Non-moral arguments for ethno-nationalism

Why does Sup Forums care so much about European countries remaining predominantly white?
Why does it matter if they become minority majority like America?

Besides, it's inevitible - the future of the human race is multiculturalism.

If your only argument is a moral one you've already lost.

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Can one of you alt-righters explain this stormfront meme? All I see is white people no diversity. Also why did they choose only hot chicks I wonder? Targeting a specific audience for a nefarious reason?

And for my final alt-right challenge, explain what is the point of this "14 words" meme?

Studies show people who grow up in multicultural cities are less prejudice.

>when Sup Forumss only argument is thinly veiled racism disguised as moral superiority

Aww are you nationalist snowflakes triggered?

The lack of non-moral arguments shows how wrong you all are. That feeling you're getting right now is called cognitive dissonance.


>racism disguised as moral superiority

Tell me the difference between them, then?

Arab and negro cultures have ground to a total halt, culturally, ethically and morally and technologically.
That pretty much makes even hindustanis morally superior.

>the future of the human race is multiculturalism
Prove it.
The future is what we make of it, dumb ass.

I had to re-read this a couple times it was so ignorant. You do realize western society has absorbed many of its ideas from the arabic world right?

>...cultures have ground to a halt

Enjoy living in the stone age. You'd be the person arguing that slavery is morally righteous a hundred years ago. Must be hard living will all that hate and fear.

It doesn't matter how much empathy you have for muslims and how much you see them as part of you. They don't see you as part of them. They see you as whites. And they see your white daughters as whores that can be used for pleasure.

You need to live your all-white village and travel to a multicultural city. You'll see that "the others" aren't so bad.

Yet another circle scum thread.

inb4 250 replies

Tell that to the girls in Rotherham and countless other towns in the UK you spineless traitor fuck.


Who does Germany want to be black? Why is it considered an invasion when white people live in Africa but black people are free to live where ever they want? Why don't people believe in white genocide but believe monorities have been genocided in the past? Why are whites a global minority but touted as some sort of oppressive overlord dictators in "white countries"? Why are they considered "white countries" when they're just barely over half white? When will enough be enough?

The answer to that last question is clear - it will never be enough. Not until every single last white person is dead and in the ground. That is why you're racist. Because you care THAT MUCH about race.

>life long city fag here
>that's objectively untrue

Let me guess you're talking about the non-existent "migrant rape crisis"? Guess what, there's rape in every country. Sounds like you're just afraid of race-mixing.

>A handful of "minorities" commit some crimes which means all of them do and we should kick them out

>My single anecdote proves science wrong!

Yeah. Stop talking out of your ass. Come live forever in a "diverse" neighborhood, and then tell me black is desirable or acceptable.

And by diverse I mean >10% African. Sub- or supra-saharan.

I grew up in a 60% non-european neighbourhood which made me hate them. You're from the US? Why do you think the South is so "racist"? Right.

I know, I know.
Statistics is racist.

I live in NYC and everyone here is super chill. You should try going outside sometime.

>One of the most diverse cities in the worst
>Ranked 2 in GDP in the world
>This triggers the nationalist

>there's rape in every country

If this is your argument against the muslim rape gangs torturing teenage white girls in the UK I'm going to assume you're a fucking troll.

>What is systematic racism
>What is harsh penalties for non-violent crimes

Here let me spell it out for you
>Normal black guy gets caught smoking weed
>Gets thrown in prison
>Becomes even worse, likely violent
>His children no longer have a father
>The cycle repeats

Multiculturalism is incompatible with democracy. In all multicultural societies politics revolve around tribalism and bad leaders are excused.

Bro what can I tell you? Men rape. Simple as that.

>handful of "minorities" commit some crimes
You don't know what the duck you're talking about. You assume the news reports everything and you've never looked into it yourself.
Go watch "the art of subversion" on YouTube
>Caring about white countries
are white people the only race not allowed to exist?
>Future multiculturalism
Them why is it only happening in whole countries

P.S.: you're a faggot, sage

And how many of those people are Jewish bankers?? :^)

Of course the racist would also be a fascist. You're talking out your ass btw.

Can't tell if you're trolling or not, but anyhow

Black people are wildly over respresented in all violent crimes, which is backed up by actual victim surveys, so you can't blame it on "muh police racism" either.

Not gonna watch your conspiracy theory video.

>are white people the only race not allowed to exist?
Uh, what? White people aren't going anywhere. Just because you add diversity doesn't mean you remove white people.

Is this all you alt-righters ever say?

Germany is Germany because it's the home of the German people.
If you replace the German people with another ethnic group, it is no longer Germany and is instead a mere enclave of the nation from which the replacement ethnic group hails.

He is. He's also a jew - his tone screams it. He isn't a common Sup Forums poster - he came here to boldly bait newfags.

You won't get anything out of debate with this person.


