Can we just say free market instead? Whenever people discuss capitalism on Sup Forums it just becomes a shitfest over what """real""" capitalism actually is.
How can everyone on Sup Forums has a different definition of capitalism?
Change "Government" to "Democrats"
Change "Free Market" to "Republicans"
Change "Government" to "Democrats" and "neo-con"
Red clearly did it, there's no way blue could reach that high so red clearly lifted him.
The "free market" abused government power to get us into this mess, reminder that unlimited immigration is necessary for a truly free market.
I've had this issue too, people think capitalism is what we have now and in a sense they're right.
We do not however have free market capitalism, something I am for.
>The "free market" abused government power to get us into this mess
By bribing the politicians who grant these corporations a monopoly position.
The politician shouldn't even have the power to do so.
>By bribing the politicians who grant these corporations a monopoly position.
It's just part of the free market goy. Aren't you free market spergs all about "If there's a gap the free market will fill it"? Well there was a gap (company wanted to buy into a monopoly), the free market filled it by offering to solve their problem for a price.
Regulation of a market by definition isn't a free market
The government interfered with the free market, that's when it went wrong.
A minimum wage or stricter regulations only benefit the already big companies from competition.
gov. regulates an area (started with FED banks). the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more. the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more.the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more.the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more.the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more.the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more.the gov regulator fugs up, collapse ensures. Gov uses collapse as an excuses to regulate more.
The last example is Dodd-Frank.
Purposed effect: create heightened reserve standards to act as a safeguard to economic fragility.
Actual effect: mass-consolidation of community banks into larger banks. Make small to midsize banking non-economical. Increases both compliance costs and tax expenditures on new overlapping regulators.
Only beneficiaries: (1) those who work in compliance; (2) large banks; (3) Government; (4) Government regulators.
Its a cycle.
>Regulation of a market by definition isn't a free market
The market paid for it so it clearly is. Based free market! Everything's for sale for the right price.
They're already immune from most competition, they hire literal slave labour overseas or import it.
You're fucking dim aren't you?
If a free market works for the richest, why do their bought politicians always ask for more regulations?
Look up the word free market if you unironically think regulations make a market free
it kills me that you retards are going to support the tax cuts for the 1% coming down the pipe to the tune of millions per person. But the idea that the working class should get a tax cut is like killing babies.
enjoy being ground under the heal of the wealthy while you kiss their asses all the way
Trump isn't going to repeal the affordable care act because it was written by the fucking insurance companies to make every person in the country required by law to buy their product.
Trump isn't going to cut taxes for anyone but the 1% because no republican elected official gives a shit about anyone else.
inb4 but democrats are bad too
inb4 socialism is literally hitler
>why do their bought politicians always ask for more regulations?
Because they can under the free market. Why have something that works well when you can have something that works great?
>Look up the word free market if you unironically think regulations make a market free
You aren't trying to regulate what can be bought and sold on the free market are you? Dirty statist.
The government is not part of the market
The government's a company with goods and services, of course it's part of the free market.
Stop trying to regulate the free market.
the government is not a company, we don't allow companies to pick people up and put them in jail.
Nobody wants tax cuts for just rich people you fucking retard, give them to everyone and cut out useless crap from the government. Stop making shit strawmen.
>he's never heard of private police
Stop trying to regulate what can and cannot become a company, you're so anti-free market it's quite disgusting.
They don't have the same rights are regular policemen do.
You're clearly trolling so I'm off, read an economics book, any really.
The government could be a company, but then it should be treated as such. A company is not allowed to take money without consent.
What's wrong, can't defend your free market when you realize it applies to the government too? Want to try defending it after you realize q free market requires fully open borders instead?
Leave the country then, you may have to pay a contract cancellation fee but you won't have to pay them anymore.
>Thief is stealing from victim
>Tell the victim to leave rather than call the thief out on his crime
Makes yer noggin' go joggin' doesnt it?
they keep set up degeneracy as a straw man to a free market when they don't really have anything to do with each other.
But they aren't a thief, they're a business.
They own all the land in the country, you're just paying a toll to access the land and facilities it provides. If you want to stop being charged rent get out of the house.
Ah, I guess being a busieness exempts you from prosecuted after comitting crime.
>They own all the land
Provide some proof for this
What crime? As I said they own all the land.
>>They own all the land
>Provide some proof for this
What proof is required? The government are essentially landlords hired to do shit for the people on their land.
It would be a crime if they didn't own the land.
You're making the claim that they own all the land and you can't back it up.
>What proof lol it's obvious
Proof or gtfo, your entire argument falls apart.
Some food for thought:
from Milton Friedman:
>It would be a crime if they didn't own the land.
But they do own the land.
And you didn't answer my question, what proof is required?
Proof of ownership? Can be a contract.
For example, I own my house and the land it's built on. How could the government own this plot of land?
