What the fuck is wrong with most Brits!?

What the fuck is wrong with most Brits!?

I've been here for more than 6 years as a Portuguese migrant and i do more to defend UK interests than most UK citizens do. Some people are cucked beyond belief, seriously wtf.

> Pro Brexit (REAL brexit)
> Pro immigration control
> Pro Nationalism
> Anti Islamic immigration
> Pro free speech
> Pro free market

I will never truly be a Brit, but i have to admit i would like to see the UK succeed as this is where my home is now. This country is on the verge of irreversibly becoming a shit hole.

What do you red-pilled Brits have to say on this issue?

Other urls found in this thread:


what you fail to understand is that Britain has been a shithole since the 60's literally pure cancer ever since

It might have started in the 60's but you could have still reversed it.

Now, any change in the right direction has to be radical and it all starts with Brexit.

If the government fucks up by not really leaving the EU there is very little hope for the UK.

greatest alliance stronk

I worked with lot Portuguese and you are top good people .

But your not perfect as well.

I.e I had a Portuguese boss who got 16 year old girl pregnant.

He was 39.

There is lot arsehole left wing traitors all across Europe,

Britain is no exception.

We should continue to support them and there country and to try weed out the traitors.

Buy British goods support there economy and try help them Achievemore freedom.

You are there working at the host country offer. Don't spit down at the host country like some of diaspora I've seen or some reports I've seen from ethnic French/Swiss people here in Sup Forums.

Let the ethnic British resolve their problems.


and btw OP, why aren´t you worried about Portugal giving portuguese nationality to the entire third world? we are not in a better position than the brits or the french in those matters

Swiss and French should have deported this diaspora specially the illegal ones by giving us bad rep. I thought we had some reputation and the ones living in Bidonvilles became humble somehow.
>>muh they vote Le Pen
They vote Le Pen bc they live mostly in Ilê-de-France with worst Maghrebins / niggers. Even an commie portuguese would vote Le Pen to take them out.

I'm not say that you are the same scum. Don't be arrogant with UK or other host country that you temporarily work or study in.
>What the fuck is wrong with most Brits!?
>and i do more to defend UK interests than most UK citizens do
>This country is on the verge of irreversibly becoming a shit hole.
Kek, you're still living the country that you designated "shithole" somehow.
vs OP view
> succeed as this is where my home is now.

I think most of the West, Britain in particular, is going through a slow "awakening." For decades there has been societal indoctrination, conditioning if you will, that is slowly being broken.

Yes I'm ready to order some drinks, I'd like a bottle of red wine with 2 glasses please,we'd also like the tapas menu please. Thank you

Where are you? London? Oxford?

those pepes are touching lips
gayest allies

Probably because Portugal was already third world

>I've been here for more than 6 years as a Portuguese migrant
Why? This place is a shithole. I would never leave a beautiful country like Portugal to live here.

WW2 destroyed their empire and class system, so their entire identity was warped by war time propoganda, which is ruthlessly exploited by jews and parts of the traitorous upper class.


This kinda. Our national pride is kinda based around Churchill too even though most people know fuck all about him and, if they knew his role in destroying the empire, would hate him.
Nice to know most of us are proud of the empire, though.

We're getting cucked to hell by champagne socialists that think they know the plight of the working class more than we do, blogging from their parents big houses in the suburbs, far away from where the immigrants they vote to let in. Better to be dead than an upper class socialist in my opinion.

A nice third world country is still a third world country.

I make as much as my parents combined and I'm not even working full time

>I.e I had a Portuguese boss who got 16 year old girl pregnant.
Age of consent in Germany is 14.
I see nothing wrong here...

WAIT! How the fuck is YOUR BOSS Portuguese? Aren't you German?

In your imaginary world it is, in real life it's first world,since there's an first world status.



That's very nice of you, Hans.

Most Brits won't tell you their true feelings mate, they're too scared of the nanny state and since as a portugeezer I assume you're swarthy so they don't want to appear racist in front of you.

Why are you so defensive, mate? Is there any place to join Portuguese Internet Defense Force? This is a diaspora in UK / UK political discussion thread. Don't divert the subject. PIDF is required in , and

You can say politically incorrect stuff here that we cannot because everyone thinks of you as black.


Thanks best ally.
It's starting to get better, but the liberals here are some of the most indoctrinated in the world, complete morons that think that fucking marxism is a good idea and brexit was because of muh racism

The question now is whether or not it's too late. I fear it is, old chum

Don't lose heart, hopefully we either get the full EU tantrum and the public support us leaving with no deal, at which point they will crawl back to us or we get fucked over in brexit and get a sham soft brexit and our Nige comes back.
If he gets into office we're smooth sailing back to national pride and sensible immigration.

Failing all of that it's rivers of blood time

yea labour fucked us real good

Ironically, my great great, great grandmother moved to Portugal from England in world war two.

>be Portuguese immigrant in England
>get called Paki or curry monster or mixed race a lot
>have the most extremely stereotypical Spic name to boot
>realized the Portuguese aren't even white and my whole life has been a fucking lie
>realize our supposed greatest allies don't know anything about us, like us or consider us proper humans


Quick reminder that British Gentlemen of old always remain quiet and rarely speak their piece. You only hear the cucked Brits due to their screeching and uncivilized manor. Trust me ENGLAND LIVES AND MARCHES ON

>realized the Portuguese aren't even white and my whole life has been a fucking lie

Show us your real flag alien.
If you aren´t white that's with you, don´t project your inferiority complexes on other's. Every single native portuguese is white.

Wow please don't lose heart. It's likely you were in the wrong part of the country. There are more subcultures in Britain than anywhere else in the world. One person's shitstain is anothers compatriot. In the right areas of Greater London you'll be greeted as the friend you deservedly are.

