The jews did not send black to America to breed and destroy civilization
There is no concrete evidence for any jewish conspiracy
Intelligence is chiefly influence by socio-economic status
You do realize this board is satirical right?
The jews did not send black to America to breed and destroy civilization
There is no concrete evidence for any jewish conspiracy
Intelligence is chiefly influence by socio-economic status
You do realize this board is satirical right?
Even if it wasn't Jews it doesn't change the fact that the west is crumbling to to Marxist liberal ideas.
Most world countries have debts.
They owe debts to "national" banks.
A known unknown is that these banks are private.
An unknown unknown is who owns them...
Who owned the slave ships?
>An unknown unknown is who owns them...
Who? Can you provide actual evidence that the majority of national banks are owned by Jewish conspirationists?
French, British, Spanish, Portuguese, Muslim traders.
No it isn't. Those people are just loud. Everyone has hate inside them, but speaking it only makes things worse so its best to pretend to appease the idea that morality is more than just a human construct.
>The jews did not send black to America to breed and destroy civilization
you're right, the jewish slavers did it to make money
>There is no concrete evidence for any jewish conspiracy
>Intelligence is chiefly influence by socio-economic status
>You do realize this board is satirical right?
pic related
>this board is satirical right?
>not jews
>French, British, Spanish, Portuguese, Muslim traders.
Can you give us some names of those (((french))) ?
There's a book:
Such book is difficult to find (((because)))
>the jews did not send black to America to breed and destroy civilization
Even if jews didn't send them, they still are undeniably destroying civilization. Ever heard of ghetto culture? Walk into any black neighborhood and you'll know what I mean.
>there is no concrete evidence for any Jewish conspiracy
Culture of Critique and 200 Years Together are your best starting points.
>intelligence is chiefly influenced by socio-economic status
Money didn't bring us out of the stone age and niggers will never accomplish anything past mud-huts and rap ""music"" until the end of time.
I'm sure you saw some nitpicked infograph that shows Jewish names among prominent slave traders. Yes, a people significantly involved in trade and shipping find themselves equally represented in all kinds of trades, including the slave trade. Crazy concept uh?
if broken one sidedness is your real world please kill yourself.
You can also find books on holocaust denial and turkish books on Armenian genocide denial. Guess what? Retarded conclusions based on handpicked evidence while you discard the rest won't convince anyone but a bunch of radicals who will believe what they wanted to believe in the first place.
Just because some Jews were involved in a very lucrative trade doesn't mean the slave trade is a jewish conspiracy. Claim otherwise and you just out yourself as a cheap antisemite who blames other people as a hobby for his own failures.
Hold on, this (((subversive))) kike shit gets to stay up but the real redpills thread full of cited graphs and on topic videos gets deleted? What cuck shit are our mods into.
do not watch if you are sensitive to flashing lights.
caught him right fucking handed
Sup Forums does not have a political mandate, newfag.
>The jews did not send black to America to breed and destroy civilization
Nobody is claiming that they did, (((they))) don't have that kind of foresight. But that doesn't stop them from wanting to destroy white civilization with their constant propaganda that they do control.
>1-2% actual population
>equally represented
Chair: Janet Yellen
ctrl+f, jew
It's not a Jewish conspiracy. Jewish people feel safer in a multi-ethnic society because they fear persecution from white people. They say this themselves. Every white person is, apparently, a Nazi in waiting.
Also, you have the socio-economic status and intelligence thing backward.
Not sure what you're going for here, but your third statement is wrong.
The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults.
No one ever said that faggot
>Can you provide actual evidence that the majority of national banks are owned by Jewish conspirationists?
They were a lot more represented in Trade and shipping. That's just what they traditionally set to do from the diasporah days and no one denies it.
Taking this fact as evidence that the slave trade was a jewish conspiracy is retarded.
Nobody said niggers came here because of a kike plan to destroy the nation, retard.
However, the kikes have played the niggers well for at least 60 years and have both made shitloads of money on their modern-day exploitation AND have taken advantage of their propensity for violence and turned them into weaponized humanity against white culture.
Get it right, faggot.
So they took part in the slave trade.
They should pay reparation. Never forget.
When are you giving them the shekels ?
I thought this thread was about real redpills, quit bitching about fuck all dumb cunts.
Not even reading along but I get the gist some cunts pissed at some other cunt on the internet again.
Have another redpill video an even older one.
It is not satirical.
Intelligence, like any ability, is hereditary.
Jews are the intellectual and financial impetus behind mass immigration. (Along with plenty of rich Wh*te bastards that only care about more shekels from either cheap labor and the sales of their opiates)
We know this. You know this. Now here is some satire: "You should kill your family and then yourself." Funny, yes?
Yellen doesn't own the FED, gypsy faggot.
They know what they are guilty of better than anyone, They are right to be afraid.
Define, 'concrete evidence'.
It's not even a conspiracy. Jews were just merchants and slaves were merchandise. If you look across Latin america you can find a number of synagogues established around thay time period, a lot of them mysteriously concentrated in areas where slave trade was popular.
Many blacks know a lot about what the Jews do, surprisingly. If you look at the ownership of the major rap labels pushing things like gangster culture, that has overwhelmingly harmed black people, it's basically a synagogue. Similarly, mass third-world immigration hurt blacks who could have been working low-skill jobs. There is, of course, also the Jewish role in slavery, though the sources on this might not be all that reliable. Despite the unfortunate reality of lower black IQs and aggressive tendencies, they should have a chance at earning a decent life. I feel bad for them, if anything, you don't control the genes you are born with.
