i know why they evolved to be smarter but what exact mutations do they possess that increase IQ the most valuable of all traits,Einsteins brain was 1230 grams using brain density (1.08g/cc) his volume was a petite 1138.8cc so its not all about brain size...
How are Ashkenazim so much smarter than whites?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is a jew conspiracy
Jews are superior and everyone else is equally
Tay–Sachs disease
there are many studies on the ashkenazi IQ being higher than whites
this thread is for discussion of the exact mechanisms of brain structure differences and neuronal differences between Ashkenazim and goyim
>Jews are superior and everyone else is equally
what you think all races have the same intelligence, thats like saying all animals are the same they are obviously not each distinct population has its own distinct adaptations caused by their own distinct evolutionary pressures
this is an evolutionary race to the top just like it always was.the top is the most intelligent race
the ashkenazim have won it will take thousands of years of evolution for goyim to catch up
notice anything about all these great men they were jews they all changed the world and science 22.4% of nobel laureates are jewish
ashkenazim are the master race
I'd say it's because Jewish culture has high expectations, but that would imply IQ has a basis on development and not genetics.
Best guess is it was eugenically selected for.
>bottom center
yep Wolfgang Pauli was a Jew quantum mechanics genius and discoverer of the spin theory
Actually they are not. Some are extremely stupid.
their average verbal IQ is 125.6
they are 22.4% of Nobel laureates
and look at the first post jews outnumber goyim in academia
as the only people to have the evolutionary pressure to evolve past farming/crafting IQ they are the only people to have changed since the stone age
>some are extremely stupid
not as dumb as the dumb goys though
their IQ distribution is 1 standard deviation (~15 points) forwards
well, outside of the appropriateness of the term, no reliable and independent survey has every been done.
Posting surveys of colleges who cater to jews and then say "oh look how many jews"
read ch 7
Not anymore. As this and the OP image shows. Jewish intelligence has actaully collapsed. They are still smarter than average, but much dumber than they were two generations ago. More or less, the smart ones mixed with goys and had few children, while the dumb ones had like six children. It doesn't take long for dygenics to kick in.
This was generations ago. The half and quarter Ashkenazi being pumped out now are rather pedestrian.
their are still many full ashkenazi jews the hybrids will sometimes have elevated IQ also
The jewish IQ advantage has been cut in half or more in just 40 years. Dysgenics happens very quickly. When the smartest of your race have few children, often with other races, and the dumbest have many children, it only takes a few generations to descend into mediocrity. This is what we are seeing with jews. They flatly aren't nearly as smart as they were in say the 1960s.
>enrollment ratios
Pick one you fucking nigger. Its quite obvious they only give a shit about their own and gets an easy pass.
the full ashkenazim are dwindling but there are still some left
Jews are 26% of Harvard and only 11% of Harvard's top students. Compare this to the 1970's when they were about 41% of the top students (also about 25% of students). Jewish intelligence has collapsed.
Let American Jews serve as the ultimate lesson on the crushing cost of not paying attention to eugenics.
It's from all the Human Growth Hormone they get from eating babies...
clickshill, show me ANYWHERE where that blog is sited as an academic source.
Blogs are full of Dollar Store level Charles Murray imitators
i know many smart ashkenazim they are the smartest people i know smarter than their teachers
We almost caught up
its a book 10000 year explosion
Not if embryo selection becomes the norm.
No, the accurate explanation is that whites caught up to jews because of the Flynn effect.
Blacks will eventually catch up to whites and jews also.
that would take a long time better to start with Ashkenazim who are already a lot smarter than goyim
Flynn effect is a meme
same with genetically modified Goyim they are expensive a lot of hard work and not as good as genetically modified ashkenazim
here's my source
also you need to test new mutations for intelligence in real life not everything can be in the lab although I am on board with genetically modified Ashkenazim
read this if you think genetically modified goys is any gain
this to learn about the ashkenazi IQ
My cousin had Tay-Sachs. He didn't live very long. So did my grandmother's brother. Also didn't live very long. No wonder jews are bitter about the world have their babies die too fast.
