search your country's people on google images and post the result
Lets play a game Sup Forums
better not
I was expecting more sandniggers
thank god for the civilized amazigh
how are Algerians not sandniggers? All the Frenchies left decades ago.
I've just learnt that Latvian women are tallest.
Can confirm. Many thin lankladies.Don't date without hiking equipment.
I thought the Dutch were
I'm so fucking ashamed.
well the Frenchies did leave, but we have an ethnic minorities called "Kabil" a native north Africans but just as Mediterranean as the french or the Italians they never bought into the mudslims horseshit to begin with, gets constantly labeled racist and xenophobic for refusing to mix their superior genes with the rest of the sand nigger population.
more white than my people:
It's not incorrect I suppose. It is a Dutch tradition
Pic related
ah so basically the native meds that lived there before arabs invaded? Got it.
>implying my people exist
Top kek. Argentina is literally more white than the USA. You can go to any Walmart there and it looks like Brazil.
Argentinians love to be called white
& cherry pick a ton
I call bullshit on half his pics.
>national soccer team is always a better measure. See for yourself
Bald as shit
>procedes to cherrypick to prove this
Nice gymnastics
(kvetching in the distance)
You spelled "faggots" wrong
here ya go
Do you always walk around with loaves of bread while wearing your beret, user?
Not a bad crowd tbqh.
You spelled "gypsies" worng
whenever it shows an incorrect image list
add the word "sexy" to the front of your search and it will be accurate
i wonder what google meant by this...
>brazilian people
Just like Argentinians.
Brown-Italian hairy mix
Proud sons and daughters of alexandrovski.
why don't you post a picture of your own country then faggot. Oh, and learn how to spell you fucking autistic nazi cunt.
>bottom left
Es un grupo seleccionado, por algo a no ser apariencia.
>fuck people hiding behind flags
Top kek
What is that creature
Everyday user.
No se entendió lo que quisiste decir... Pero no te creas que argentina es muy distinto, será mas o meno la mitad como los de las fotos y la otra mitad norteños indios, bolivianos, peruanos, etc
>i do it only to prevent autistic murifats from doing ad hominem ALL THE TIME
3 pics with gypsies
what did they mean by this
Expected worse tbqh
why the fuck is there "black person" card and Croatian lol
either way search is whitest
Breddy gud
If you look closely at the shirt
You can tel its 100% brasilian
well that's out of my fucking hands now isn't it
Outs the Argentinian hiding
Who admits in spanish:
Yes half look like the soccer team pic.
The rest are indian :/
>ad homminem baited you out
(Posdata, soi brasileño >:P )
Or why we don't get terrorists up here
and an extra kek
I meant the first photo in the thead showing white people.
BTW argentina is like 5 times whiter than HUEHUEs like yourself
>type in welsh people
>i fucking know that guy with the dragon on his face wtf
>such is wales
>Proud argentinisn hides flag again
True, argentina has more "white" italian mix.
But brasil doesn't default you to black.
(Family only been in the country 4 generations)
Sorry for my blue eyes juan
could be worse.
Beautiful. Keep your borders closed, Austria.
Check your constitution mate you're all British the government only rents the queens land from her.
I don't think so
>insults using a spanish name while his is portuguese
>moves country and thinks he can tell what nationalism is
Kys, mulato.