Welcome to Paris haha


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who man them refugees?


There's literally nothing wrong with that.
Paris is more successful than ever.
When will you bigots ever learn?

Can confirm

Paris is an extension of africa

Climate change.

Hmm. 62%. What did they mean by this?

Looks like NYC.

looks like africa

If you could read Chinese or Japanese then you'd be in for a world of laughter.

There's so many fucking rants from Asians about how much Paris sucks and how they couldn't tell it apart from Africa.

I don't have a problem with assimilated blacks.
Theyre not feral American niggers.

I want to do this around my city, what kind of camera do you think was used here?

(DSLR, GoPro, iPhone?)

1 thread / hour about this vid.
It seems the bitch really needs some views... Clik and give the jew more money betacuck

Well, they aren't wrong. This is as bad as the Congo

>stay at apartment in La Republique
>go to subway station first night
>literally someone waving an ISIS flag in the square

They don't mention North Africans? Are they putting them under White? xD

No idea. I was wondering what "some other race" was and how it increased from 2% of the population to 10%

the whiteknights from her discord keep making threads.

They don't mention the fucking j*ws ruining the city neither

you stupid motherfucker jews are blowing people up or cutting their necks

better learn arabic

So do these niggers have jobs?


^ should be AREN'T as in are not blowing people up or cutting their necks the way the muslims are.

Their job is breeding the hottest french girls.


welcome to america ahhahaha

>what the fook is he wearin
>40-yo carrying a schoolbag
>the man can't even fooking read

>success measured by how much elites earn
meanwhile poor people are relegated to african status by their own country by the simple act of caring for them the same.

This statistic is disinfo, that is from the census of Paris, Texas. Not Paris, France.

no fucking w3ay they are flying isis flags in France. I can't believe that one

Ok, come back when you learn something about the middle east retard. My bad, you're a jew, you know very well what game you play with the IS.

>American indians in france
I'm really thinking here

It's just not fucking fair. Why does the West have to import all these fucking shitskins and bash on whites for not being tolerant enough but not the Kikes and Asians who are the most untolerant racists and have a nearly all homogenous population in their countries. Fuck this double standard bullshit fuck fuck it's not fair fuck the west fuck the Jews fuck the leftists fuck everything our fucking race is dying aaaaahhhhhhhhhh make it stop just make it fucking stoooooppp

how is this possible? are those legal citizens or refugees?

>I don't have a problem with assimilated blacks
Civic nationalist kekistani faggot detected. Fucking neck yourself. No nigger should be allowed in the west

>every single car looks like what a woman would drive


Born and raised in France. Currently over 70% of new-borns in Paris are non-white.

Good spot. Apparently I'm retarded. Do you think it has increased or decreased since 1992 when it was 79% French and French by acquisition?

>Brittany is the lowest
Are Brittonic languages the ultimate sandnigger repellent?

>Percentage of newborns being checked for sickle cell disease, which affec black and arabic populations


Typical sandnigger only argument is MUH J000000ZZ!!!1!!!


its the current year:paris has become africa

Ethnicity statistics are impossible to get a hold of as I'm sure you know they're illegal in France. Being of French nationality doesn't really tell us much about ethnicity statistics at this point.

Oh, it's true. And it doesn't even accout for mixed kids with on native European parent.

Dno who the fuck would open up a store on these streets

people like you are the reason your country is going down the toilet.

Italia, Greece = black and arab now
Shit I missed something

Dare you to walk those streets alone at night as a girl

>I don't have a problem with the IQ of France dropping 4 points in one year as I am replaced, outbred, and turned into a minority as my ancestral homeland turns into an islamizes african multicultural hellhole

This is what happens when single moms raise sons

*one decade

This is the best thing i've found so far.

I'm sure that Paris is full of Southern Italians and Greeks and they're bredding like crazy

Realtalk now. There's not that many of them in France and I don't see a reason why their fertility rates would be growing faster that those of the rest of Europeans.

