What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
a faggot leaf overreacting to stupid chink attempts at getting youtube bucks
pizzacancer ruined Sup Forums.
Why is it so sexualized?
read my fucking post moron, chinks and poos are bug people and will use extreme concepts for 'weirdness' appeal. theyre just too stupid to do it subtly like american cartoonists.
now stop spamming your pizzacancer faggotry moron. go find a subreddit where that boring shit is deemed acceptable.
Yeah, that's why they got a Polish banker to play Elsa...
nice flag hiding shill
also we have been making a difference because youtube changed their ad monetization and family characters cant be monetized
so thats going to hit them hard when its rolled out
thats only half the battle though because these are still on the kids youtube application and they arent rated mature
it is what children with free access to the internet watch
Pedophilia, my leaf friend. Pedophilia.
Shame this didn't gain much traction.
nah it IS weird
if you spend some time on youtube browsing through kid channels you'll see a lot of them are overly creepy or just openly sexualized
Maybe it's different for animated work but the videos that are live action are almost always made by westerners
It's hard to tell wether it's just some fucks making weird stuff for shits and giggles under the protection of "kids won't get it anyway" or if they're actually trying to fucking do harm
And it sucks that youtube does nothing about it. It's also weird when they will at the same time delete any video remotely refering to politically incorrect stuff
Reminder that there are """music videos""" on youtube right now depicting hardcore gay sex
With today's parent, small kids can spend hours watching "kid" programs on youtube. It's safe, right? Just launch autoplay and the little angel will shut the fuck up for hours on end
I'm not deep into conspiracies but just check videos about it on youtube, it is too big to be nothing
Lmao, it looks like those titles are from a title generator
Hard to answer because there are are various overlapping threads to this story:
>some lame 'alternate reality game' for some shitty bands album launch
>'toy videos' were a lucrative youtube venture when ppl realized they could upload shit for kids and get billions of views (and $)
>what could quite possibly be an orchestrated attempt to expose minors to 'extreme' entertainment sub/consciously through youtube content that is actively being marketed towards children
pizzacancer is literally nigger-tier IQ. you fucking morons cant even type coherent sentences. i dont like accusing people on the internet of being mentally ill, but you white boys have some serious schizophrenic typing habits lol
I'm sure I missed so many jokes in movies and TV shows growing up.
This elsagate thing was big on Sup Forums about a month ago. The idea is that people are trying to make some extra cash by putting out entertaining but strange videos for kids, look at how many views some of these videos have. A lot of these people are in "developing economies" including Ukraine and Vietnam so have more incentive to make extra cash on the side. There's a conspiracy theory that the videos are actually meant to brainwash kids, either when they're at home so that they're easier to abuse after they're kidnapped, or maybe after they're kidnapped but before they're abused. Here's a channel about investigating this: youtube.com
Supposedly some of the people in the comments section have uploaded real child abuse videos, but FWIW they would be interested in anything that has to do with kids anyway...
You're trying too hard, Mr.goldenstein.
its not about /x/ tier logic
its about google not censoring this material on the kids only mode
My #1 question is why the videos have similar themes. Video makers in Ukraine and Vietnam injecting stomachs and squirting goo on people's faces? And the nursery rhyme "daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?" Unless copycats are just looking at what is the most successful.
Fuck off
One of the networks that owns a lot of these youtube channels is Fullscreen Network. Fullscreen is owned by Otter Media, which owns CrunchyRoll.
Otter Media is a joint venture by AT&T and the Chernin Group. The Chernin Group is owned by Peter Chernin - a big time liberal who did fundraisers for Obama.
Pic Related.
>One of the networks that owns a lot of these youtube channels
How do you know? Would explain why they seem to reuse content.
Youtube Channels can be claimed by networks if the content creators are okay with it. I belive it says so on the channel - but you can use the website Socialblade to see live stats for any particular channel.
Things like their network, their sub and view count, and their expected revenue on any video they upload.
This channel Fun Kids Smile has no subs, 12 videos, and millions of views. Also claimed by Fullscreen.
I don't know how many Fullscreen claims, but it seems like the "Fun X Y Z channels are theirs.
lol funny how pizzacancer cant even formulate actual comebacks. they just have to accuse people of being boogeymen or telling them to go away.
sorry faggots, this is not your safespace.
I always just thought they were using bots to get their views as I or anyone I know didn't even hear of this shit until recently.
>wont show real flag
Don't you have a dating sim to masturbate to?
Bots are certainly contributing. You should compare view counts between various videos and see if there is a trend. I know I noticed one channel had views that were a little too consistent among videos.
this faggot is diverting conversation.
