
the jews are obviously smarter than us anyway, just give in. im so disappointed in my race
gas yourselves degenerates!
t. idiot who doesn't know how good cock is
no Aryan would ever race mix!
church? girls who attend churches are boring and ugly as shit, especially those above age 20.
The good ones are taken very early, since all those crazy religious groups are 80% males
Daily reminder that shills hide behind NatSoc flags
mehmet what are you doing here your goat is lonely
Daily reminder that you gobble up male genitals like a starving dog
i personally know how untrue this is
Stop replying to them, its clearly a shill
Nah, youre just a kike who's offended at swastikas.
As per the file name of my second picture, this is my roommate's bathroom which has better lighting so I take my shirtless pics in there because I'm a faggot who cares about the lighting
Daily reminder that the people who start these threads are literally cucks obsessed with other people getting pregnant.
I don't want kids till 30, for the simple fact that in this day and age ots impossible to be financially stable enough to have them in your 20s. (((They))) have successfully made it to where anyone with a shred of intelligence will wait to have kids till they are stable, but this takes years and years if at all
likely wont have kids (childless at 39) and will probably kill myself soon. sorry famalam.
just because they are """"""white""""", doesn't make them Aryan. ..but congratulations on being some trailer trashes cum dumpster. At least stick to your own men they might marry you instead of being pumped and dumped.
Why should i even bother about
>muh white race
If this race is so fucking weak that it will end because a few Sup Forums autists won't have kids then it is too weak and beyond saving anyway. Poltards are shilling for
>muh might is right, muh weak should fear strong
and other Social-Darwinist memes all the time.
Well then why don't you just accept that it's up for the nature to decide.
If Hitler wouldn't have been born there would have been 50 million more white people, the West and nationalism wouldn't have been cucked. Sometimes NOT having children is for the best.
Make sure you take some kikes out with you
if the guy is aryan and the surrogate is aryan I'm pretty sure the baby will be aryan
>white people need to breed, but not THESE white people
kek, your snoot is showing
are you M or F ? it's never too late
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
why would you as a non white care about whites? It's just a trend for you and sadly many whites. You're being ridiculous with the surrogate idea. You're better off spending that money raising your own race children properly.
daily reminder that I don't fucking care and I enjoy the fact that you get so buttblasted about something that you wont even have any awarness of because you're going to die someday
Anyone who wants to have kids in this day in age is a fucking dumbfuck. We have fags buttfucking in the streets, sandniggers and actual niggers tearing shit up, white people are discriminated against, jews pushing gay/race mixing agendas, people claiming 7374737388383839838 genders etc. etc... Why the fuck would I bring new people into this shitty existence?
Humanity has run its course, it was a good run but it failed. The best thing that could happen is all humans dying.
my gf looks like this
jelly non-whites?
Kek. What's the point. The white genome will be submerged in the various Asian genomes within the next 200 years anyway. Them Asian girls are just too damn sexy!
i was thinking about this long time.girls dont want to settle because they feel like they will be missing somthing in their lives so thats why they are partying etc until its too late for them. we need push commercials, and "propaganda" about black guys and their extraordinary penises so girls go for them and enjoy their youth while also poiting out that its not good to settle for black guy or have mixed kid. when bbc is done with them they are still 25 and ready to settle for a white guy. time flies when you have bbc in you
its not just that we are discriminated against its the fact that white people are willing to be discriminated against even after the whole civil rights movement where every person is equal and deserves freedom no matter the history of the people. Its both genocide and suicide and we are stuck in this period of time and there is nothing we can do but accept that it is dieing and we get to see it firsthand.
Remove it faggot
Says the Somali LARPing as a cuckwegian
I agree with you except the second I see a sweet innocent white woman, I stop using any logic and just want to put her in a safe wheat field with 3 white kids frolicking around.
>the fantasies of a neckbeard virgin
with originality and wit that fresh I see why you don't like whites. You're boring don't @ me
you're not white so whatevs
lmao, I was wrong about (you)
I have 2 kids and my wife refuses to have a third. What do I do pol? Pic related.
where is your right nipple headed off to?
try reason
You have to explain to her the situation eloquently.
so it wont be saved. i agree
Explain harder and do it until she gets it.
be more helpful raising the first 2 and you'll get a third. It's not that hard to understand.
"I'm having more children. I'm giving you first dibs."
The only woman in my life is the Virgin Mary
I'm having children alright, with a korean though
i can't have kids im not a real woman