Why does pol care about immigrants so much?

I'm ivy league educated and a top 1 percenter but don't give a shit in the slightest. My friends from college have the same opinion.

However my friends from HS who dropped out/aren't really that successful are all fiercely ant immigrant.

Why is this?

We like our own kind best.

because by the time your secluded ass sees the negative impact of immigration (hint, system is fucked and allows violent nigs into your parents hard earned neighbourhoods) it will be too late.

you dont have to deal with nigs and uncompromising poos daily, so you don't know why we despise em

So do I sweetie, but I don't give a shit about my tax money giving a few illegal immigrants a better life.

However my poor friends completely flip out about this.

You're LARPing.

You're rich enough to not have to breathe the same oxygen as them, unless they're elite Asians, who are nice to be around anyway.

>So do I sweetie, but I don't give a shit about my tax money giving a few illegal immigrants a better life.

Well you should because that's a stupid waste of money.

Please don't assume I have had a privileged life (like fucking everyone does), I grew up in a shitty single mother house and went to a shitty highschool.

I know a lot of poor blackbois/spics from HS.

>Implying Asians are nice to be around.

The yellow ones, not the brown ones.

do you think we should conclude that the higher education that you and your peers received enlightened you about things that more important, or that it influenced you and made you disinterested in immigrants entering your country?

>doesn't care how is tax money is spent
you pay less than 10k in taxes a year po boy

I'm baiting but not lieing honeybunch

I know tonnes of minorities from my shitty HS

In small numbers maybe.

You can always choose which people you live with.

They can't. If a Somali family moves in next door, they can't just decide to move. You can.

You should reflect over your lack of empathy, making you wonder about these things.

WTF I love leaching foreigners now!

Because you don’t have to deal with the negative consequences.

What was your SAT score? Did you study for it?

>I'm an ivy league educated "top 1 percenter"
>I also grew up in a shitty single mother household and went to a shitty highschool

Sure is LARP around here. LARPing on image boards is for psychopaths and the mentally ill. Sage.

Because your success probably gives you a gated community to use to get away from the problems immigration brings

Building a tent, and saying the world is dry.

pol why do you care about going from 100% to 30%?

being a minority is great!

>shill college dem kike
What an obvious thread sage

>Single mother

Maybe in the rap game.

Probably because you have the means to insulate yourself from the consequences of mass immigration. You can afford to live in a gated community, send your children to private schools, and drive a nice car into the city to work. Working class whites have to put up with blacks and mestizos on a daily basis.

Did I ever imply that sweetiepie?

over 2300 (no dox), yes I studied for it

The drumpf is now enraged.

How can you not understand?

Shows that Ivy league is just a rich boys and jews club and you ain't that smart in the end.

>However my friends from HS who dropped out/aren't really that successful are all fiercely ant immigrant.
>Increased competition makes you not as accepting

Imagine being a college educated African but the companies keep hiring foreigners who do the same work for less rendering your education worthless.

This is the worst bait.

You were rescued from the ghetto into a nicer life and thanks to liberals. I can see why you think this way, you owe your better life to affirmative action and liberals

>Did I ever imply that sweetiepie?
What? I think you quoted the wrong post.

>why would Sup Forums care about being invaded against their will in a social engineering demographic attack on Western countries?
gee, I dunno...

I understand it very well.

Me and my succesful well educated friends don't need to blame our failures on anyone else.

I just want to watch drumpfy mental gymnastics.

I'm not really a racist, but the fact is that this country is s small island, and with too many people coming in, I fear that our key infrastructures (Schools, housing, etc) will be overwhelmed. Basically, my stance is "FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL!".

Partisan social signalers deserve to die because they create death spirals.

Wealth and education is irrelevant.

>I'm ivy league educated and a top 1 percenter but don't give a shit in the slightest.
I have 15 advanced degrees in the sciences and an IQ of 315. I make 4 billion dollars per year. All of my highest-level IQ friends agree that immigration is a huge problem for America.

Maybe you just aren't smart enough to understand.

because you're part of the fucking problem.

we dont have the narcissistic self centered thinking that you do
we are thinking of the world we want our grandchildren to inherit while you think of yourself

>getting a sat over 2300, getting into the ivy league or being a top 1 percenter are hard to believe for the typical low iq rural retard

>affirmative action
I'm white honeybunch, nice try.

>I'm ivy league educated
He doesn't know which words should be capitalized.
He doesn't know where a hyphen should be placed.
He's here to impress us with his "intelligence."