This shit is fucking weird. there are numerous and examples of these types of videos targeting children in all sorts of which ways. 100% odd, 100% not okay, 100% intentional
Maybe just maybe they are weird ass fucking cartoons by retards trying to make money. Have you ever seen a kid wanna punch doll or something well imagine that stupidity in a cartoon
You replied to the wrong Southernfag you gen x retard
worst fucking comebacks ive ever seen. no arguments presented, just white goy spazzfests.
ps good job demanding me to give up my pride for my homeland. funny how degeneracy LARPers have the same problems with free speech that SJWs have.
what the fuck man
>0 Subscribers
>That much money and views
>actually being this autistic
I have so much pity for you user
God damn it, Podesta. What are you doing making cartoons?
Thanks for sharing, looks like Webs & Tiaras - Toy Monster Compilations and RomanAtwoodVlogs are both under Studio71.
lol i didnt post a single autistic thing you fucking mong. im not the one obsessed with shitty chink cartoons designed to garner youtube monetization.
Also that channel, "Fun Kids Smile" was originally created back in 2007, and was presumably inactive - or scrubbed - and starting this month has been pumping out one video of this garbage a day. Also the account ID is mrefahrer implying it was just a normal user account that was taken over.
If you browse the front page of a popular MindGeek site, it's startlingly like these popular Elsa videos, in terms of how the videos are named, their quirky themes, and even the thumbnail images, example attached.
wow this is what a real life paid shill looks like ladies and gentlemen
lol this is paranoia to such an extreme extent. i fucking WISH i was getting paid to post this shit, but unfortunately my only motive is ridding Sup Forums of this white noise LARPing bullshit.
why dont you go make a pizzagate subreddit if you are so obsessed with it?
You the same guy that get's mad about the "MKUltra" videos that get posted in these threads?
I mean, who gets off on a girl with a grubby tattoo with her "step-daddy" and who is entertained by a creepy daytime stalker? It's like they're making adults more childlike, and children more adultlike...
This has been going on for years...
First ((((they)))) tried the games angle
i get mad at anything designed to delegitimize real issues in the world. you faggots sure fall for jewish tricks easily.
Creepy, but what's the objective?
You gotta be pretty obtuse and retarded to think a 2 second joke that flies over children's heads is the same as a 10 minute video that is explicitly and overtly sexual.
My theory is that all this shit is by a group of richfags that gets off at the idea of little girls getting tricked into watching gross shit.
>funny how degeneracy LARPers have the same problems with free speech that SJWs have.
This. The real problem is authoritarian thought and behavior
do you really think that thing is normal?
He's not paid to think, friendo
Considering how long stuff that really shouldn't be in shows for kids has been in shows for kids...
0:47 is the first thing I see on TV that scared me, what were they thinking?
Trying to imply that there is anything wrong with authoritarian thought and behavior
>faggot detected
why are jews so desperate for our kids.
I'm sorry for your childhood trauma, lol, but you've got to consider context. When roger rabbit came out, it was a theatrical release for adults
>videos are clearly marketed towards kids every way you look at them
>videos use famous and beloved characters to normalize degenerate, violent, and perverse actions
It's that simple. Does that not warrant investigation?
>inb4 "Oy vey! Don't look too deep into this goyim! It's nothing!"
Absolutely no one in the thread takes your faggotry seriously because with every post you screech empty strawmen in broken English. This isn't even pizzagate you illiterate fucking monkey.
Nope. Not implying at all. I'm flatly stating it. If you can't see the parallel between RW authoritarianism and SJWs, then it is you sir who is the giant faggot.
Nah it wasn't trauma but it was wtf
I didn't realize that it was for adults, that explains a lot lol
Anyway, it pales in comparison to the stuff on yootoob like bloody dismemberment and abortions
>why are they so desperate for ad money
Check out the views on those cheap nursery rhymes. They let bots push their views and make it trending to cash in ad money.
>white people are so fucking stupid they need a nanny state to tell them how to think
fucking lol some master race
Uh yeah. Honestly one of the things that has fucked with me the most. I had no way to see that shit as a kid, I cant imagine growing up now with all the porn & gore online. I often wonder How one parents their kids effectively around such major rabbit holes of corruption
You're the same like from yesterday's thread. Your posting style is exactly the same.
I'm almost 30. I've seen some atrocious things but this stuff is very unsettling. I anticipate nightmares.
What the fuck
>so stupid he think everyone that can type coherent sentences is the same person
blech. i didnt even go on Sup Forums yesterday.
I don't think nudity's a problem but the porn today is really sick, lots of incest and blackmail, not good. No more age warnings either, I thought there was some sort of law to have an age warning on the front page. Gore is another story, unlike (healthy) sex it's a bad thing, no doubt adults in a few decades will have mental problems that go back to seeing that stuff as kids.
Uncanny valley + possible pedo shit
>white goy spazfests
Who said i'm white you delusional faggot?
