Brit/pol/ - Rightly Got Bummed edition

>Warning of 'Constitutional Crisis' over EU repeal bill

>Tony Blair says EU could compromise on freedom of movement

>Marxist McDonnell condemns bLiar's approach to Brexit, calling him 'out of touch'

>Cuck Clegg 'begs' for second EU referendum

>Eurozone likely to break up no matter how hard France and Germany try to save it, warns investment bank

>Farron made decision to quit before the General Election

>Schools need more ETHNIC teachers to reflect pupil demographics

>Press S to spit on Venus Williams' grave

>Lidl and Marks & Spencer recall Haggis over fears it could be carrying deadly form of food poisoning


Other urls found in this thread:

Anime is gay

You are a sick fuck. Three years ago, I was bummed by a man like you. It ruined my life. I'm still broken, no matter what I do to try and fix it. I can't move on. The scars run too deep. You don't even care about how those girls are affected. You don't care that you're breaking their spirits, dreams, and everything they hoped to be. My joy in life was taken away, stolen by someone like you. You don't deserve to live for the pain you caused those girls.


You are a sick fuck. Three years ago, I was bummed by a man like you. It ruined my life. I'm still broken, no matter what I do to try and fix it. I can't move on. The scars run too deep. You don't even care about how those girls are affected. You don't care that you're breaking their spirits, dreams, and everything they hoped to be. My joy in life was taken away, stolen by someone like you. You don't deserve to live for the pain you caused those girls.

So what did Jacob Rees-Mogg actually mean by this?

He previously had another twitter account which had very few tweets on it. Yet now, he's started this new account as if starting from scratch. His first tweet, which means essentially "times change, and people change with them" is ambiguous and interesting for a few reasons.

For one, Mogg has always been seen as a perpetual backbencher, and he has always seemed content with that. But perhaps he is now saying that, since times are the way they are, he would consider being more ambitious? He supported everyone but Theresa May for Tory leadership and now likely despises her more for her electoral failures.

Add to this his Question Time performance the other week. He was not simply towing the Tory line. Rather, he used first person pronouns, talking about what he himself would do if leader. He sounded like he was in a leadership campaign.

And of course, he is aware of his new popularity among young people. Could he now me looking to greater things than simply serving his constituents? Has the Mogg finally found ambition?

We're the fucking best

If anyone's interested in definitely getting on the air for a radio show to spout unwelcome views - about anything - talkRADIO's got a straight-to-air show on right now for the next 2 and a half hours.

It's usually a sex advice show but the usual host is away. There's no firewalling, they don't phone you back, you're put straight on when the last caller is done.

nth for English independence

Tripfags deserve to get raped imo

He's saying that his party is just as committed as Labour to physically changing the population of the British Isles

Mogg for PM
fuck the anti-unionists

Some new pasta I don't know about

politics is slow today lad, stick the kettle on and lets have a good chat

I did a kek

We found Rightly on reddit. Or rather he gave it to us after a cry for help.

the mogg has been unclogged. queue the tripmongs with their ebin mogg pasta

Mogg would be a huge mistake. He might seem popular but it'd all fall through under the scrutiny of a leadership position. If he did make that play it'd be foolish bravado on his part.

Never actually realised just how much time YKTD spent here, he made under all his trip codes at least 30 thousand posts


good post

stupid frogposter

Times change, and we must change with them?
My latin is shit, but that seems like he's sending a nice little message to his oxbridge chums about his true agenda.
Fuck him, where's my Nige

You say that like you think you know anything about my situation. You have no idea how much counseling I've gone to, self defense classes, and medication I've been on. Despite all of that, the topic of rape still cuts me to the core. And you think its because I didn't try hard enough. I hope you never have to experience something like that.

feel free to make a better one urself

I used to call in to Clive Bull's show. Interesting that hosts are still braving straight to air

I'm torn. I think it's a gamble, for sure, but he's an intelligent and eloquent man who can defend himself. The trouble is, as you suggest, he just doesn't seem to be a natural leader. But I guess the response to that is that Theresa May's on the autistic spectrum and she still somehow appeared (at one point) a strong leader.

you fucking ruined my OC
fuck you you fucking faggot


I bet she's all for open borders though eh, let's see what she has to say when a muzzie comes for round two


Seeing more and more "diversification" up here in L'Pool lads. It used to just be Kensington(istan). Now there's a fucking towelhead on every street.

>Tfw you thought the white trash scum would scare off the muzzers.

Fucks sakes, at least the chavs were white

Nth for being a complete autist at a 50th Birthday party


fuck you nigger make it a frog or woj you lazy cunt

you're there phoneposting? fuck sake steer, go and get that milf you were on about

Chavs are big talk until they have to actually fight either peacefully or otherwise

>Eddie is infront of me on this list
He needs to calm down with the shitposting tbqh
Fuck off YKTD

Get the fuck off of this website you fucking piece of shit,
R9k faggots like you should be wiped off the face of the Earth you fucking scum
Take your fucking reddit and facebook normalfaggotry back to hell

Doesn't Liverpool have the highest concentration of far lefties and commies in the country?

Reap what you sow

found the filthy plebbit fag

>Talk to girls
>Have sex
You must have me mistaken for someone else


Less than 24 hours before Doctor Who becomes full tranny sex change.

