i want none of you to have any kind of remorse of whats happening in Sweden, the absolute majority are still incredibly retarded and naive. Its unbelievable how stupid people still are in this country. Just go to any Swedish facebook page and read the comments, the people in this country 100% deserves what is happening to them. I fucking hate my country
I want none of you to have any kind of remorse of whats happening in Sweden...
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking bait go home you immigrant
I'll have you know we will be the most rightwing country in europe for the 2018 elections
yep, we seem to be hot on your trail too. good luck
pic related is my leg, now fuck off i dont care anymore
>Happening in sweden
What??? Everything is perfectly fine, most swedes enjoys the multicultural aspects of our country. The people disliking multiculturalism and globalism is a small minority here in Sweden. Stuff like the no go zones is just fake news, everything is fine.
Stop believing what Infowars and fox News says, they are fake news
hmmm yea fake news
>i want none of you to have any kind of remorse of whats happening in Sweden
Don't worry, I don't.
>Just go to any facebook
How about you retards stop using kikebook?
>Don't worry, I don't.
Good. Good. Smörrebröd up the ASS karsten.
Youve been manipulated into hating your own. Truly the goodest goy.
You quitter. Nothing will be gained from giving up on Sweden. Your defatism is worse than the plebs obliviousness, as you know the facts.
Swedes are sub human according to my norwiegen and danish family
Same here. How lucky we are, to witness the end of our fathers' civilization.
Europe will be destroyed not in a glorious war, but in a tsunami of decerebrated subhumans.
Nice skateboard.
Did you type all that to take your mind of listening to Hamid Abdul Mohammed Mehmet bin Mohammed al Momdad kocking your sister's bedframe against the wall?
The Swedish media is feeding you fake news.
oh wow its like you can see right through my eyes how did you know
Post feet
Because nothing else would explain why a clearly underageb& ubermench swede wouldn't be bursting with testosterone and vigor like a normal boy.
you can have an arm
>everything is fine.
Only people with actual problems says this
until I see a penis I can't be sure
I'm voting for the first time in my life in those elections. We will win this. We have to.
"The people in finland are raping too"
Feeling ledsen for you OP, you used to have the most amazingly nice country. T. Vasabo
As a fellow Swede( 1/35th on mother's side) it is sad to see what is happening to our homeland.
thank you Swedish brother
Pol was discussing about making a micronation.
Relevant threads included
>Tuvalu takeover
>Sealand takeover
Fuck that
Let's carve out a piece of Sweden
please feel free and take lapland. There is nothing going on there except for iron and other resources.
Oh, I have none.
I used to laugh at news from Sweden, then it got crazier and crazier. It's not funny anymore, it's quite literally insane, pure mass insanity. I'm not saying Norway doesn't have some of the same insanity, but at least it's a debate with a somewhat factual basis on the most part, in Sweden there is no debate.. Only fringe news sites who tells the obvious, but are labeled as nutcases, and who have their own agenda.
Sweden will slowly rot, and become indistinguishable from any middle eastern country within the next few decades. I don't think there will be any major events, just a slow decline. You will probably bring us and Denmark with you in the downfall..
If a rapefugee-gang rapes 10 women in Sweden and Norway:
>News in Sweden: comment-section filled with cucks ans naive retards defending it (implying a man-problem)
>News in Norway: filled with people hating muds and media who is trying to cover their race
Normies use kikebook. It does show the general opinion in a country. Deal With it. Sweden is cuckistan.
Sweeden is afraid of media, media has to much power even though media should have 0 power and be 100% neutral. the problem is not that sweeden thinks the moral path is right, the problem is that sweeden thinks media is who decides what is moral and what is not.
most of Swedens resources come from Norrland, my wish is it breake free from the rest of Sweden.
Mine hearte doeth yearn foer der Middeleth Anglasch
I want a shoulder. Prove you have yellow axillary hair.
God your country looks like shit it's even painful to look at it.
Instead of being a pissy whine bitch, make some clubs out of pig jaws and go beat some muzzies.
Problem solved.
yes and you are the ones voting for this shit
>"oh you spelled one word wrong? you must be inferior" -english speaking person to the swede
all i know is that almost all our people in our city hates immigration as it is right now
same in england sven
whites are dead
lets kill ourselves
sorry i mixed you up with another post, ofc we want to keep our resources from being drained from you southerns who would live in poverty without us.
I hate all non white immigration. If you support any sort of third world immigration today, even actual refugees, you are a traitor and an enemy to the swedes!
First post is a faggot.
>implying no niggers there
oh i didn't mix it up, norrland isnt norrbotten.
i don't know where you live but still as i said: "all i know is that almost all our people in our city hates immigration as it is right now"
I have no problem with actual needed immigration where the immigrants are actually in need of help in our country. BUT as soon as conflicts are over they need to move back to their own country if they don't have a good reason to stay and can take care of themselves and supply taxes.
>they no longer will confuse Switzerland with Sweden
>as soon as conflicts are over they need to move back to their own country
No, they need to move back now you fucking cuck.
>implying implies
GTFB and read what i said again, there are rules to set up and immigration policies to be made. meanwhile the immigrants can go to precious Sweden who accepts anyone without background checks.