On the other end of the spectrum, top American universities have undergone complete Jewish capture, so that white gentiles and Asian-Americans who worked hard and did everything correctly have to compete with affirmative action kids and Jewish nepotism. You should read some of the things the admissions officers say about Asians, it's depressing. Many admissions officers are, of course, Jewish, though it would appear that some top US universities aren't totally captured yet.
I'm not even a conservative, I'm liberal except on immigration issues. These people just hate everyone. Even in a multi-ethnic society like the US, we'd be a lot better off if not for Jewish shit-stirring.
This man is a legend
>concept of proof
A proof isn't something you could flip and forth to fit your opinion, you mistake that with alternate facts.
If there was proof of a wide-scale conspiracy like that the world would stop turning the very same moment it was discovered and brought into public.
The very concrete evidence suggesting the US is actually meddling with foreign countries and openly invading sovereign states under fake proof of WMDs is real and openly admitted by the government but simply gets ignored.
Fuck off nigger lover
>There is no concrete evidence for any jewish conspiracy
>it's just le satire
>Intelligence is chiefly influence by socio-economic status
except every study done on it says otherwise, even when they start with your same lie, the data is so one sided they can't hide it so they just publish the studies quietly if at all
>jews made me own that negro, I swear!
You are american, aren't you?
Love you guys.
Again, framing it is a conspiracy isn't right. Culture of Critique makes this clear, actually. Nepotism, hostility to out-groups, usury, these are all things they're guilty of. They do thos because of their culture and possibly genetics (though you can prove they askenazis have a higher rate of mental illness than most goy populations). It's not a conspiracy. It's a group of people that are detrimental to the countries they inhabit. High IQ (this only applies to askenazis) and above average rates of mental illness along with extra hostility for the goyin due to the Shoah (though they were hostile before the Shoah, clearly) makes them a very dangerous group of individuals for Europeans to deal with.
>crtl+f quentin
>0 out of 0
I am deeply dissapointed in all of you
>he doesn't know
baka this is what happens when the federal reserves own website says "its too complicated for the average person to understand"
The last 3 fed chairmen have all been Jewish.
>Yellen doesn't own the FED
Who does?
Bank of international settlements.
The Mother Wheel is coming back to take black people to space.
White people were cave dwelling apes who stole technology from highly advanced Black Africans who lived upwards of 900 years thanks to good diet, good medicine, and the power of Melinin.
If the US national debt to the Federal Reserve is the owed to the same US government then why does the US government pay interest to itself on the balance of the debt?
I never claimed they made us. Drug Dealers aren't the ones forcing their clients to take drugs. Jews in metaphor were the dealers. In our case, we were addicted to cheap nigger labor. Breeding them after slave trade was outlawed was probably our biggest mistake. The cotton gin made them obsolete farm equipment anyway.
>the jewish slavers did it to make money
I think all slavers were in it for money
So, how many have been non-jewish before?
Personally I don't share the bait of 'muh bad yellen jew, rate hike bad', the FED manouvered you mongs out of the most severe financial crisis in decades.
It's lazy polititican's tactics to attack the FED, same with Draghi.
The central banks are not the cause but the effect: QE wasn't established because some jew wanted to flood the market with cheap money.
I seriously don't get you americans:
If Trump was right and you country is so bad off, why did your economy survive two hikes with a dow at those levels? Makes sense to you?
Why would you not raise rates to make americans get interest for their money again? I Seriously don't get that corporate / bank cocksucking.
Jews owned the slave ships
Who is this Quentin fellow you're talking about? He seems like a really straight edge person, pretty cool in my book I must say.
Jews owned the slave ships
The brown family who now run the ACLU
Were slave traders and secretly jewish in a christian society.
I wouldn't define it as sweeping conspiracy.
More like creeping corruption and ethnic politics.
Jews are foreign and they hate the goyim. They are also in charge of a lot of key institutions of (((democratic society))) - media, banking, entertainment, academia.
It's not hard to see why and how things could be done.
Although conspiracy can never be ruled out, as Russian revolution proves it's possibility.
>There is no concrete evidence for any jewish consp..
stopped reading here
I'm so tired of retards saying this board is satirical.
It's not, most people here lean right/far-right.
Now, opinions are probably exagerated by anonymity, but that's it.
Some of it is humor/shitposting, but in every joke there's a bit a truth.
Also fuck off with your stupid centrist views.
>hurr durr no jewish conspiracy
If you don't understand how networks and communities work, you should go back to your little idealist and chaotic analysis of the world where nothing makes sense and eveyrthing is meaningless.
Protip: the world can be made sense of.
Fuck off back where you're from you stupid bluepilled horsecock sucker.
>Intelligence is chiefly influence by socio-economic status
You're an idiot and tons of studies have been done on this.
The poorest whites outscore the richest blacks on standardized tests of all varieties. If you think poor whites are somehow getting better food or education than rich whites you're delusional. Feel free to google SAT or ACT or STAR race test gap and be amazed. EVERY SINGLE ONE has a massive gap, and the dumbest whites outscore 80% of blacks.
>rich whites
rich blacks*
Is it really you, Quentin?
i only got the economic redpill and JQ, i would very much like the other links regardless of what king cuck thinks was or was not posted. fuuuuuck you ';..;'
Top kek