Spread the news my American friends. My country is collapsing atm.
Spread the news my American friends. My country is collapsing atm.
YOU retarded kod shill
after 27 years of mafia like goverments in poland they finaly get rid of ex commie judges
they literaly purge system of UB/SB/WSI agents and you fucks try to defend them
hell you even have ex SB interogators in your "democracy" marches
you make me sick
is OP the mainstream media narrative, though?
i don't know if it made international news but any purging of left wing commie leftovers has to be good
>My country is collapsing atm.
but Israel is fine so idk why are you crying a river here jew
I guess someone got fucked over alimony and starts crying. Who the fuck are you to comment on things that you have no idea about? Do I tell you how to slave labour work in your sweatjob?
Polish Jew confirmed.
Yes it is. Or rather germany owned media in poland.
Literaly we have shills like op supporting ex commie agents. In streets, claming we are living in dictatorship.
I acctualy wish we were dictatorships so they would send police/military to deal with those traitors.
But they let them yapper.
Best part even is "oposition" would push for earlier elections, PIS has 40%+ votes in bank.
fake news
my country is growing strong
Ziobro went too far. KRS shouldn't be nominated by him.
Thats acctualy good argument I can agree on. Then again current corruption of judges is unaceptable.
Welcome to the illiberal democracy club.
Здecь oчeнь дaжe нeплoхo и дaжe пpиятнo :D
Lets solve corruption of judges by assigning new judges by Minister.
Plain retardation, but you will eventually see that coming. Sooner or later
>I guess someone got fucked over alimony and starts crying.
KOD lider?
>Who the fuck are you to comment on things that you have no idea about?
lol someone mad!
>Let's purge communism by ignoring the constitution to give even more power to a big, pro-welfare government.
Would never believe Poles are actually this dense if I didn't live here.
good. Now fuck off KOD shill.
do you even have any big parties that are not pro welfare and more pro free market at least liberal-conservative right?
So now instead of (supposed) ex commie judges we'll have Zbysiu's friends judges. What a great progress! Just remember to not ask for favors in front of cameras.
Depends on what you mean by 'big', but Wolnosc does have some support.
yep, two to be exact one is moderate and advocates things like free market, limited gibs, less bureaucracy, patriotism, strong army and so on. They are in Parliament and got around 10% of votes if I remember correctly. The other party is a lolbetarian, borderline ancap party. They got 4,9% of votes in the last election.