>poltards think they're the good guys
How can a board full of pedos, cartoon fappers, and Hitler fappers be the good guys?
Most of you want sex bots because you can't get pussy, that is degenerate. Degeneracy makes you the bad guys by default.
Poltards think they're the good guys
>Ad hom
>Ad hom
>Ad hom
pedos? eat shit.
>How can a board full of pedos, cartoon fappers, and Hitler fappers be the good guys?
ask life. It hides good in unexpected places. that is a profound truth here.
>implying this board isn't full of pedos
> good guys
You haven't lurked long enough, I once asked myself the same question. I can't wait to speak to you again when you've done more homework.
They aren't the good guys, they're the opposition
That's /d/ and Sup Forums, Sup Forums is a board of peace
So tired of threads like this. Look lad, you're right. Sup Forums is the worst, even worse than Sup Forums. You should hate us and everything we stand for. I want to see this place burn just as much as you do, all you have to do is read up on everything you can. If an user posts a picture that has lots of text and graphs in it, I recommend that you read everything in it so that you can prove to that little shit just how wrong he is about everything he has just posted. Know your enemy, learn their true reasoning, so that you may destroy this shitty place once and for all. Nothing you find should convince you otherwise, no matter how factual it may sound, I guarantee it.
Sup Forums removes kebab. They're doing it right now as you complain about where the pedos aren't. You don't have to think it's good. You ought to like...watch your step...dig?
Come on lad there's daily pedo and mgtow cuck threads here.
Oh and sweetie, we do it all with satire, so don't get your panties in a bunch over jokes.
Yes and they've always been here and have nothing to do with edgy newfags.
You want a (((free market))) so you can buy your pedo porn legally.
You have no problems with pedos?
You forgot about the redpills
This was actually hilarious to read. I'm going to assume you actually know what (((free market))) means and are just shitposting.
>hint: use your real flag if you want to be taken even vaguely seriously.
>this goes for the both of you fags
Here is my real flag burger bro.
>OP believes there are good guys
to be young and innocent
>not understanding sarcasm
Those threads are shit, there have been multiple threads about getting rid of them that get far more replies, and they never became a thing until Sup Forums saw a massive increase in traffic post election.
Also save those pics and get your friends input on them they may find something you overlooked.
To be honest, the problem I have with Sup Forums is that I feel like this place has too much of a lust for death and violence. You always see posts like "DAY OF THE ROPE!" and generally being way too gleeful about people dying. I see this lust for violence on the SJW side as well, with all the shit Antifa does and their "PUNCH THE BIGOTS!" and "MAKE THEM AFRAID!".
Morality doesn't objectively exist. It's chicken soup, complete make believe. But... all human values are make believe, thus it's best to invent and enforce values that have absolute wrongs and rights, makes for a better society. Think of it as a noble lie.
false hope is better than none right?
>How can a board full of pedos, cartoon fappers, and Hitler fappers be the good guys?
> I despise pedos on pol
> I despise people who post anime pictures in their pic rels
> In my opiniong people who believe in Hitler and Nat Soc are morons. It is because of Natsoc/Hitler jews are in power and nationalism in western europe is dead.
I am a good goy.
Hey, slow down there kiddo, if you don't like anime, then you don't belong here, second, Hitler did nothing wrong, and third, when we can grow humans in artificial worms, women will become an obsolete gender, might as well fuck a cum dump machine, there's absolutely nothing wrong with faps for japs, they're honorary. And finally, there is absolutely nothing degenerate about those things you mentioned, and even if they are just a little bit, it's nothing compared to the degeneracy of lefists and marxist kikes. Get BTFO'd OP.
>women will become absolete
Radical feminists said the same thing about artificial insemination, fat boy.
I like how both feminists and MGTOWs support stuff like artificial wombs, sex bots, etc just to get away from the other gender. These people wanting to give up natural births and relationships, as well as all the stuff I've been hearing about machines taking over jobs, makes me worry that robots will genuinely take over humanity soon. Not because of an army of Terminators shooting everyone, but people willingly assimilating with them for more comfort and convenience.
Cartoon fappers are miles better than this.
You wish that was reality. I'm a race mixed European Jew, and I 100% support this board, this place is the pivotal example of unlimited free speech. I will shitpost on your face until you suicide of our superior memes, leftist cuckosoid.
>Hitler did nothing wrong
besides ruining white nationalism for everyone forever?
He put us on the defensive, that is exactly what whites need, those baby penis sucking Jews aren't as smart as they scheme, once we become a minority, we can be closer together, strengthening our tribalism, the age of the beta cuck will end, we will regrow our numbers, our genetics will be stronger than ever, as we are oppressed by mainstream media and establishment, we will rebel against the Jewish overlords.
This is a good board, but it's ruined by aforementioned degenerates.
>Rational post
>By fellow Englishman blessed by God
Top lad
>be taken even vaguely seriously
I don't understand the philosophical drive to be taken seriously on a kekistani cringecraft board.
you forgot to mention that Sup Forums falls for the worse bate and always forgets to sage
one day these goddamn retard magnets will not make page 1
one day
Kekistan wasn't a mistake.
Maybe that counts for the people who follow that stereotype. I believe something slightly different. My belief is that one's actions determine more than one's words. And because of this board being anonymous, you can't judge. How can you know the Sup Forumsack only by the Sup Forumsack's words, without knowing the Sup Forumsack's actions in real life? You can't. You simply don't know. So stop making pointless assumptions, because it will lead nowhere.
However, since the board does have a distinct behavior, it is justified to assume that we here are degenerate.
>German that is rational bordering on autistic
Talk about stereotypes mate
Actually, most people here react very negative to child porn when it's posted, and it's very rarely that it IS posted. Usually by a troll/live roleplayer who gets banned instantly.
I think hes a 14yo who is desperately trying not to get banned for underage. God you really gotta spass out to write that kind of bullshit. Either this or he is in the wrong subreddit
here ya go.