What is Sup Forums's opinion on Planned Parenthood? I support them because they put the negro population in check
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Planned Parenthood? I support them because they put the negro population in check
>they put the negro population in check
>meanwhile africa is set to become the most populous continent on the planet and you're just thinking about the US
Daily Dose:
>implying that these trends will continue
I think planned parent hood is a pretty cool guy, he kills fetuses and just doesn't give a fuck.
I suppose the lynchpin of the argument is whether you believe life begins at conception or some other arbitrary date.
It's conditioning people to disregard and even kill their offspring. Pretty fucked up I'd say.
Planned Parenthood is an excellent group of people helping the needs of American citizens.
Utilitarians are on the wrong side of history.
I hate to tell you this but abortion at this rate will start to become more popular witb other races unless things change. Also seeing anyone kill their offspring sends a message to people that they're not worth living, even if it's subconsciously. They also supply cults with remains too you know.
lol who cares
I do if that counts for anything.
Jewish based religions NOT EVEN ONCE
Satanic organization
Being okay with them just because they get rid of niggers is the kikiest goddamned thing I've ever heard. Right's right and wrong's wrong.
This. The bible was written by Jews for Jews.
Wtf I love Satan now
Are you saying we've been bamboozled?
Daily reminder that anti-abortion means anti-white.
Implying rafts can cross the Atlantic with a survival rate higher than 0%.
It's funny cause abortion is a huge killer of niggers, which is great. Keeps their shitty populations from exploding.
Abortion was designed to kill white babies but it backfired, as it turns out niggers can't control themselves.
So how do all these blacks afford abortions?
EBTs and credit cards
Just replace it all with UBI and people will make the most rational decisions.
Planned Parenthood clinics are located in the hood for a reason. My official post is the planned parenthood clinic in the Third Ward in Houston, TX.
Just LARPing bump
I am against all abortions for whites, but the other races deserved free abortions, we must not curtail their reproductive rights.
>reproductive rights
>not voluntarily practicing eugenics
I may not respect your opinions, but I respect your digits.
>tfw being a janitor hoovering up baby remains
>mfw locked in the underground breeding pens
I oppose them because they teach white girls to use birth control.
Murders of innocent babies.
>I support them because they put the negro population in check
>I support a literal death cult that has killed millions as ritual sacrifice because i want to be an edgy nazi
made me think
I understand someone else is the "leader" of BLM?
Guess most people aren't inclined to save anti-abortion memes.
And that makes controlling the niggers a bad thing because?..
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
its up to a woman but seriously, it is a medical procedure after 2 months when they can do it with a pill which is like a big period cramps and all.
condoms,the pill, depo injections all exist now so they should be pushing those instead of abortion. They should tell women yes an abortion fucking hurts, taking a pill with a headache is probably easier.
Moloch Inc.
This meme has to stop.
>The most promiscuous race are blacks
>Therefore they are most likely to get pregnant
>A woman can only have ONE child per year
>Just because a nigger has an abortion in January it doesn't mean she'll have one in February
>If she keeps the child in February how many children will she be able to have that year?
>If she hadn't had an abortion in January, would she get double pregnant in February?
>In that case whether she had an abortion in January is completely irrelevant because due to the promiscuity of blacks she'll still be having the same amount of niglets she would be having if she hadn't had an abortion in January
Even if a nigger had abortion after abortion one year and had a niglet the next year the number who weren't born is negligible due to their promiscuity and constantly being pregnant. Whites on the other hand aren't as promiscuous (or just in case that's naivety on my part which it probably is, I'll say...) whites have safer sex than blacks and this is proven by the STD rate among blacks compared to the much white rate. If people are having safer sex then the chances of them getting pregnant are a lot lower and this results in them needing less abortions. What's the issue with that? The pregnancy by the whites is due to the precaution's failure and not because they don't take precautions. This makes the number of white abortions actually mean something because the chances of them getting pregnant again the follow month is a lot lower because of the precautions they already take. What does that mean? That there are a lot less accidental pregnancies that go full term among whites unlike with blacks. Whites are stopping the creation of a life and then have a plan B should it fail because they can have an abortion. Niggers skip the first step and are left with no plan B if they don't get an abortion which aids in a higher black population thanks to having legal abortion.
WTF I love PP now!
they fund democrats who flood us with africans and perform abortions on tons of whites in the second to last white haven. also they hate god. fuck planned parenthood
Archive or screenshot please
Are you everywhere at once? How many LCD screens do you have. I imagine you have at least 8 and have scripts that monitor all boards for http or https then a red light and siren goes off whenever on is detected.
ikr lmao thats why i named screen shot that desu
Hilarious way to keep child sacrifices going in the modern age.
well I like that it kills children but I hate that it gives women choices