Stop being communist.
Stop being communist
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If only this book was a mandatory read, people would see the similarities.
The October Revolution's Gulag prison camps were not taken seriously at first by the "conservatives" at the time either.
Then people were stuck there for 40-50 years until they woke up to the reality of the situation.
Took Russia 100 years to go through that unnecessary mess. Millions dead. Sometimes, societies never wake up and they degenerate for life
> wtf i hate communism now
Make me.
I think this is Solzhenitsyn's underrated work. It was circulated as an underground Samizdat, like Havel's The Power of the Powerless (which everyone on Sup Forums should read).
>Things have almost reached rock bottom. A universal spiritual death has already touched us all, and physical death will soon flare up and consume us both and our children—but as before we still smile in a cowardly way and mumble without tounges tied. But what can we do to stop it? We haven't the strength?
>We have been so hopelessly dehumanized that for today's modest ration of food we are willing to abandon all our principles, our souls, and all the efforts of our predecessors and all opportunities for our descendants—but just don't disturb our fragile existence. We lack staunchness, pride and enthusiasm. We don't even fear universal nuclear death, and we don't fear a third world war. We have already taken refuge in the crevices. We just fear acts of civil courage.
>Make me.
I think Generals Franco and Pinochet heard those words as well.
That cunts head looks like its been stoved in with a fucken shovel
I think for Pinochet it was more like "MAKE MEEEeeee~ *sploosh*"
> stop being communist.jpg
Shut up nazi
Communism is le economic system
not harred and racist ideology xd
communism was a Jewish invention
It probably was. He was in a gulag so wouldn't be surprised
jews were a communist invention
There was an old guy in my village who had been captured by the Japs during WWII and put into a camp. One day as he momentarily stopped working at his slave labour to wipe his brow he was hit on the forehead by an outraged Jap guard. He survived the War and came home, but he carried that scar for the rest of his life.
The Black Book Of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression
Why not just join a coop or commune instead of forcing the working class to use your system?
u wot m8
That's what ancoms do
Man, the Wolverine got old.
They may not support a socialist transition state but they still don't believe in letting people choose their own system of working.
Make me
>yfw he warns about the danger of unchecked unappointed journalists.
They do, because they value the establishement of self-managed communities powered by direct action. And ancoms are well aware that those self-managed communites can only exists with individuals that agree towards maintaining such a system, so there's no choice but to organise communities with like-minded people.
Well, I guess the ancoms I've talked to must've been different, cause they seemed quite willing to violently attack the capitalists and seize their property.
Commies will eventually grow out of it or become the eternal cuck in their 30s. It's mostly a teen angst phase.
Agreed, OP. But sadly, it's just not that easy. We have to kill them.
Did that a long time ago.
Have you ever heard academics try and rationalize his and dostoevsky's antisemitism? It's top level double think
you were talking about the "anarchist" street fighters i think. yeah they're aren't in the theory, they just like causing havoc for no reason
The ancoms you're talking about seems like they would get along with the ancaps, in which case I don't have any problem with them.
Depends what kind of communist.
If they genuinely want to improve the world, they will eventually see that almost every other system has been proven functionally superior.
The other kind of communist just wants to be cool or get free stuff - this category is usually irredeemable
>they just like causing havoc for no reason
Bit prejudicial, isn't it?
If you are going to align yourself so closely with them, inasmuch as the two traditions have a partly shared intellectual history, then vulgarising their ideas speaks poorly of your level of political education.
In Solzhenitsyn's case, it was fully justified.
Also, reading Dostoevsky and hearing Solzhenitsyn has really helped explained the behavior of modern Russia.
They are not anti west, they are anti Nihilism.
Peter Hitchens have given some great talks on the Russian character.
What if i dont? Will i get detained by your rwds?
Read 200 years together about the Jews in Russia, the man is ourguy to the extreme. A true hero.
"Жить нe пo лжи" is a meme amongst russians. And for a reason.
>We don't even fear universal nuclear death, and we don't fear a third world war. We have already taken refuge in the crevices. We just fear acts of civil courage.
Not "We". Him. He, while perfectly knowing that inner services watches over all the documentation and letters, still insisted to write antigovernmental bullshit during the fucking war, to get away from the frontlines.
When it backfired, of course, he dragged with himself his wife, his friend and even some noname he was just riding with on the train.
While in GuLAG, he became the informer quite quickly, for which he was granted certain privileges. His "services" helped NKVD to smash up the riot of "forest brothers" preparing in the Ekibaztuz.
The petty fucker that will gladly sell away everyone, friend or foe, will kiss the ass of the regime for the gibsmedats, and has an audacity to preach about morals - perfect, chrestomathic example of Russian intelligentsiya. Both in USSR and in Russia now.
So it's not underrated. It's rated quite accordingly.
By the people who actually live with a filth similar to him (only more Jewish).
> the man is ourguy to the extreme
That's why every libshit kike respects him in the Russia. Truly (((our guy)))