They are trying to screen for these diseases however they may be what causes higher intelligenc
>Asks: 'how are Ashkenazim so much smarter than whites?'
>chart s from an Image macro proving that Jews benefit from ethno-nepotism in enrollment, not commensurate with their scores
Cuckpol really is ruled completely by JIDF now, isn't it. Jesus, I come back to check in every once in a while, and its more leddit here now than leddit. How do you all enjoy this, its like putting your head in a public toilet and enjoying it.
Whitebread culture destroys minds
your just embarrassing yourself stop those are all stupid unrepeatable sources you probably have schizophrenia
if this is the majority of goyim i am truly disappointed in humanity these sources are absolutely retarded David duke is a mentally ill conspiracy theorist
>those are all stupid unrepeatable sources
>David Duke mentality
There have been "anti-Semitic" Jewish intellectuals who have been sharp critics of the Jewish intellectual supremacist thesis. Even the Jewish philosopher Wittgenstien said:
>"Even the greatest of Jewish thinkers is no more than talented".
He said that Jews lack creative power, as did the Jewish philosopher Otto Weininger. Weininger recognized that his work would be seen as anti-Semitic but said that the greatest of genius :
>'have nearly always been anti-semites".
He listed Tacitus, Voltaire, Pascal, Herder, Goethe, Kant, Jean Paul, Schopenhauer, Grillparzer, and Wagner. A longer list would name: St Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, Francis Bacon, Ludwig von Beethoven, Hillaire Belloc, Johannes Brahms, Giordano Bruno, Jakob Burckhardt, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Robert Burton, Samuel Butler, Lord Byron, Thomas Carlyle, Geoffrey Chaucer, Anton Chekov, St. John Chrysostom, St. Justin Martyr, Cicero, William Cobbett, Samuel T. Coleridge, Constantine, Diderot, Diogenes, Laertius, John Donne, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, John Dryden, Eugen Duhring, George Eliot, T.S. Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Euphrates, Ferdinand I, Ludwig Feuerbach, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Charles Fourier, Charles de Gaulle, Edward Gibbon, Nickolai Gogol, Graham Greene, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Lord Harrington, Georg W. Hegel, Victor Hugo, David Hume, Thomas Huxley, Thomas Jefferson, D.H. Lawrence, Franz Liszt, Martin Luther, Christopher Marlowe, Moliére, Montesquieu, Nickolai I (Tsar of Russia), Origenes, Peter the Great, Petronius, Pliny the Elder, Plutarch, Alexander Pope, Posidonius, Pierre Proudhon, Johann von Schiller, Seneca, William Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Percy B. Shelley, Frederick Soddy, Aleksandr Solzhentisyn, Georges Sorel, Jonathan Swift, Tertullian, Alphonse Toussanel, Tritheim of Wurzburg, Mark Twain and H.G. Wells.
Enjoy your cancer, Shlomo.
my god you are so stupid and mentally ill... there is massive scientific evidence of Ashkenazi intelligence and because your not Ashkenazi you want to destroy the product of 1000 years of intelligence evolution
do you have brain damage?
mental illness for sure though
>there is massive scientific evidence of Ashkenazi intelligence
Actually, none at all really. There's a lot of media hype and jewish mythology, but not a lot of science to back up the claim. Jewish school children have about an average IQ (= 100) and Israeli military tests given an IQ of 100 with a small gender differential. Richard Lynn in his paper "The Intelligence of American Jews" has given a downgrading of the Jewish intelligence IQ score. He notes that earlier studies such as the Backman 1970 study were based on small samples: the number of Jewish boys was only 65! Other studies use similar small samples and have not been drawn to be nationally representative. One further study by Backman in 1972 which Lynn considers representative had sample sizes of 1236 Jews, 1051 White Gentiles, 488 Blacks and 150 Orientals. IQs for six factors were calculated and the Jews scored: verbal comprehension factor 107-8, English language 99.5, mathematics 109.7, visual reasoning 91.3, perceptual speed and accuracy 102.2 and memory 95.1. Lynn feels that the "Differences in the IQs for the various abilities are so great as to raise doubts about the results," and he says that the verbal IQ of 107.8 is at the lower end of estimates of Jewish verbal ability - even though these other estimates are non-representative and therefore technically flawed. It is worth noting that in IQ studies conducted earlier in the century Ashkenazi Jews did worse than Nordic ethnic groups such as the Scots.
