In a secret exchange uncovered by NSA. Julian Assange tried to recruit one of his many groupies, a woman named Sedufia on twitter but sources revealed her as Melissa Dawn Lirette. Assange wants this woman to infiltrate and spy on Face book.and get a tissue sample of Zuckerburg for the purpose of cloning.
Julian Assange recruits agent Melissa Dawn Lirette to spy on Facebook
Oh she is the one who claimed at age 3 was married to Julian Assange age 8 in Dubai in 1979. I kid you not. Somewhat borderline she is
Yeah because Assange would fucking use twitter PMs for this kind of exchange
jullian assange was killed on Oct.16
To comment above. How the fuck would you know? You some psychic or an Assange sycophant?
We know because there was No proof of life.
Julian assange is dead wikileaks is kill
You fucking autistic fucker, you prove the claim not the disbelief of a claim
Julian Assange died in building 7 on 911 is just as true as your silly statement.
How many live streamed AMAs do you need you before you're convinced he's alive you spastic?
Assange, of all people, would know better than to send top secret instructions via twitter
Why are you snitching?
Shut the fuck up. Assange is /ourguy/
I hope he succeeds. Fuck Zuck.
This. Snitches are fucking bitches.
What is OPSEC?
Anyone know what happened to the assange clues user? It lead to Sup Forums uncovering a murder, a corporate intelligence agency and a bunch of bizarre happenings, and then it just died overnight.
This is intent to collude!
"Assange is dead, don't listen to Wikileaks!" t. CIA nigger
wow fake as fuck.
fucking sage
Learn to quote you fucking reddit nigger.