In Walmart

>in Walmart
>tool section, looking for chisels
>Came across this just sitting on the shelf completely taken out of it's package
>Put in my pocket
>have kickass multitool now for free!.
Finders keepers and all of that.

Am I as big of a piece of shit as the guy that opened the packaging?

atleast it was something useful

not politics

>looking for chisels in the walmart tool section
kys my man


Why would you shop at such a disgusting store?

Hello fellow whites. I shoplifted lolol.

So you came here to express how proud you are for being a shoplifter? I hope they got your thieving ass on camera.

No, you're an even bigger piece of shit for stealing it, you fucking weeb.

I'm going to tell mr Sheffield you stole his tool.

> walmart
Yes you are garbage

>Am I as big of a piece of shit as the guy that opened the packaging?
You're worse.

If only the guy manning the security cameras was paying close enough attention to notice you and then give your license plate to the cops.

You are unironicly a nigger.

congratulations. you're a common thief

ITT op admits he's a nigger

You're apparently non-white, because what you did has a name: shoplifting. Next time, act like a white man and keep your hands off things that don't belong to you.

bosting in a slide bread loll fug XD

you went to wal mart looking for a chisel?

if it was completely out of package and you found it like that who cares, its actually curious as to why someone would open it and just leave it there

Hey cool I have that same thing. It fucking sucks

rebranded jewish tool, made in mechelen, belgium.

that multi-tool sucks dick
get a real man's tool

not that retarded shit


Enjoy your Chineseium.

t. Gerber masterrace.


I did the same with Pokemon cards when I was 9.

Dude careful, don't scuff up you're steelbook!