The first description says
"21 week - we know the gender (of a baby)
second one
"how does it feel to be a single mother"
This polish girl got it gud.
The first description says
"21 week - we know the gender (of a baby)
second one
"how does it feel to be a single mother"
This polish girl got it gud.
Other urls found in this thread:
Toll Status: PAID
Is that real?
Is it sure that he is the father and not just a friend ?
She's a mischling. Who cares.
Jews and niggers are totally compatible.
Jew evolved is so long distorted that they could interbreed with a camel and it still wouldn't matter.
Yeah, I saw it earlier since this story has been making the rounds due to its hilarity
Saw a pic of the kid too, its hideous
That is 100% real my brother. I don't even feel sad. Too bad that she is actually pretty. The movie:
she is actually smoking hot, and the nigglet is really ugly i think it was just because of bbc memay. Also check out the kid, its a strange mix.
She is ugly anyway. Best for here genes to be removed from the pool.
An entire life of single Motherhood awaits her and she out making it worse on social media.
Have you heard about the (((high elves)))?
Wow, what is in that guy's genes? Is he an Abo? This kid looks super strange. Like, far more strange than any of the other white/black mixed people I've seen.
That kid got the worst of both worlds.
Poland will be as cucked as germany in 10 years once those mixed kids will demand more diversity.
It's really strange that people don't pick on her at her comments section, or maybe she is so fast to delete these mad haterrrsss
Why are mixed race babies, objectively more attractive, healthier and smarter pol?
Stop pretending they wont ignore that shit completely and keep their borders closed at all costs.
These people are such a minority they might as well be fucking native americans, the majority is too united to be subverted
got the mums huge square jaw and dads black lips and nose. probably will grow to look a bit more normal
Let's just hope you are right.
(((They))) are already targeting eastern europe
Would love to run some tests on this poor kiddo. Also hope she will beg for attention in net so we will be able to see this miserable creature growing up.
She looks like she aged ten years in between those two pics. Is that a result of the toll or just heroin addiction (why else would a hot girl have sex with her drug dealer?)
damn those are some strong monkey genes, shit looks like an albino gorrilla baby
Fuck.. the comments section man.
Brutal carnage.
My heart is hardened to all of this now.
She looks rather atypical for White, but I've seen slavic girls with a similar facial type before.
I can't really believe that this problem is in Poland as well. It's horrifying really.
Look at this time as a time of cleansing fire. The wretched old world is dying, and the traitors and weaklings are being weeded out.
Women are dedicated so much to this "social change" stuff, because they ultimately need social acceptance more than men do. Passive aggression, like the silent treatment and emotional exile, are extremely damaging weapons we can use against women.
When I see these women, I don't get angry, nor upset. I see it as one less person to worry about. Some who lost their membership to club Aryan.
Those that sire children with outsiders, don't want to become outsiders themselves. They want to remain within the White citadel. They want to cuck White men into looking after and accepting their mixed offspring.
Deny them this.
Cut the cold, let them fall.
I liked the hungarian anti-Soros campaign, the and I liked their and poland's incentives for mothers, they seem to have their shit together very well.
I just hope that they wont cave to the EU when they lose their gibs, I think they know it's not worth it but who knows, the thinktanks are very effective
Mate... 10 years ago talking about immigration was "unthinkable".
10 years later we've got the king of America trying to build a wall and the UK population, after years and years and years of conditioning, stabbed the EU in the heart.
The internet has been overrun by the right.
We're not just the barbarians at the gate anymore.
We are inside the gates.
Wow, I thought this was shopped. I thought there is no way any kid can look that fucked up.
Well, she got what she deserved. I just hope people around her don't give her any support.
+ checked
Why do you keep reposting this thread? Just stop
Translate the most hilarious and brutal comments, please, Polish anons.
4:45 poor grandma, i can only imagine what she is thinking right now
Some halflings turn out fine... others not so much, damn.
Fuck off leaf. First time I've seen it and enjoying my hearty keks.
Silence stinky animal.
How do poles deal with the shame of these whores who fuck foreigners? Have you just given up?
There is no single brutal comment over there. Also this kid's name is ARYANNA - can you spot how hillarious is this?
See it for first time, decided to share, what the fukc is your problem m8?
>she is actually smoking hot
Literally an African with light skin
Fe fi fum figure out how much i hate a nigger. Nearly a billion of them in africa for what reason.