Hey bongs. You guys in these threads seem pretty helpful. Can you help me? I may be visiting a family friend who is a coalburner and has 2 mongrel kids. I'm not moving out of my parents house until next year, so I'm obliged to go. How do I hide my power level?

larp as a lefty

The reason so many of you cretins like Mogg isn't because he is a traditional conservative or because he isn't your average politician, it's because he acts that way and you all fall for it. People can grab onto him as a personality because there isn't much to him, he is the same as all the other MPs who voted for the Snoopers Charter while claiming to have liberal values - short sighted, hypocritical and only cares about what appearance he gives off. Go ahead and mock the moggpasta that WN put together, but it shows well and truly that he doesn't care about conservatism.

He left Traditional Britain Group not because it was advocating attacks on foreign people, but just because the media caught wind of its right of centre ideas and Mogg left because he only cares about being popular, all they said was that people should be returned to their homeland and agreed with Marine Le Pen, but that was too much for him.

If you unironically like Mogg you are not a conservative.

Must not have realised you were a beta trip fag and not a based alpha anonymong who fucks 30 girls a minute

Nobody actually believes Mogg is reliable you dumbass

Probably yeah. I blame the chimp out over the unions in the 80's, and the shilling against right wing governments because of that, lead lots of people straight to the (((leftwing))

You finish in 2 seconds?

What a dumb fucking question.

I can't wait for the 13th doctor to be STRONG AND BLACK AND SHE TAKES NO SLACK

Lots of people here do.

Pretend to be fools all the time and fools will soon feel at home.


Tldr, he's a career politician, don't trust him

its time

>If you unironically like Mogg you are not a conservative.
what did he mean by this
mogg is more conservative than the majority of the conservative party


Only an anonymong could bring bants like that

Make sure to use capital letters to indicate proper nouns, you wouldn't want to mislead people into thinking the Conservative party are conservative.

What is with the big media campaign surrounding Mogg

He's not a serious contender for the leadership

At best he'd be a John Redwood-style stalking horse

>all they said was that people should be returned to their homeland and agreed with Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen is a socialist lmao. I don't know why he would want to be associated with a group which supports socialists. And btw I don't want Rees-Mogg for leader so I'm not some mad fanboy obsessed with defending him.


The fact that he was part of Traditional Britain at least shows he was taking some action without pressure.

He left to preserve his position, not because he wanted to.

That said I don't think he is "conservative". But he has a wonderful knowledge of history, the constitution and on thought and reason over just seeking trends. That puts him miles ahead of 95% of the MPs in the commons.

they are the most conservative party with a chance of winning an election and i welcome anyone who might help make it even more conservative, like mogg

AN(GL)ONYMONG unity when?

That doesn't matter at all because it's not why he dropped them. He dropped them because the media cottoned on, that was it. He claimed ignorance but nobody believes that.

The tory party is not conservative. At all. It spent years organising itself so it can never be conservative. It never will be. Mogg won't do anything other than be ignored, or get thrown out.

He left because he wanted to preserve his popularity, if he actually was of decent character and had integrity then he would have defended his positions, not just cave in at the first instance of media bullying.

>The tory party is not conservative

>they are the most conservative party with a chance of winning an election

what's your suggestion on getting a more conservative party to the helm?
or you solution in general?

On the topic of revealing tripfags, anyone got the Prußen is a girl screen cap.

If Labour fell to 5% in the polls, that 5% would be Liverpool

wtf i love the eu now



The Conservative party support abortion, soft drug laws, soft criminal justice, support mass migration, support massively invasive surveillance laws and not even the most conservative of Conservatives are willing to actually even say anything about the literal murder of babies in Parliament. The Conservatives are just as much of a lost cause as the Green party.

up in Kenya sorry I mean Kensington
Okay thank you

okay, what's your solution then?

i vote tory because they're the most conservative party with a chance of winning an election.

Also gentlemen

Democracy is a rigged game.

After the Manchester bombing the Mayor of London said we need to build BRIDGES, do you think he gave the code word for the attack on London bridge less than 2 weeks later

Nigga the election campaign's over, it's time to go back to wherever you came from
>FPTP a rigged game

so your solution is to end democracy or?
fuck you god bless this union that together created an empire that spanned a third of the world
i'm not advertising i'm genuinely asking what you tripfags think the solution is

What actually happened to DKNY

so lads in 40 years, the population will be at 30+ billion. solution?

And where will that lead? If people keep voting for them it signals to them that people are fine with their increasing liberalisation. Stop voting for them to make room for a proper right wing party.

Gotta hand it to /myboy/ JRM, he performed great on this

I know I know, we have our anti-JRMs here on brit/pol/, and I understand their arguments.

So lads, have they released the names of the acid attacks yet?

You all know coulter's law

My solution is that if there is to be any hope of saving this country, that is to say saving this country's people, their identity, then the only hope is for a change in the first past the post voting system, a massive sudden change in the public opinion or some kind of military coup. I'll let you decide how likely any of that is.

>t yankistani spic

Will Coulter's law be remembered and studied in a century's time?

I am sexually attracted to Rightly So, he is so scrummy

I am a 54yo gay man and lost control of my spincter muscles long ago due to poppers and buggering

if we stop voting for them then labour will win
also, i argue with one tripfag and then different ones reply, what's going on?
see my solution is keeping the tories in power under scrutiny forcing them to slowly become more right wing, Mogg would be the next step in that goal.

The perpetrators are two """vulnerable children"" aged 15 and 16 therefore cannot be named.

>vulnerable children

Really? Name and shame those cunts. They're grown men not kids.

after all, nige got brexit to happen by hard work over a long time whereas people like mosley and enoch failed because they pushed too hard too fast

According to the (((UN))), the 13th billion human will never be born
Change in the voting system, there's an appetite in the general populace for change but they get told to fuck off by FPTP

I'll concede that he did well on this.