Dare you to walk those streets alone at night as a girl

Is this suggesting that 75% of all children born in Paris have one or two parents from a non-EU country at risk of sickle cell?

nuke us please

It looks like an average day in literally any major part of America.

Seems to me like somebody needs a nuke or two to remove the black plague.

Fuck that shit. I wanted to go to Paris one day, but seeing that video makes me want to stay right here. Paris is a lost cause now.

Pretty much. Here's an article on that subject.

I was in Spain a few days ago. I came back to Sweden and felt like I came to Afghanistan.

Spain is going to see a massive influx in migration soon from people escaping this shit, bet you that much.

I can go in the USA and make the same kind of video, what's your point ?

Is the succees measured in rape and riots?

>canada is more white than france

Sickle cell also counts Arabs and South Europeans (Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spaniards) I think. And anyway, I wouldn't call it relatable. Stop your wild cuckhold fantasies. Paris is Paris is Paris. We have ethnic neighborhood, but going there and telling ignorant Americans "that's all of Paris" is retarded

The Ameri-burger and his uber-retardation makes me seethe with anger

Your country is in Europe, homeland of whites.
>homeland of whites
>Filled to the brim with non-whites

That would be like going through bejing and only seeing blacks and muzzies Or Tokyo and only seeing mexicans,

Pretty sad boy, Good luck becoming a minority in the homeland of the french.

pretty sure everyone other than the U.S is

looks like France is trying to take the king cuck trophy from the U.S

I thought i'd see a nigger every 100-300 meters, i didn't know it's that bad.

Nah, you're a dumbass. Cherry picking a shitty part of the city does not meanyou only see shitskins if the whole city, stop being retarded.

ofc they're too much and need to gtfo

Why are you so quick to dismiss it and insult me for engaging in cuckold fantasies when all i was doing was having a polite conversation with my Polish friend over here? You seem unreasonably defensive.

And even if it does include Italians and Greeks it still seems to suggest that at some point Ethnic French people will be a minority in their capital. It has already happened to British people in London.

nothing pierre. things are going great for france.

idiot detected

Why are you being so fucking defensive of your shitskins?

Fuck you and your dead nation.

>Children born in France to foreign parents are automatically granted French citizenship
>between 80,000 and 100,000 people to enter the country illegally each year
>People born abroad and living in France can acquire French citizenship if they satisfy certain conditions. In 2009 the number of naturalised persons was 135,000

So lets say they naturalised 100k since 1960 and have 50k illegals since 1960 and 3 foreigner children per foreigners. So that's like 3500000 illegals and 7000000 naturalised and 15000000 foreigner children.
French foreigners:
- 5500000 foreigner
- 3500000 illegals
- 7000000 naturalised
- 15000000 foreigner children
31000000 foreigners
So France is 50% non-French.

It's not just Paris, France is 50% non-French, they just delusional and ignore it.

RIP white bois
RIP race war..
you had your chance, but you sat at home and did nothing..

t. cucked by sweden since 500 years

I'm just tired of retarded poltard who believe France is 99% shitskin

breaking news : shitskins live in ghetto and you'll only see shitskins in ghetto

kys with your retarded numbers

>ofc they're too much and need to gtfo
>Cherry picking a shitty part of the city does not meanyou only see shitskins
Nah, you're a dumbass

At this rate your gonna become a minority

How are those numbers retarded? They are based on facts.

You people are fucked. All of your countries are going to be Blacker than the US soon. Blacks are far, far worse than any other migrant group. Blackness is basically the opposite of civilization.

Sure, the US gets Mexicans and Chinese, but at least the Mexicans come from a similar culture thanks to the Spanish, and the Chinese are well-behaved and high achievers. Meanwhile you're all getting flooded with blacks and Arabs who want to blow themselves up all because your leaders are crying over trying to atone for the Holocaust, colonialism, or collaborationism, to the point that they're eager to help the Jews get revenge. When a civil war eventually erupts over this shit the US will probably have to come in and clean up your mess, too.