S. Kaniel and S. Fisherman, "Level of Performance and Distribution of Errors in the Progressive Matrices Test: A Comparison of Ethiopian Immigrant and Native Israeli Adolescents," International Journal of Psychology, vol.26, 1991, pp.25-33; J.R. Flynn, "Israeli Military IQ Tests: Gender Differences Small; IQ Gains Large," Journal of Biosocial Science, vol.30, 1998, pp.541-553.
race doesn't affect IQ
>Actually, none at all really
have you seen the charts and books referenced above
your twisting data to fit your views
those researchers are anti semitic and these results are isolated to their studies
Oy vey look at you
these idiots are so biased and scientifically illiterate
>those researchers are anti semitic and these results are isolated to their studies
Nice bait.
>race doesn't affect IQ
Race doesn't "affect" IQ, but IQ is heavily correlated with race. Jews having a higher average IQ is a myth, the result of skewed over-sampling, a lack of proper studies to draw comparisons between Jews and other races, and lying in the Jewish media to hype the idea of Jewish superiority.They have to hype this, because it justifies their preference for Jews over others in university admissions, and it helps to cover over other examples of Jewish ethno-nepotism.
read ch7 of the 10,000 year explosion
then come back
>how are Ashkenazim so much smarter than whites?
Hillary has 99% chance of winning.
Also, Jews are way smarter than whites.
", then the number
of northern Europeans with IQs greater than 140 should be
4 per 1,000, whereas 23 per 1,000 Ashkenazim should exceed
the same threshold, about a sixfold difference. This is a general
statistical effect, not something that happens only with IQ.
The fact that Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs on average and
corresponding high academic ability has long been known."(pg211)
there i went and found the stuff for you guys my source a paper by Gregory cochran the 10,000 year explosion
>there are many studies on the ashkenazi IQ being higher than whites
And many studies of it being lower. Curiously, the ones claiming they are super smart only came into being after Jews cheated their way to power.
They're in the same race as Arabs. The average Arab IQ is 85. Do the fucking math.
Oh wait, you can't because you're a fucking idiot.
Ashkenazis genetically cluster Witt south Italians/Greeks, and Italians have the highest IQ of all western countries. There must be something going on the pasta sauce to make them so smart
i have done my math and i have come to this conclusion ashkenazim are 1 sd above white trash
they are distinct from arabs in that they evolved to have higher intelligence in medieval europe there was pressure to do banking a field requiring more thinking than goy farming and crafting
>i know many smart ashkenazim they are the smartest people i know smarter than their teachers
And they taught you everything they know about sentence mechanics, right?
actually i don't mean to insult you but i have brain damage and am still far smarter than you
>30 posts by this ID
lmao kike
defending what cannot be defended till death
>my god you are so stupid and mentally ill... there is massive scientific evidence of Ashkenazi intelligence and because your not Ashkenazi you want to destroy the product of 1000 years of intelligence evolution
So your argument is that Jewish brains evolved 700% faster than the rest of humanity so you can attempt to explain the bullshit numbers given by Jew-serving academics?