Denmark will eventually be claimed by the sea.
That fact alone will bring me some form of happiness when I eventually put an end to it.
Not even you Swedes will have that luxury. Your future children and yourselves will live to see the end game of whatever this is.
Sven, if you were hostile enough to them they wouldn't stay there, they would move south or elsewhere. But your average northerner is as cucked as southerners are, if not more.
Our old cant supply for us anymore, do they need to die this instant? I can tell you are to young to be awake at this hour, don't try politics until you understand how the world works.
Read this quote and change "russia" to "sweeden" and you hopefully understand what i want.
all swedes, gtfo and listen to podcasts
Vita pillret
Kokta grodan
if you give up, why not just spread your asscheeks for abdullah?
if not, stop whining on an asian imageboard and get educated, its not as bad as you think.
its bad - but it can be turned with some blood and sweat
The Northern Sweden is drained of resources and paid way less than they should be for it, where do most of the old ones who don't move away turn?
once again, "don't try politics until you understand how the world works."
>Blood and sweat
Not sure how to tell you this, but the Finns are independent now.
Now that's a nice joke. You're even more detached from reality than the loony leftists running this place to the ground.
Oh look you're a fat fuck, no wonder you roll over in defeatism.
>But your average northerner is as cucked as southerners are, if not more.
People down south never wanted this shit. You'll learn that over a few beers, along with how much we hate the faggots up north in reality, and always have.
It's the same as everywhere else in the west - metropolifags and urban retards have monopoly on the narrative, despite being the ones that just have to look up from their iPhone screens to see the shit they enable.
Talk to swedes from smaller towns and the countryside, their piss is already boiling.
It's not fake news per se, it's just that you don't get right wing opinions from swedes on Facebook, otherwise they would go to jail
People down south probably never wanted this shit, except for the mayor cities, which are placed in the south.
To make it easier for you, i even swapped the words.
"In Sweden live Swedes. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Sweden,
to work and eat in Sweden, should speak Swedish, and should respect the Swedish laws.
If they prefer Shari ‘a Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law.
Sweden does not need minorities. Minorities need Sweden, and we will not grant them special privileges,
or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'."
i know
Swedes are so dumb. So stupid and dumb. There is seriously something wrong with those dumb swedes.
haha not my problem if they want to ruin this country i will just move
If I had access to a nuclear submarine Swedes I would help you out.
this is literally the worst case of "muh heritage" I've seen in my life.
hell seger true swede friend
>Just go to any Swedish facebook page and read the comments
Post examples
Even in Malmö, as said, share a beer with a working man. You'd be surprised. Only the pompous faggots with fancy jobs that don't get their nails dirty would been for it, since their neighborhoods remain untouched. I have no idea what the mentality is up north, but down here people have a very "can't be fucking arsed" kinda attitude and just move elsewhere if shit is turning trashy.
Here is what most swedes want, even though they wont take the time to read up on what their votes goes for, its what Vladimir once said.
pic related
Next election is the final chance. After that, it's fucked, it's over.
>i want none of you to have any kind of remorse of whats happening in Sweden
I certainly don't. Sweden is a tiny country that only fools care about. Norway, Sweden and Finland are just much colder Balkans.
Now GTFO and stop posting about your boring country which has accomplished nothing in the past century except opening its uteri for niggers and Muslims.
Die soon and die quietly you boring pasty cucks.
Easy to talk shit with hidden nationality.
I bet a lot of Swedes are just hiding their power level due to fear of being outcast/fired/jailed
>kekistani flag
Die soon and die quietly you boring pasty cucks.
Is that better?
burgers know nothing
>I bet a lot of Swedes are just hiding their power level due to fear of being outcast/fired/jailed
By other Swedes who crave African protein injections no doubt.
My grandmother was .000973 swedish and I have one blonde facial hair - I feel the pain too!
Burgers have freedom of speech to include White racists.
What does Sweden have to compare?
Just accept that your country is going down the drain you deluded fuck.
kek! good 'ol US of A. Doing great, bud? Aren't you? What a fucking joke.
Much better btw!
Sweden will recover and bounce back! You will return to your nice normal lives of having sex with a beautiful girl merely by asking her outright during your first coffee date
What is Sweden doing to resist? Nothing. You have no right wing.
>Sweden will recover and bounce back!
Evidence for your assertion would be nice.
Fuck that guy. We're rooting for you
>using outdated larper platforms
how about a giant alternative news culture,
nationalist podcast culture, a populist party to become the biggest party
a new alt right platform, red ice, etc etc.
biggest "alt-right" conference was held in stockholm
NMR is getting more attention, nordic youth
2 publishing companies (Arktos Logik)
and a new generation of pissed anti-68ers?
>a leaf
say hi to Trudeau for me
Why do westerners think that fighting globalism entails embracing petty bourgeoisie political divisionism that embraces globalization?
>You have no right wing.
25% of the population says differently. Unfortunately a little too few, too late imo.
Will be more the upcoming election, but most likely the fag parties here, will ally as usual and lock us out.
You feel like giving up/puking each time you see our "elected" officals, but it'a not an option.
Thanks mate! Likewise.