Also you're speaking for all worlds governments saying they are all owners of all the lands within their respective borders. You're gonna need some proof, else you're just making empty claims to justify your twisted view on what a free market is.
>q free market requires fully open borders
>literally cant refute this
here's Milton Friedman on it literally agreeing with this but also having always been in favour of free markets (but not the labour market obviously)
You can still enforce the borders of your own land or the land of your fraternal society, so who cares? If you wanna live nigger free, you can.
>Proof of ownership? Can be a contract.
Do you have proof of ownership for everything you own?
It's quite simple really, everyone around the world knows it belongs to them. Asking for a contract saying they bought it is just silly, they didn't buy it they took it since it was an empty patch of land (or from some other government).
>Also you're speaking for all worlds governments saying they are all owners of all the lands within their respective borders.
Because they clearly are.
>For example, I own my house and the land it's built on. How could the government own this plot of land?
What are you autistic? If you own an apartment you can't do what you want with it, the guy that owns the building would have a few words to say to you. Also, if you're American you pay property tax which is an even clearer indication you don't own it.
So you are in favour of open borders?
>If you wanna live nigger free, you can.
that sounds just about fine lmao, in soln to Milton's proposed problem about free immigration to welfare as well as doing this, I guess a point based system solves both of these problems, only immigrating the people that the economy/nation wants/needs. Australia has this in theory but is really lax about it... Feels like private property theory being applied to the state imo which isnt so bad
wait was user being sarcastic:
>can't defend your free market when you realize it applies to the government too
They thing that some sort of chivalry in their wet dream of free market will prevent that shit from forming.
Watch their mental gymnastics culminate in "It's not true capitalism" argument.
>the world knows it belongs to them
lmao m8, ownership is determined democratically? Gave me a hearty laugh.
>Because they clearly are
Proof? Saying the majority agrees with doesn't cut it. The majority once believed sun circulated the earth, that doesn't make it true.
>Watch their mental gymnastics culminate in "It's not true capitalism" argument.
Its the same cognitive dissonance the socialists and commies spew about when regurgitating the "but that wasn't/isn't real Marxism"... Thus both sides have their fair doses of autism and they will always exist.
Democratically? No, they got it via finders keepers. The only democratic thing about it is the acknowledgement of "Yeah, we know you own it".
>Proof? Saying the majority agrees with doesn't cut it.
See, you're just being autistic now. Prove to me the object to your right is owned by you. CommieMcMarx says it belongs to him.
You aren't CommieMcMarx are you?
As long as the owner of the land is ok with it.
Unless I had the receipt, there would be no way to prove I own certain things. I can't prove that I own the pen on my right, fortunately I won't have to in any realistic scenario.
If you plan to tax people however, you need to prove you own the land. You can't "rent" out land you don't own.
>people think capitalism is what we have now and in a sense they're right.
WAT? What we have right now is (((corporatism)))
Just fuck my country up senpai.
You realize non-whites don't care about your lolbertarian utopia right?
People want tax cuts across the board usually.
But what the opposition doesn't get is that that includes rich people as well.
Maybe non whites will care about guns of the militias that uphold property rights? They can form a communist ghetto far away from me for all I care if they don't want to respect others.
Lack of schooling
Even the most basic economic courses in school teaches you what capitalism is
If you have to hold people's hands and hamfist their asshole with labels, then it's a shit political cartoon.
No such thing as a "free market", except a true barter system.
since the introduction and near complete use of currency instead of barter, it's effectively the government that determines the value of said currency...therefore, you can never have a free market if you use any form of currency.
the libertarian utopia is only feasible with a population capable of abstract thinking - not found in non assimilated people or especially blacks lmao (possibly achievable at a faster pace than this through eugenics)
>Maybe non whites will care about guns of the militias that uphold property rights?
Yeah no. They care about guns that uphold their ability to take from you, they aren't going to form a communist ghetto far away, they'll form it then take your shit when they run out of money.
They don't respect you.
so true
only if the Cuckbull gov would enforce the point system properly
It's true. So what do you do against it? You defend yourself by arming like-minded people and forming militias. Don't allow people to attack you and don't allow government to attack you.
>So what do you do against it?
Closed borders. You keep them out of the country in the first place.
>you will never live in an all white country with an isolationist free market but 0 international trade where the only taxes is property tax which is used for roads and defense and where workers have a livable minimum wage if they choose to work (there will be many jobs if the market is national) and where the boarders are completely closed
Before there was a central state, government, there was no capitalism.
Capitalism could not exist in feudal society. Capitalism needed the state to grow so it could grow. Capitalism needs government.
The day of the rope is coming, government officials will not escape.
No shit, they're one of the main targets for DOTR
Its crazy how little capitalists know about what they defend with so much passion.
Dunning-Kruger effect exemplified