Redpill me on the Emperor of Mankind.
He is actually a chaos demon, why else does he not give out his name?
I always assumed that he thought that giving out his name would humanize him too much, and make people think that they could take advantage of him.
Greatest human to ever live
didn't become a god till he was put on the golden throne.
Hes origins in Turkey and was made in gay ass shaman orgy so..
>not blonde nor blue eyed
>"God" "emperor"
ppffftt, this is how you know it's fiction.
besides, he's so "super psychic" that he doesn't see his own clone children betraying him?? now his corpse is "preserved" in a machine as an excuse to murder MILLIONS of LIVING psychics EVERY DAY(??) just so "he" can keep a becon in chaosspace(warp) as a lighthouse for ships that SHOULDN'T BE TRAVELING INTO IT ANYWYAY. way to go humanity.
did I miss anything?? "redpill me" ;)
>just so "he" can keep a becon in chaosspace(warp) as a lighthouse for ships that SHOULDN'T BE TRAVELING INTO IT ANYWYAY
It would destroy the Imperium. How would they travel?
how do the other races get around? If recall correctly ( and feel free to set me straight on this ), humans are the only one's using warpspace to "get around town"?
who are the drafting the letter to do you think Sup Forums
He is Anatolian, not Turkish.
he was LARPing as an emperor for the sake of mankind desperately needing guidance
after he got stuck on the throne theres a big chance his power actually enables him to have his own dominion in the warp basically making it heaven and him the god
>no golden-blonde hair
Gws is just terrible at wrighting their super psykers kiros tzeenches main oracle could not see Guliman returning also the light of the Golden throne is a beacon to the nids to feast
its a shame we will never have a fleet of space ships for purifying the filthy zenos
don't be so negative user
so "God is dead"? ( LOL ) but seriously, if his body isn't being sustained by machines and his "whatever" isn't being fed huge amount of psychers, what happens? he gets consumed by the warp? what? seriously, pill meh.
But, we will user.
It is the true end goal.
Our people are destined to conquer yet unknown spaceniggers
>in space
for what purpose?
It's simply a matter of finding life before it finds us and subjugating it or destroying it if it's too powerful to control.
errr I think his psychic presence is helping the astronomica navigate the warp more easily
the original purpose of the throne was to act as a battery for collection of portals so mankind could traverse the warp with true ease (like the eldar)
>He is actually a chaos demon, why else does he not give out his name?
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
Knowing the true name of the subject gives power over any being, not only daemons
>mystics & wise men on earth guathered
Looking into the future, saw great threats to humanity
Decided to incarnate all their souls into a single man.
An inmortal, emperor for man-kind
so, uh, mutually benefiticial symbiosis is out of the question??
Someone want to enlighten an old guy here? Is this Pokemon or something?