Why are Americans so intolerant and hateful?
Haven't the Roma suffered so much persecution already? Think of all the millions killed by the Nazi.
Why are Americans so intolerant and hateful?
Haven't the Roma suffered so much persecution already? Think of all the millions killed by the Nazi.
>gon to america
>gon do stuff thats normal for us but not for burgers
>gon sue america for racism
>gon get rich
>gon defecate in gold toilet
>mfw that was the plan all along
Please kill yourself OP, I bet you are some kond of cuck that reads articles from Vice Romania all day long and thinks we should be treating these fucking pests as human beings
hahahaha he;'s not being serious haha
Fuck the local govt call ICE instead
I don't see the problem.
Defecating in public is illegal as is killing chickens in public.
Don't like the law? Get out. Or go to jail.
Looks like they've been stealing burgers too
Buy them a caravan. They will move on.
>Haven't the Roma suffered so much persecution already?
romanians are gypsy nigger tier.
quite possibly worse than jews.
Well, now everyone understands why they were persecuted here I guess.
U a gypsy boy?
we're all gypsies and poor
dont come here
Cal is a shithole filled with niggers anyway.
t. Based PAfag
Romanians(Romans/Latin) aren't Roma(Gypsies).
>go to america when Trump is president
They didn't think this all the way through, I hope they enjoy forming gypsie gangs in prison
>2.2 million people in prison
that's equivalent to 10% of the population in Romania, we could house your entire gypsie, german and hungarian populations in our federal prisons
This is to say nothing of the state prisons or local prisons
oh ffs please keep to fucking gypo's out of America
We don't need to be more like Europe with literal highwaymen in countrysides
Likewise don't leave your shithole, stay there
Aren't those people your pisans?
Oh shit, didn't knew there were some roma in America, hope to god some American will deliver democracy on a trespassing gypsy
they're here because Obama gave them refugee status while ignoring the whites in South Africa
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the disease has already spread, you wont get rid of them they'll just keep multiplying
A shame more didn't get there.
No offense Murika, I love you, but we hate gypsies more and them leaving is better than anything else.
Wanting obongo to take in gypsies because "romanians bully us" instead of white south africans who are literally getting genocided makes me kind of dislike romania, or at least dislike you
ah fuck the gypos are here now too
Maybe they will fight one another.
It would be interesting from a scientific point a view. Like does wild life documentaries on National Geographic.
Mfw that's an improvement for them
Die you selfish shit. Imagine if we sent blacks to your country and had the same attitude.
We wouldn't hide our joy.
Get out
Gypsies aren't people. Neither are niggers, but their being here is our own fault. Why the fuck are gypsies on our clay?
are these people common, or do you actually have normal, non-poo-in-loo there
> Romanian immigrants
They are gypsies lol.
Roma =/= Romanian
Roma = Gypsy
Romanian = Romanian
We get orthodox in the US
Those are fucking gypsies
>defecating in public
Gypsies really come from India after all.