Is pornography addiction real?
Is pornography addiction real?
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Yep, look up sissy hypnosis on pornhub.
It's illuminati shit to turn you gay bruh.
I'm not sure whether it can be really addictive, but it certainly has a desensitizing effect. Also, it can change your sexual preferences.
Like anything else yea. I haven't fapped to porn in about a month. Goal is to stay that way until at least January, see what happens. As of right now I haven't noticed jack shit, but I've also jacked off to porn for like 15 years, so...
anything that causes dopamine to flow has an addictive quality
dopamine is addictive.
Never drink soy
Yes, try stopping it, and it will become obvious.
tfw straight but addicted to gay furry porn
t. sad degenerate
Yep. Stop looking at porn. It's jewish propaganda.
>what is a nymphomaniac?
don't do that
Yes. It gets guys to the point where real life Women aren't exciting enough compared to perfect high speed porn pixels. It rewires guys sexuality to the pixels instead of real life women and all their imperfections.
>Is pornography addiction real?
Damn, i would date her.
Yes. And I wish it wasn't.
No. Masturbation addiction is.
no im depressed as hell and porn does not sound appealing at all. i used to beat off at least once a day. what kind of addiction goes away when you're at your lowest?
i fucked ops mom raw dog that pussy was so tight damn
The aussie gets it, not addiction to the material just the feeling
I feel the opposite
the dopamine release is easy and porn is everywhere so it's very addictive
it was used in the six day war to fuck with sand niggers, make them apathetic and keep them inside
As Long as you can disconnect Porn from reality it's fine. Jack off who cares, just don't like the Jew into your head. I.e. The race has big cocks, this race only likes this race, porn is degenerate, but as long as you know that, go about your business
numale to ugly woman
an improvement I guess
Absolutely, it is. I've been addicted for years.
The worst part about pornography addiction, that many people don't seem to realize is the slippery slope effect.
With regular drugs, as you continue to take them you build up an immunity. This forces you to have to take more and more of the drug in order to reach your original high.
This is the same case with pornography. As you consume more and more of it, you will eventually become bored of "vanilla" sex. You will continually seek more degenerate styles of pornography.
Many years ago, I was very content with vanilla pornography, and disgusted by even acted rape.
Today, I am disgusted by vanilla and easily get off to murder and necrophilia. This isn't even the worst of it, but if I go on I'd surely be put on some lists.
Also, relevant: No matter how strongly you feel otherwise, your 2D fetishes will always migrate to 3D.