Thank you based Portuguese man


Fuck you gayboy

Go to England and see if they consider you white

Since when was it about who considers you white. If you move from county to county you'll find completely different attitudes towards you.

It was all downhill after WW2, when we started wanting more welfare, but the people from that period at least had national pride. Now, the schooling system and certain degrees teach people that the British Empire was evil (depending on your teacher) and that we're all bad people. Also the government has been hugely pro-EU for a long time, so that sentiment is also in education.

I live in England senpai, I grew up in yorkshire. Get called Paki and whatnot. This Irish guy in my class has told me before he doesn't consider me white and so do my housemates. I went to my friends house and her dad's friend said "so are you like a taxi driver, a waiter a fisherman?"

>BASED Mourinho user.

>Spain BTFO

>Go to England and see if they consider you white

Only lowlife scum like you need's anyones aprovall for being this or that. It's even ridiculous to debate something that is obvious, we don´t even think about it. Portugal is white, and if one day stops being that way, it's because it's over/dead.

For more ridiculous doubt's:


Britfag here, England kinda went dormant post empire. I think subconsciously a majority of us have so little faith in our country that we just watch what happens as it fails.

So you are not native portuguese? jose mourinho is the typical white west med, and i never heard anyone call him paki. you are
a great larper.

Yorkshire's a shithole friend. Find another county in the English heartlands. I'd suggest Warwick. One of the last places were the old ways of Britain still hold true. They would understand the difference and welcome you as a brother

Yeah but I got fucked with recessive moor genes and I'm dark as Fuck with a kike nose and curly black hair and brown eyes. Most people wouldn't know I'm white or treat me like that and you've never had to deal with being seen as a second class person. It actually matters when its not just on Sup Forums

The Imperial Gentleman still live on. Brexit proves our Nation still lives

I look similar to him in some respects, like skin tone. I'm Portuguese with one English ancestor I know of.

That's true I admit but apart from Africa and Latin America and other med countries, I dont think anyone sees the Portuguese as white.

Tfw half the pro Brexit supporters are just retards who are just doing it to see what happens

go on with your pathetic 'stories'.
moors got fucked up and expelled out of iberia. Btw by your talk it's obvious you are not portuguese.


more like JEW'D

Everything went wrong, really. We were broken after World War 2, and we didn't want to address our problems. The people here now just do not give a fuck about anything.

> Pro (((free speech)))
> Pro (((free market)))


We seem to have more British pride here in Northern Ireland (except Sinn Fein, they can fuck off) than the rest of the UK. Scots keep harping on about muh independance, because muh oil money or whatever; the Welsh speak funny and I can't understand them, god knows what they think; and England is like 50% Paki. I can only hope that all the whingey liberals who threatened to move away if Brexit won, actually fucking leave like they said they would, then we might have a nation of patriots again.

They're a but traumatized by seeing London's evolution m80, still you can use it to your advantage to say outrageously racist and right wing things and people will love you for it.

I'm fucking português caralho sou dos olivais em Lisboa sou e escuro pra caralho e cá ninguem me considera branco

The welsh are actually pretty based.
The country is fucking shit though, nice valleys I spose

>I'm fucking português
>nobody considers me white
I don't think he means paper Portuguese, my friend.

So, you are an immigrant in Portugal, from where? brazil, africa? and then you went to the Uk?

>Based Welsh


It depends, i have been to England and people couldnt tell i was foreign. Portuguese are in general more swarthy but we are mostly R1a, unless you are heavily moorish there is no reason for standing out to the point of people wondering if you're white.

>sou dos olivais em Lisboa sou e escuro pra caralho
Tens que voltar para trás Kajibanga

Better to be dead than a socialist in my opinion.

Portuguese people or spaniards have nothing to do with moors genetically you dumb. We are not nordics and we never were, we were always and since the first indo-european waves and plus neolithic of a white altantid and med stock.

I'm literally an ethnic Portuguese that was just unlucky with genetic recombination.

when are you boys going to leave the EU?

Are you darker than Russell Brand? That's fucking hilarious

When it collapses with the rise of the kraut caliphate

Unfortunately probably never because the average citizen is fucked and brainwashed by the post 1974 liberal propaganda

I'm about Russel brand tier.maybe ever so slightly darker. I wear sunscreen every day including winter. It's actually good for you.

You are in denial, you are just as stupid as people claiming we arent white. Some berbers converted, we also have alot of jewish blood. We are not pure lusitanians and visigoths or celts, we are mixture of all of those and many people especially where moors rule was more present like the plains ( Alentejo, Andaluzia, etc ) have a drop of moorish blood, it might be 2 to 5% of the dna of about 20% of the population. Its nothing to be concerned about, no ethnicity in Europe is "pure", and the ones that somewhat were like Sweden are getting heavily blacked.

fucking this
i hate these people so much

You have no clue at all.
First it's clear no people in Europe is 100% a thing, but we are not related to moors and much less to jews or africans. That's a myth.

See the pic, that's the peoples in the world more genetically connected/closest to us (pic related) where are the moors, where are the jews? not even in the first 30 populations

>We are not pure lusitanians

What i'm trying to explain you is that we are inded lusitanians, we are that old stock that were already white west meds. and not nordics

What about Wikipedia saying we have sub saharan genetics? And what about the moors and Arabs that were in Portugal?

Don´t say we, you are not portuguese.
Wikipedia can say whatever they want, anyone can edit that and tell their mythological stories and exagerations like you.

>And what about the moors and Arabs that were in Portugal?

What about the huns that were in Germany, what about the the Reconquista, have you ever heard about it?
Look again at the graph.
portuguese people are genetically more related to even a guy from norway than to a morrocan.
First, the most closest are the spanish, north italians and french, then austrians, south-english and germans.

I'm literally Portuguese.