>a variation of Kevin McDonald's selective breeding hypothesis
>Jews were isolated, this is proof they selectively bred for intelligence
>Rabbis needed high verbal IQs
>repeats mischaracterized IQ results to justify other faulty reasoning
If you understood the arguments being made in that chapter, you'd realize what I posted earlier debunks them. It's full of the same problematic thesis criticized by top authorities in the field of psychometrics as I posted earlier: Jews do not have higher average IQ, this is pure myth. No studies can be cited to prove this. If eugenics was practiced in isolation then explain why:
>Ashkenazim have more European genetic admixture than other Jewish populations
>Ashkenazim have more genetic diseases than any other group (this is a sign of dysgenic practices, not eugenics)
Also, if the "selective breeding in Isolation" theory is correct, then why are no other Jewish populations with Rabbinical traditions reported to have higher IQs? Asian and Sephardic Jews are not noted as having higher average IQs, and the average IQ for the nation of Israel is 95. There are no proper studies comparing Ashkenazim to other races, and all samples used to argue for Ashkenazi "superiority" suffer from the same sampling flaws -- is that too difficult of a concept for you to grasp? Hopefully you aren't Jewish, embarassing if I had to explain that to you more than once, huh?
>S. Kaniel and S. Fisherman, "Level of Performance and Distribution of Errors in the Progressive Matrices Test: A Comparison of Ethiopian Immigrant and Native Israeli Adolescents," International Journal of Psychology, vol.26, 1991, pp.25-33; J.R. Flynn, "Israeli Military IQ Tests: Gender Differences Small; IQ Gains Large," Journal of Biosocial Science, vol.30, 1998, pp.541-553; R. Lynn, "The Intelligence of American Jews," Personality and Individual Differences; M.F. Backman, "Patterns of Mental Abilities: Ethnic, Socioeconomic and Sex Differences," op. cit. note 9.
>Ashkenazis genetically cluster Witt south Italians/Greeks, and Italians
>massive evidence
post it all
post every single study
this is truly a tragedy the brainlet goyim are so numerous they overtake reason and science
and ask me to post "it" after i have already put the links on this thread multiple times
That doesn't fit that data. White non-jews are by far the smartest group per capita at Harvard. Followed by Asians (Asians are in a clear second which is important since Asians have higher IQs on average). Jews are third. Basically blacks and Hispanics are hardly ever recognized as being excellent students.
>1 link that already got debunked
lmao kike
, then the number
of northern Europeans with IQs greater than 140 should be
4 per 1,000, whereas 23 per 1,000 Ashkenazim should exceed
the same threshold, about a sixfold difference. This is a general
statistical effect, not something that happens only with IQ.
The fact that Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs on average and
corresponding high academic ability has long been known."(pg211)
there i went and found the stuff for you guys my source a paper by Gregory cochran the 10,000 year explosion
well what do you think about the 10,000 year explosion
>i have done my math and i have come to this conclusion ashkenazim are 1 sd above white trash
It is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for that much change to occur in a thousand years. That's at most fifty generations. We are talking about an enormous amount of change in perhaps fifty generation.
JBS Haldane showed that evolution cannot progress for extended periods faster than about 1/3^n standard deviations per n generations. Now I know you're a fucking retard, but if we do the math. I'm borrowing from someone smarter than me now:
"That will actually be integral ∫(1/3n)dn from one to forty, which is about 1.22. That should be the MAXIMUM possible increase in their IQ (in standard deviations) in that time. If they started at the Semite average of 85, that would put their current average IQ at about 103.5."
They CANNOT have evolved to be as high as these false sources are claiming in that time. It is impossible. It's like you telling me you know people who evolved to jump fifty feet into the air. You're full of shit.
>my source a paper by Gregory cochran the 10,000 year explosion
Just posting it over and over, without being able to reply to counter-arguments and contradictory evidence, is worthless. You're getting BTFO, and the fact you're too stupid to notice makes it even worse. These sources contradict yours, and come from expert scientists -- Greg Cochran is a blogger with an undergrad degree in physics, who writes on Anthropology. He's not a researcher in psychometrics, genetics, physics, or anthropology; he's essentially a science journalist.