Some troll trying to traumatise children
You are incorrect
>shitskin (or worse, a jew) that fell for pizzagate
>calls others delusional faggots
lol have fun with your controlled opposition dipshit
that's some next level psy-op shit
But who would think this'd go unnoticed?
Clearly these things are planned, but why being so obvious?
These are not subliminal messages but can be quite easily interpreted as fucked up shit meant to disturb and create distress to children
But my main concern is why would any parent let their children on youtube without supervision?
Why would you even let your 5 year old with internet devices?
Are parents retarded, what the fuck is wrong with them?
This content is beyond fucked, but parents are also 100% responsible for being bluepilled retards.
nt even go on Sup Forums yesterday.
Anonymous (ID: LwZsTn10) 07/15/17(Sat)18:51:22 No.133777878▶
I don't think nudity's a problem but the porn today is really sick, lots of incest and blackmail, not good. No more age warnings either, I thought there was some sort of law to have an age warning on the front page. Gore is another story, unlike (healthy) sex it's a bad thing, no doubt adults in a few decades will have mental problems that go back to seeing that stuff as kids.
Anonymous (ID: LwZsTn10) 07/15/17(Sat)19:07:15 No.133779357▶
Uncanny valley + possible pedo shit
Anonymous (ID: QUQ6aehm) 07/15/17(Sat)19:12:19 No.133779826▶
>white goy spazfests
Anonymous (ID: xzfgmqbe) 07/15/17(Sat)19:12:30 No.133779850 ▶Who said i'm white you delusional faggot?
Anonymous (ID: PFre2Pkn) 07/15/17(Sat)19:13:46 No.133779955 ▶
Some troll trying to traumatise children
Anonymous (ID: xzfgmqbe) 07/15/17(Sat)19:14:52 No.133780055 ▶
File: ok.jpg (66 KB, 1024x448)
66 KB
You are incorrect
Anonymous (ID: c0OcsfeP) CF 07/15/17(Sat)19:15:31 No.133780104 ▶
>shitskin (or worse, a jew) that fell for pizzagate
>calls others delusional faggots
lol have fun with your controlled opposition dipshit
Anonymous (ID: XrJdFwWr) WP 07/15/17(Sat)19:16:03 No.133780163 ▶
that's some next level psy-op shit
But who would think this'd go unnoticed?
Clearly these things are planned, but why being so obvious?
These are not subliminal messages but can be quite easily interpreted as fucked up shit meant to disturb and create distress to children
But my main concern is why would any parent let their children on youtube without supervision?
Why would you even let your 5 year old with internet devices?
Are parents retarded, what the fuck is wrong with them?
This content is beyond fucked, but parents are also 100% responsible for being bluepilled retards.
What the fuck is even happening here
If you watch the following video (it's short) and still think there's nothing sinister about them, pic related
Pregnancy is a theme of in a lot of these movies, cartoon or live action, maybe it's interesting to kids as a "where do babies come from?" thing, or, if the conspiracy theories are correct, it's to condition them to being bred for satanic ritual or something.
red your trigger is power rangers...
You fags never watched Ren & Stimpy as a kid?
more proof pizzagate is real, wienergate was real, elsa gate was real. JOHN PEDOESTA WAS CAUGHT DUMBASSES.
Disney is in on this shit too letting these channels use their copyrighted characters
Remember they bought Marvel so they own Spiderman too
It's just an AI throwing these things together. That's why there's billions of these fucking videos, all based off of a relative few common frameworks, designed to maximize views and thus ad revenue.
Disney and MTV have long histories of this sort of thing, and have been accused of CP because of how much they show. Maybe it's just that coked out kikes and kids are a bad mix, or maybe there's something more.
You will notice they use clickbait thumbnails a lot, i.e. a frame that doesn't appear in the video at all.
The thumbnails are often more extreme than the content in the videos.
What about the live action stuff tho?
Yahweh is a volcano demon that gets off on child sacrifice. Read the Old Testament. Theyre not exactly subtle about it.
I'm surprised ((((DISNEY)))) allows it. I guess scat pedo innuendos with Elsa and Spiderman is ok but Mickey painted on a kindergarten wall is too much for these kikes.
The new, "edgy" Disney
So they shut them down and the chinks behind them make twenty new ones with the same vids. They'll never win.
t. leaf pedo
It's not unreasonable to suggest that Disney IS profiting off of from these videos.
They'd have plausible deniability and could claim no involvement if the shit hit the fan due to a myriad of umbrella companies acting as a buffer.
Yes they would it's called content ID algorithm and YT can easily shut all these channels down if they wanted
Hardly any news reports about this either it's an obvious psyop
This shit is like IRL brappp posts
Oh baby oh baby oh baby
i love that game
MK Ultra. Finder's Cult. Google it.
It's too early to call it an 'obvious psyop', especially if YT and the uploaders are making $$$. Why stop earning from it unless there is enough public interest to shut it down?