Sargon of Akkad is a fucking faggot. He is controlled opposition to make kek worship cringe level. We need to sage him and stop giving him views.
Post all sargon hate
Sargon of Akkad is a fucking faggot. He is controlled opposition to make kek worship cringe level. We need to sage him and stop giving him views.
Post all sargon hate
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You mean Cuckon of Blackdad?
>false profit
Anyways, all of the anti-SJW youtubers are the worst kind of pseuds, that go for the low hanging fruit with insults and non arguments, and just say "bro it was a joke i was kidding" if you try to argue them.
Should stick to shitting on feminists, they are horrible at political analysis or theory.
Every one of them insists we will fight ISIS by reforming islam, ignoring that what ISIS is doing is exactly reforming islam, interpreting their book literally instead of listening to priestly caste interpretations.
Kek worship is cringe level, but feel free to spam this thread until you get totes sick digits you can screencap for Reddit karma.
This guy got outsmarted by Joe fucking Rogan
I've seen this guy mentioned all the time, but I don't know who that is. If he isn't 14/88 to the core he might aswell kill himself.
Don't care.
>controlled opposition
he just doesnt like SJWS because they are authoritarian
he bashes on muslims because he doesnt like any kind of religion
he isnt controlled opposition, just opposition, like every other liberal
ITT: A bunch of ass pained communists mad at the livestream yesterday.
He is controlled to make us look bad by being fat and larping online
people ask your self why did this
get banned from youtube but sargon did not.
Civic nationalism is a dead ideology, it's a contradiction from the start. A nation is primarily genetic. Worship of the state undermines the citizen-state relationship degenerating it to subject-lord.
Styx and Sargon are wrong on this, because they're afraid to admit to themselves that the only long term solution is racial segregation and expulsion of certain peoples from where they currently reside. It won't be nice, it will be violent, and anyone above 10th percentile agreeable will bitch about it until the end of time, but so be it. The alternative is ethnic conflict until the races homogenize (50 generations? 100 generations? 1000 generations? A long fucking time).
gotta check those digits
I'm sick of pseuds like Sargon of Akkad, who thinks incorrectly quoting ancient greeks makes him clever, and Dave 'i'm a classical liberal but i don't really know what it is' Rubin.
We need to publicly lynch sargon for giving kek a bad name to redeem our memes
>Obvious Marxist who is butthurt that Sargon ass raped 3 Marxists in a debate almost simultaneously, and the only way he could have blown them the fuck out even more was by going full ancap
Yeah, go cry some more, Marxist scum. Have a F A S H W A V E
>controlled opposition
le I am le so smart le everything is le fake on le internet
if he was ranting about killing jews like you'd prefer then he'd probably be controlled opposition
Kek demands the hanging of (((sargon of akkad)))
gassing jews. If wanted to gas jews he would be a based hero and banned from (((youtube)))
The eternal at it again. When will your thirst for white blood end you greedy fucktards?
>Externally vomits
>This guy got outsmarted by Joe fucking Rogan
He got outsmarted by Kristi "Dr Prof PhD SJW BBC DPS FTMTF" Winters, Esq. who is literally the dumbest woman on Youtube after Wooly Bumblebee.
Someone subvert this.
He needs to be taken care of...
What? Why can't you speak like a normal fucking person to me instead of hiding behind x layers of irony to get your point across?
Wtf are you trying to say, speak up?
This vid is obligatory to watch:
sauce on that sargon btfo of marxists?
fuck sarcuck, get in here lads /pol CLEANSING SQUADS GENERAL/
you are the faggot, faggot.
Almost every bullet point in his speech is a kill shot. I don't like that he says Marxism is inevitable, because it isn't, but still, it was an excellent debate.
>We need to sage him
Did you just learn this word? It doesn't mean what you think it does.
Civic nationalist are clueless
Not bad
When the fuck did we ever like Sargoy of Mossad?