How many immigrants have competed for your job or house?

How many niggers and spics do you see everyday?

illegal immigrants aren't competing for womens studies degree jobs so you obviously wouldn't care.

but in all seriousness I was thinking about this the other day. I consider an average plumber way smarter than anyone with a PHD in psychology/sociology/black studies/womens studies etc.
More """"""""education"""""""""" does not make you smart in any way.

so butthurt. the most religious friends i had in HS are super successful and most of them are doctors. One of them actually went to the mayo clinic.

Cuckoldry is a thinking mans fetish, they say.

>More """"""""education"""""""""" does not make you smart in any way.

Considering you have to jump through A-courses here to even attend college it does imply intelligence.

Not many. I have a lot of poor black and mexican (unlike the typical rural retard I'm not racist) friends from HS though

you guys have my compassion. They say when you have to live together with many people you have to make admissions. I think this is already the case in most of Britain. So yeah, everyone not a kike would probably certify that Britain is full.

its not about us as individuals at all. you probably wont understand since youre the typical selfish liberal striver who abandoned his entire past and is happy being an autonomous elite consumer. that lifestyle is shallow, degrading, and unfulfilling for the spiritual souls that ended up here.


>illegal immigrants aren't competing for womens studies degree jobs so you obviously wouldn't care.
>but in all seriousness I was thinking about this the other day. I consider an average plumber way smarter than anyone with a PHD in psychology/sociology/black studies/womens studies etc.
>More """"""""education"""""""""" does not make you smart in any way.
>so butthurt. the most religious friends i had in HS are super successful and most of them are doctors. One of them actually went to the mayo clinic.

ok ;)

lieing = ivy league spelling I suppose

HAHAHAHA moron Larpy Mclarperface

Can't understand who is more autistic between
you and the people that go ape shit over that weak ass bait.
Fuckin summerfags and MAGApedes i swear to god.

And I assume you're fine with paying for the healthcare/childcare/welfare of other less fortunate Americans?

Didn't think so.

Because the one guaranteed way of destroying anything is by flooding it with x
See: ddos attacks, pretty much every disease ever, (((charities))) that send food to 3rd world shitholes, the damage that introducing women to the workplace has done to wages, etc.

>ignores my post
Also just understood how the american highschool works, so you can basically choose how you want to pass it? In Austria you're forced into AP-courses by default.

>I'm not racist I have nigger friends. Who are poor.

Would you move to a ghetto? Why not?

Obviously, because your livelihood isn't being threatened, and because your neighborhood isn't being "culturally enriched". Are you really this out of touch or are you just stupid?

When you let blacks and hispanics live in your gated community and you don't engage in white flight then I'll consider respecting your point of view. Until then you're just virtue signalling.


This is what white privilege sounds like.

What's your deal with this thread anyway? Either learn from these posters or just keep your mouth shut and stop trolling. There are more than enough reasons to come up with to be anti-immigrant. If you don't feel this way because of lack of empathy for your own people and lack of patriottism then that's your problem.

I wouldn't blame others, I would work to be a better employee than them. Most the people here don't even attempt this and sperg out saying college is a waste of money.

Let's just say your post made me think

No because of increased crime. Wouldn't move to a shitty whites only area either.

>classcuck not knowing what happens when poor people intermingle.

Because they're competing with them. It's rational.

>I wouldn't blame others

If you're forced to work a job below your education level just to come by then you will. You had no fault in this, you did your part but you simply cannot compete with people doing your job for much less.

>a few


You're a blue pilled son of a bitch.

I'm bored, see

see No honeybunch, it's not like every immigrant is ivy league educated or even college educated. There simply aren't anywhere near enough which are

>it's not like every immigrant is ivy league educated or even college educated.

Don't move the goalposts, I presented the scenario. The real situation concern blue collar workers and not you hence we need to stay in the allegory.


Aaaaand threads over boys.

LARPing Paki Britfag, GTFO.

Godamn... Why does Sup Forums always fall for the bait?

You're a leftypol faggot commie, I bet you're not even an american, probably that spanish tranny communist.

West Virginia has less crime than Chicago.

It's just, poor.

So it's not the crime you don't like, it's the poverty.

Why? Is it the smell?

The difference is we actually work hard for our money, and you guys don't.

Hes not American. Hes from the UK or a Commonwealth.

In America we dont spell "tons" as "tonnes".

>I'm hurr durr so my voice matters more than yours
LOL trump won deal with it commie.

They're great if legal. This is just a bait thread though so go fuck yourself.