Why so many dislikes then?
I thought the Poles hated half-breeds.
>expecting anything different
Ayo hol up
Why is the kid blonde with blue eyes? Is it albino, or are "white" slav genes dominant, not recessive, in this case.
my sides
Klaudia seems to be bringing the heat.
>The cutest Mixed girls look almost like white people
What's the Liberal logic for this? Isn't that racist?
When you are white but dindunuffin is layf
i just liked that comment and i can't even speak polish, i just know mixed race women are hot and that baby will be a model one day
why so scared Sup Forums?
Translate, plz
I am dumb amerifat that only knows one language.
I agree, but the lesson needs to be taught to women before they do this, as they will never admit it was a mistake because that would be racist. #Notallblackpeople the media tells me so
Am I playing Oblivion?
In the town near where my grandparents live, there was slag that came to the UK got knocked up by a nigger and came back. When she returned she was a pariah, no one wanted anything to do with her.
To the south of the town there are some marshes and one day there was news that some kid had drowned, turns out it was the nigglet, no one said anything but everyone knew she drowned it.
Soon after that her mother died, her sister got the house and kicked her out, apparently she came to the UK, but no one has seen her in years.
Look at the dad, he's obviously several generations deep into being a Mulatto.
Things like eye color and hair color, and skin color, are polygenetic, i.e., governed by seveal different genes. Obviously this kid is getting mostly European alleles.
That's what most people don't realize about Race Mixing, it's all Dark Skin people mixing with light skinned people, since people are attracted to those features.
Soon, it'll be people mixing until almost everyone looks like and then, progressively whiter.
nobody learns fucking polish anyways
>t. Minor translator that knows nine languages
fucking gross
"Haha, i knew/thought that this nigger will dump you. Women, you are strange - to bond with a nigger !"
that is actually a really polite comment, i thought i will see more blood n gore over there
op dont remember to tell you this ;)
Haha, i knew that the nigger was going to leave you. You women are weird mixing with niggers.
>Polish """women"""
absolute slag
Which ones?
t. spanish, korean, french and russian
fucking based Klaudia
viva polska, bardzo dobrzre!
God damn that's brutal. Nothing she can do will ever erase the shame of burning coal tho
Not surprising, statistically speaking.
In the USA, 97% of black boys abandon their children when the mother is white. Not a typo. 97%.
LOL, it's my blonde brother!!! Miss eating bananas with him :(
>Still thinking race mixing is cool in 2017.
Their nigglets are going to have massive identity problems.
With the way society is changing and becoming more tribal, the last thing id want to be is a fucking mongrel that wont belong to either side.
Id probably murder my parents if they were race mixers.
wait, is it a girl?
Keep your disgusting pipedream to yourself she looks like shit
What an abomination.
That's why races should not mix. I bet she will be shunned by fellow Poles
Thanks for pointing this out
top kek. Still better than the original though.
How can she look at that little niglet and drown it in the river. Motherly hormones must be truly powerful.
There was an article in the local paper, but I am struggling to find it.
i refuse to hate on these niggas for getting pussy and not dealing with the consequences with some stupid white woman
Most genes are neither dominant nor recessive. It ends up a mix. But if you mix something good with something shit, the result is usually some flavor of shit.
10/10 based toothpaste
It's not the negro's fault. Much like a dog eating off the table, can you blame them for wanting to fuck a white woman?
Coal birthers don't care about the nigger, they want the mixed race baby and the attention.
Let the trash breed out. Those who lack strong minds and racial instincts are not worthy women.
Don't worry though, outcasting girls will be noticed by other girls. I've witnessed this in the past in social circles that are controlled by a strong right wing core.
Outsider girls that want to integrate try their same old bs, and realise that the rules don't work. They still want men though, so they mix up their stories and laugh at all the right jokes.
I remember a girl admitting that she had a nonwhite bf once, and later, when I noticed that she was going White Power, I asked her about this. She said "you didn't really believe that did you?". That about sums it up.
Girls change their colours fast. Don't worry about that, what you need to be worried about is the intellectual and instinctual weakness of certain women.
Some women are more headstrong and do not like this shit that is happening.
Do you really want to mingle your blood with a degenerate and produce mentally defective children who will submit to every popular trend that they encounter?
Poland is the last hope of the white ra... KURWA