As amoral animals, humans are not bound to treat each other one way or another except what benefits those who are most capable.
Reminder that human rights are just a social construct
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Then your precious 1/2 amendment is just a social constructs
Worthless edgy kiddo
That's captain obvious.
What is the social contract?
Please see the following as a primer to avoid future shitposts:
>Plato's Republic
>Thomas Hobbs Leviathan
>John Locke Treatise of government
>Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Du contrat social
Seeing how my government wants to replace me with somebody completely different than what my children look like, I withdraw my obligation to obey and retain my use of violence.
Rouseau speaks of this in the social contract when he addresses "true freedom vs individual freedom" stating that it is sometimes necessary to force a man to be free and act against his will, freedom being the general good of the whole.
This of course brings up important questions about tyranny which John locke further develops when the government crosses the line in his essay, "The original extent and end of civil government", it basically lays the foundation for the natural"right to revolution" namely,
>the right or duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests and/or threatens the safety of the people without probable cause.
no shit OP you dumb nigger
initiation of force is degenerate
most of ppl are ok with current policy, also they are ok with your liquidation in case of a revolt
>Third world replacement is for the good of the whole
Got it
Or maybe you're just a fucking faggot. Think about it.
Daily reminder that the concept of a social construct is a social construct
Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Duvalier, Mao, Suharto, Pinochet, Marcos, Trujillo, and Nguema did nothing wrong I guess.
Daily reminder that it is whatever i say it is because if you don't agree i'll fucking kill you.
There is no wrong to be done.
>With freedom you would fuck kids
With freedom men would not pic related
Not objectively.
Haven't been on Sup Forums for a few years, I come back and you fucks are arguing against fucking human rights now? Fuck this place, give me a fucking permaban so I never have a reason to return to this godforsaken place.
There's no such a thing as "freedom" you fucking pleb , only power.
It's ironically humorous because those who would argue in favour of the dissolution of the social contract in favour of "natural laws" represent such a minority that they would be the first to be strung up in the event of a violent revolution. Still, they are edgy AF so they have that going for them.
Privileges not rights , you soft pussy. Show me where it says i can't just fucking exterminate a whole race of people just because i fucking feel like it.
Nature says it's awwwright. And so do i.
why? what's the problem with pointing out the fact that human rights are a social construct?
that doesnt mean we shouldnt have human rights all it means is that social constructs are important.
so next time some fool tells you something is a social construct in a dismissive or disparaging tone you can kindly point out to them that human rights are also a social construct but nevertheless important.
t. jew
>There's no such a thing as "freedom" you fucking pleb , only power.
>Fucking little children is power
You are objectively incorrect.
Take your Jewish moral relativism somewhere else, and stop trying to subvert my board, subhuman. Get a neocortex, will ya?
It is , i get that you're too much of a faggot to handle reality but that's on you.
Thats a staged picture right?
Doesnt look dead to me
Who says i have to do the "right" thing? who gives a shit? in tthe end everything dies either way.
They are.
In American society.
Civil rights from the 60s are bullshit though.
> (You) #
>It is , i get that you're too much of a faggot to handle reality but that's on you.
Says the fag flag
no you are the one who is objectively incorrect.
the image you posted favours op's assertion, not yours. how do you not see that?
Degenerate by definition means regression to an inferior form of society, due to a lack of morality. Morality itself implies that men have at least one right, the right to be immoral or moral.
OP is guaranteed communist.
The social contract needs to build upon the natural laws, not contradict them, but arguing against the social contract itself is indeed foolish.
The entire constitution is to protect the Virginia slave owners. it is literally meaningless
Elders of Zion said it best, the only right is the right of force
I can beat the shit out of you any day of the week. And then i'll suck your dick afterwards as a consolation prize , faggot.
I'll fuck your sister too if i feel like it , what are you gonna do about it pussy?
Jerk off in the corner most likely.
Whatever faggot , i'll do whatever the fuck i want. Stop me.
The benefit of a moral code is that it ensures collective survival. Voltaire said about God that ‘there is no God, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murder me at night’.
Faggit , let's ambush George Soros limousine you and me. Come on , i know how to get a rocket launcher.
Correct. "Human rights" are Jewish, stemming from the Jewish religion of christianity, which invented the concept of a united "humanity." The original globalism, humanism, etc.
Get out of the sixteenth century, bucko.
correct might makes right
if you let the government violate the constitution they will
>The benefit of a moral code is that it ensures collective survival
Except today, when it ensures collective extinction of white people at the hands of subhuman chinks
>The benefit of a moral code is that it ensures collective survival.
No it doesnt
Competing groups are a threat to my descendants
Your """rights""" are what the state permits you to have. Just look how the government walk all over the 4th amendment