>S. Kaniel and S. Fisherman, "Level of Performance and Distribution of Errors in the Progressive Matrices Test: A Comparison of Ethiopian Immigrant and Native Israeli Adolescents," International Journal of Psychology, vol.26, 1991, pp.25-33; J.R. Flynn, "Israeli Military IQ Tests: Gender Differences Small; IQ Gains Large," Journal of Biosocial Science, vol.30, 1998, pp.541-553; R. Lynn, "The Intelligence of American Jews," Personality and Individual Differences; J.G. Backman, "Youth in Transition," vol.2 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1970); M.F. Backman, "Patterns of Mental Abilities: Ethnic, Socioeconomic and Sex Differences," op. cit. note 9.
>"The fact that Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs on average and corresponding high academic ability has long been known."
That's an appeal to authority fallacy, not an argument. Meanwhile, Israel's average IQ is 95. Ashkenazis are 40% of the population there. What does that number tell us?
arabs aren't a race you fucking idiot.
Show me a skull with "arab" features
It's because secretly, Khazars were Asian.
Now look at Asian IQs and let the penny drop.
>arabs aren't a race you fucking idiot.
Whose the idiot NOW, you fucking retard?
Here you go
They actually have very little to do with arabs at all. Jews are originally a north-west semitic people, like the phonecians, arameans, akkadians (originally, then they invaded sumer and created babylon). Arabs are south semitic. Jews are mediterranean, arabs are from the arabian peninsula. Arabic is only spoken outside of the arabian peninesula because of islam. People outside of the arabian peninesula only called arabs because they speak arabic and then their governments started identifying themselves and their people as arabs in the 1800's, for geopolitical purposes. But like actual syrian people or exampe dont consider themselves arabs.
It would make sense that jews would have higher iq's then arabs, because north-west semites built icvilisations and lived in cities, arabs were desert nomad clans and tribes. Basically bedouins. North-west semtiic countries like lebanon, syria etc yeah they have like 85 average iq or whatever but you could argue its from arab genetics
>Yale and Harvard are full of old kikes in administration and politics
>huge Jewish bias
>MIT, Caltech, and Berkeley focus primarily on research and inventions
>Jewish bias disappears
hmm, really makes ya think
You. where's that arab skull at?
>They actually have very little to do with arabs at all.
Science called. It says you're full of shit.
Michelson was a Jew, just so you know
>You. where's that arab skull at?
Races aren't skulls you fucking moron. Races are genetic clusters. That's how I just owned your ass with a PCA chart.
The best one I heard for this is that long ago we forced them into clerical roles until they were really good at math.
They get into ivy league universities because they have Jew Privilege
There are only three races SON!
mongoloids, Caucasoid, and negroids.
PCA my ass faggot
>Michelson was a Jew, just so you know
Yes, they (Michelson and Morley) actually copied the experimental device concept by a non-Jew named Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau.
Jews are thieves and cheats. Almost nothing they do is original. If you google it, you can find all the Jewish invention myths debunked along with the cited proof to back it up.
>I have no idea what a PCA chart is, so I'll pretend races are defined by skulls.
>Michelson was a Jew
lol born to a Polish merchant family, you can't make this stuff up
Read the thread:
>Haldane's law: 2000 years is not enough time to "evolve" into geniuses at the rate claimed
>Jewish genetic diseases do not imply eugenic artificial selection processes
>no other Jewish groups (Sephardic, Asian, etc) have high average IQs, despite also having Rabbinic and "banking" traditions
>no studies are done with proper sampling to backup the IQ claims, or comparisons between Ashkenazim and other races
Why would I need to know what it is when it says nothing about your race?
>arabs aren't a race you fucking idiot
Do people as stupid as you are post so arrogantly because you're too stupid to realize how stupid you are?
yeah and Einstein and Wolfgang pauli and bohr and Feynman and leo Szilard were all frauds stealing ideas from white people