Thats wrong country, its in texas. this is the best i could find for actual Paris and it's from 1992 before all the mass immigration started.

It wasn't a ghetto. That was the Paris Suburbs. Are you trying to say a young blond Canadian woman could walk through a ghetto without being mugged and raped?


So long as it's people escaping that shit rather than wanting to shit the place up. Sweden seemed like a nice place with nice people. I'm sorry to see it turned out the way it did.

It's kind of funny.
They sat at home and did nothing to stop it.
Now their nation is filled with dindu nuffins.


Look I'm all for the no mudshit but it's not gonna happen, we have Macron and poltard believe he's based because he says africans have too much kids

No they're cutting dicks instead.

You goddamned moron, everyone knows kikes have run Paris for a while, and just look at it now. Surely just another (((coincidence))), I guess.

2017 success comes from how virtuous of a signal is intended

It was so nice, white, safe and clean when I was there in 2000. I went last summer and was shocked at how fast it declined and the change in demographics. I also visit my friend in Utrecht Netherlands every summer... Over the last 9 years I've been doing that I am saddened at how each year it gets worse and worse. There are now places in Utrecht he is afraid to go to and he won't allow his wife to wear shorts when she has to travel through that part of town because the muslims will get mad at her and yell insults and get close to violence. Europe is completely fucked.

Idiots like you are the reason why. Yes, we have blacks, muslims etc. here. But by and large they make an attempt to assimilate. Your immigrants don't. They don't learn your language, they don't want to dress like you, they don't want to accept your customs. In fact, they hate you and want you to live as they did in their shit hole they came from. Mexican immigrants here over the last couple of decades have started to become that way in a lot of areas and guess what? We didn't put our head in the sand and pretend it wasn't happening. Donald Trump ONLY became president because of the mexican issue. You;re too arrogant to admit you have a problem. When you do admit it, it will be too late. (it already is in my opinion)

These days if you aren't a racist they will take all your arms and legs and whole pie. If you are just slightly non-ignorant towards other races they will flood you with cheap labor like if there is no tomorrow, literally. Remember international companies don't even have bank accounts in country of business, they don't care if that country goes up in flames, their money is safe. This is what globalism really means, lack of responsibility.

Is your wife's bull assimilated? Does he read Proust as he fucks her up the arse?

We could have told these fucking idiots about black behavior too, we've been living with them for so long. Even the Arabs can behave themselves if they're cured of Islam, to an extent. But the blacks are just a disaster. There are a very small percentage that are capable of behaving themselves.

I'm not even a white nationalist here, I support mostly liberal policies except on immigration, where it's totally obvious that changing the demographics of society from predominantly European will make that kind of society impossible. These people are hilariously wracked with guilt and afflicted with left-wing Judaism.

>cross the street
>cross the street again
>cross the border into a white nation

show your jewish flag you fucking kike piece of shit

i think everyone has sickle cell now too. good look with all the inbred morons you're going to have in 5 years when they 'grow up'

Those streets looks like brazil but brazil has 0 muslims, and i rarely see people THAT black.


Europe is now muslim tier, anything bad happening there is irrelevant because who cares about a mudslime country? "Another terrorist attack? Who gives a shit, its europe."

I wonder when we'll have to start drone striking terrorist locations in paris and other locations in europe.

Holy shit that's a lot of niggers. And not the mulatos that we are cursed with in the states those are 100% Africans.

>yfw in the future there will be a travel ban on the Caliphate of Europe
>yfw in the future there will probably be German jihadi-Nazis because the Germans will dive into islam with typical German fervor

t. cucked by your own people since the French Revolution

Don't play that game with me, shitskin because you're gonna lose no matter what.

The last time i went to the Netherlands this short african looking dude approached me on my way home at night and said "give me everything you have" lol

seriously, where did the white people go to? wasn't paris 95% white only 40 years ago?