>Non-moral arguments for ethno-nationalism

>what can I tell you
Say "I don't know"
>men rape
Particularly men raised in countries where rape culture is acceptable you teenage moron.
Your faggotry is revealing itself more with every post

Wait but we aren't asking them to release just the people of color commuting crimes. Just release all of the crime footage. It would be good to know how these crimes are typically committed so you can better prepare yourself and avoid it

NYC is expensive. The median African is pushed to the neighborhoods you don't frequent. But yeah your heavily policed hipster enclaves are chill, and that means that the African population replacement is somehow a thing of virtue.

Are you going to answer my question or just spill buzzwords like the nigger that you are?
C'mon how many of them are jewish?

NYC is expensive. The median African is pushed to the neighborhoods you don't frequent. But yeah your heavily policed hipster enclaves are "chill", and that means that the global African population replacement is somehow a thing of virtue

>conspiracy theory video.
Cold war era kgb spy defector that talks about historical fact
You're a complete dumbass

We argue that residential exposure to ethnic diversity reduces social trust. Previous within-country analyses of the relationship between contextual ethnic diversity and trust have been conducted at higher levels of aggregation, thus ignoring substantial variation in actual exposure to ethnic diversity. In contrast, we analyze how ethnic diversity of the immediate micro-context—where interethnic exposure is inevitable—affects trust. We do this using Danish survey data linked with register-based data, which enables us to obtain precise measures of the ethnic diversity of each individual’s residential surroundings. We focus on contextual diversity within a radius of 80 meters of a given individual, but we also compare the effect in the micro-context to the impact of diversity in more aggregate contexts. Our results show that ethnic diversity in the micro-context affects trust negatively, whereas the effect vanishes in larger contextual units. This supports the conjecture that interethnic exposure underlies the negative relationship between ethnic diversity in residential contexts and social trust.

> Our results show that ethnic diversity in the micro-context affects trust negatively, whereas the effect vanishes in larger contextual units. This supports the conjecture that interethnic exposure underlies the negative relationship between ethnic diversity in residential contexts and social trust.

>16 posts by this ID
>33 replies in thread

Stopped reading right there

You mean like the rape culture in USA? Glad we agree that men rape.

Who cares? Even if they are, it only proves that diversity is a strength.

Human ethnocentrism—the tendency to view one's group as centrally important and superior to other groups—creates intergroup bias that fuels prejudice, xenophobia, and intergroup violence. Grounded in the idea that ethnocentrism also facilitates within-group trust, cooperation, and coordination, we conjecture that ethnocentrism may be modulated by brain oxytocin, a peptide shown to promote cooperation among in-group members. In double-blind, placebo-controlled designs, males self-administered oxytocin or placebo and privately performed computer-guided tasks to gauge different manifestations of ethnocentric in-group favoritism as well as out-group derogation. Experiments 1 and 2 used the Implicit Association Test to assess in-group favoritism and out-group derogation. Experiment 3 used the infrahumanization task to assess the extent to which humans ascribe secondary, uniquely human emotions to their in-group and to an out-group. Experiments 4 and 5 confronted participants with the option to save the life of a larger collective by sacrificing one individual, nominated as in-group or as out-group. Results show that oxytocin creates intergroup bias because oxytocin motivates in-group favoritism and, to a lesser extent, out-group derogation. These findings call into question the view of oxytocin as an indiscriminate “love drug” or “cuddle chemical” and suggest that oxytocin has a role in the emergence of intergroup conflict and violence.

> Results show that oxytocin creates intergroup bias because oxytocin motivates in-group favoritism and, to a lesser extent, out-group derogation.

white people are superior in every way and the only race capable of proper civilization. the lighter shades of shitskin can maintain civilizations given to them but they will ultimately crumble
in america, the average white puts a few hundred thousand dollars into the system over their lifetime, while the average nigger takes about seven hundred thousand. spics are also a net loss
culture is genetic
there is literally no good reason why whites should allow nonwhites to continue existing

It's not moral, it's pragmatic you dumb cunt.

>Cold war era kgb spy defector
Good job proving me right. Btw whites will continue to exist in our lifetimes. Take some deep breaths and chill out.

>South Africa
I bet your cityfag ass has never hunted nor ever fired a shot!
>implying non-whites in Murica are anywhere else besides big cities
The day of rope will happen. That day will be the same day of the global economic collapse. You'll be strung up.
We are not alt-righters. We are nigger-spic-gook haters who will get rid of your kind and degeneracy. I'm biding my time.
Y'all will be cutoff from the breadbasket/heartland. Y'all will really experience TRUE cultural enrichment and DIEversity faggot.

>Non-moral arguments for ethno-nationalism
We like it, and once we have sufficient numbers we will enforce it. No need for an argument.

I was riding my bike today, and a pasty obese old man in a hunting cap and yellow glasses growled and lunged at me, screaming something about "running a red light". He was evidently broken, and almost succeeded in pushing me onto the traffic. You remind me of him.

>Stopped reading right there
Because you're a fucking idiot. ALl the pic stated was "one hypothesis" for a very small part of the study. There are multiple hypotheses. Read the link, you half-human retard.

