Turkey appreciation thread

Why is there so much hate for turkey on this board? They have

>subdued Russians and helped to fight the Soviet Union
>been an essential member of NATO
>assisted US efforts in the middle east

Turkey appreciation thread.

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And thank you France for defending the Ottomans in the Crimean War from Russian aggression.

No. They sent all their subhuman dregs of their society to us, along with the fucking kurds. There is nothing good about them.

But Turks contribute to your economy :^)



>>member of NATO
>>assisted US
you just posted two reasons why everybody hates them.

Dude you wanted basic workers, were we supposed to send engineers and doctors?

Did you even have any?

yea in turkey we have no doctors or any hospitals for that matter. actually im writing this while riding my camel

are you kidding me?
Roaches are the biggest liar the world has ever seen.
Arrogant and sneaky , the embodiment of primitive.
They live like parasites in our countries, they are constantly trying to enrich themselves by cheating others.
They are mostly uneducated, and commit inbreeding, and we have to feed their handicapped children.

>Roaches are a punishment of God for every country


fuck them

Refute this...


why work when white cucks give you money for free?

Most, if not all, of the Turkish "migrants" need to go home and Make Turkey Great Again, (like based Ataturk did), and then we'll talk. Otherwise, only some Turks are okay.

>subdued russians
Umm sweetie the Russians kicked the turks out of ukraine/crimea and caucasus all by themselves

>fought the Soviet union

Nice proxy you have there ahmed

the europe is their home. all of them have european passports and know the language. you confuse turks with refugees.

roach people
not even worth beeing called untermenshen, just straight to the oven

And you find this asocial attitude good?
You find it right to rob your host?

And you do not understand why we despise you?

> At least you are honest

>the europe is their home

Turkey is their home.

sauce pls

you treated guest workers like slaves when they first came. they worked all their lives so their offspring can live comfy. i dont see anything wrong with it.

not really.



Reminder that Turks are the sons of the Ottoman Empire.

That's utter nonsense
My well-known ones come from yugoslavia and italy, and they have told me everything from the time of the "Gastarbeiter", none of them complains, only you must constantly invent some lies to justify your behavior.
I know you turks very well because I grew up with you.
do you really believe,
we will get eternally ripped off by you?

Turks have been disrupting western society for at least 1000 years. Time to remove kebab.

Well, since they're in Germany, it's your problem, not ours. And treat them good or we won't be very happy with you.

And Germany while we are at it.

See what I mean?It happens again, history repeats, we have no choice. WW1 v2.0Germans and Turks must die.

>Roaches are the biggest liar the world has ever seen.
not saying turksroachs are good but i believe the biggest liar title goes to the jews.

We will send them back to you, then you can feed and educate them by yourself.

Ok, the point goes to you

I understand Turkey isn't great but people should try and fix their own country instead of running away.


As i always say, Turkey is the East's dagger stabbed in the West's leg.
Sometimes the west tries to take it out, it fails, sometimes it tries to integrate the dagger into its body it fails

It must be hard to be a European.

Its too late for that. You and I both know this.

The leg will be amputated. The dagger with it.

That's Russia role, not Turkey.

It's never too late believe me ;-)

Russia is a western country
and being a Turk is also hard because we almost have no friends
at least we still have Azerbaijan. They're practically Turkish though.

But first we need a race war in any European country (for instance in England or Belgium or France)

I appreciate Turkey for making Gyros almost as good as the Greeks do.

Digits don't lie

and why is that? So you can hop aboard the train? Too afraid to act first? I know you can't... So you say this for another reason. It is too late for you.

I highly doubt that.


>Russia is a western country

Fucking checked!

nice digits but dont take Huntington/Brzezinski/Kissinger very seriously because they have some weird ideas about world domination . The best future for Europe is a full Christian one closer to the early church fathers and without shitskins in it at all

>Essential member of NATO
>Helped lose the Korean War
>Enables fat sharts to store nukes on their land
>Hurrr durr basssd Mooooozlems hehehehe XDDDD can I get an upcunt
>Edit: thanks for the gold kind nigger

Drink bleach and or offer yourself to slanty eyed book chink Turks that will be happy to rape your shaft stained boi cunt.

Turkey is an example of what France will look like in 100 years. The minarets will soon rise above the rooftops of the Louvre and Notre dame, like in Constantinople, Islam will conquer if nothing is done about it.



Link it faggot.
>Turks killing niggers
My God... /our roaches/ ??

Sup Forums BTFO. Whites have Blue Eyes. Therefor pic related. That's right White Boy, you just got out Whited by a Black African Girl.

Nah dude don't be a retard

>let Western Nations do the real work in the Cold War
>done jack shit for NATO other than owning the Bosporus
>Switches loyalties in middle east and is a worse ally than Israel