No faggot, nothing remotely similar to your imaginary American rape culture
See: the rape game


>USA the most diverse society
>USA #1 in GDP
>Diverse cities in USA have higher GDP than non-diverse cities

You were saying about "pragmatic"?
Does the phrase "diversity is our strength" make you shake, little snowflake?

>higher IQ
>avoiding civil war
>avoiding the rise of fascist politics due to total breakdown with local milennar culture

>diversity is a strength

why should it matter that your family name survives?

We want to preserve Europe not because it is the best or the most superior but simply because it is ours.

forgot image

My moral argument is as follows: Fuck you to death.

Anyone else feeling a little suicidey? No?
Whites are so cucked. :^(

>answering a question with another one
So you can't deliver facts? Well then fuck off nigger. Diversity and tolerance is a sign of weakness.
You come to this place with nothing but your feefees and what you've heard on CNN without using your fucking brain like a drone yet you call us dumb?

Get the hell out.

Go fuck yourself JIDF.

One of the most segregated cities in the world, you mean.

If someone said pic related were "the new Africans" would you have a problem with that? If so, why? And if not, then why not?

except it is definitely the best and most superior. are you trying to pretend like you're more left than you actually are for the sake of being more appealing to leftists?

>Conservative thinktank
Nice biased report. Inb4 "attacking the source". Look at your own confirmation bias.

I read it and all of those things are subjective and exist in diverse societies as well.

I grew up around Mexicans and niggers..i don't like nigs due to my life experience with them so...i call b.s. on your claim

There's barely any diversity in that picture. You white supremacists (Nordicists) don't like European diversity and want everyone to look the same which is fine, just don't pretend otherwise. Also
>ginger with blue eyes for Italy
>Blonde with green eyes for Spain
lmao, yes, those two countries are full of women like them.

No white man should have a problem with colonialism.

cool argument ahmed, want to bring it to the white house? USA has been #1 in GDP since 1916, when we were almost exclusively white (except for the niggers, who contributed almost nothing to the GDP).

try again.

Serum Irisin and Oxytocin Levels as Predictors of Metabolic Parameters in Obese Children

>Obese children had significantly higher irisin levels than the healthy controls. Additionally, this study shows for the first time that oxytocin level is significantly lower in obese compared with non-obese children and also lower in obese children with metabolic syndrome compared to those without.

I sure as fuck don't.


niggers all look the same

European hair and eyes variation is an example of beautiful diversity. The browning of Europeans is quite disgusting. If you don't think so... well - sorry, but I can't help you. You're a fucking moron who is too astray from fake interpretations to form a valuable opinion on your own.

Why when whites do it is it called colonialism, and seen as a bad thing, but when non whites do it it's called (((diversity))) and sold to us as a good thing?

I see two humans. Must be stressful thinking "whites are going extinct" and there's nothing you can do about it.

>Why does it matter if they become minority majority like America?
Because white people are civilized and non-whites are not. It matters only if you care about our civilization.

>give me the objective facts
>ok, here they are
>i don't like those facts

If your only argument is a moral one you've already lost.


>Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:

>Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
>Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
>Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
>Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
>Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
>Less likelihood of working on a community project.
>Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
>Fewer close friends and confidants.
>Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
>More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".

Non white countries are shit. Non whites are low iq.

More non white is never really a good thing.

A non morale reason? Well how about this. We want our grandchildren to look like us. We don't know why, but it's almost instinctively driving us towards such a conclusion.

>ideas from the arabic world right?
Arabs didn't invent jack shit. Only thing they did was preserve the knowledge of ancient greece (that part they didn't destroy).

Are you going to just ignore this? And this? It is objective fact that social trust is decreased when there is increased ethnic diversity in interethnic interactions. We are biologically programmed to create in-groups and out-groups based on physical characteristics. You can see this in studies of the peptide Oxytocin which has a direct influence on humans being ethnocentric.


We're going to become a minority, don't even bait or shitpost me motherfuckers, how we live through this nightmare is beyond me. I hope your new leader will burn these worthless shitskin invaders.

Okay and we've maintained our #1 GDP spot with a diverse society, proving that it doesn't matter.

Must be stressful thinking "whites are going extinct" and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm still waiting for the "objective" facts

>Studies show people who grow up in multicultural cities are less prejudice
>implying prejudice is a bad thing



Oh I see, I didn't even read your post. But I agree, their movement will never succeed. Most Europeans are not blue-eyed blondes. In fact brown is the most common hair and eye color. They will never tell you this.

>Must be hard living will all that hate and fear.

This is the part that's hilarious to me. I'm not hateful. Not a bit. I'm a peaceful guy.

I'm motivated by love of my people, who are under threat, that's all.

Is there anything wrong with ethnopure countries? I don`t have any complaints


I'm a kraut and they're less then 6% of our popoulation. Theres still hope.
DOTR is coming soon.

We need our own 9/11.


But I'm still waiting for OP to answer my question here ->