I don't understand, why is everyone so depressed these days? We're living at the height of civilization, endless entertainment, no hunger, no real danger, endless sex....
I don't understand, why is everyone so depressed these days? We're living at the height of civilization...
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And where is the Challenge? Where is the mountain we have to climb? Fuck your weak, comfortable life.
Sup Forums makes me depressed
Go read a brave new world, and compare it to the world we live in. And just under the surface is a marxist version of 1984 where those who don't conform are destroyed.
Why do all chocolate labs look exactly the same?
Literally havent had sex in 20 months cuz theres no challenge and I can get anything I want. I want some hard shit this is boring af
That's the problem. All we have is physical advantages, but that is the lowest need. People are depressed because they want relationships and the ability to triumph over something, but all they get is uncaring sex, awful divorces, and a world who's only response is to give them "happy" pills.
why do people use this flag
>height of civilization
>still no VR waifu gfs
Terrorism , porn, liberal dictatorship, media domination, massive immigration, everyday murders and crimes for nothing, drugs, low IQ societies, demographic craziness, apathy, No more spirituality, fast food, poisoning food is OK.. we are facing great problems.
Sometimes it's better to want than to actually have
Stop being racist to doggo
Cuz its not mainstream
human beings are hideously imperfect and should not exist
I have no gf or friends and see little hope for those in the future.
Whatever I do, I don't feel like I'm contributing to society because it seems like it's declining. I used to (and still do) love thinking of business ideas, finding ways to sell things, etc but I feel these have little purpose anymore.
I just keep pushing through but there is no purpose.
> endless sex....
you know where you are right?
only reason i watch that shit show tbhwy
Sup Forums
The temporary relief to this desire I have found is self-improvement. Especially growing up in this materialistic world of nihilism, "little" things like diet, exercise, and no fap can seem extremely challenging. It's not easy to admit it, but until we became 'redpilled' or whatever you want to call it, we have more than likely lived a degenerate lifestyle (I did at least). I don't blame you user, I don't blame myself either, but pulling ourselves out of this degeneracy is the challenge to the modern world. Rejecting the Jewish game is what we can do until the real challenge comes - the collapse of western society. Having to face all of this first hand And by improving ourselves, we can be the ones to overcome this and inherent the future - molding it to what we want - the organic national socialist future.
You forgot 'no hope'
Wrong, reddit. -1 downvote for you!
That shit only really applies if you have wealth and connections. Guess what? A lot of people don't have those things.
What was that experiment with mice called? Where they had everything but died out eventually?
>endless sex
Hell awaits you.
Oh no, how will I afford gold now?
>mfw nobody ever remembers Fahrenheit 451
Lack of higher ideals and purpose. Lack of fulfilling goals.
I didn't say I have endless sex, but nearly everyone has the potential
What's our generational purpose?
To sit on a cushion, stare at a screen and be spoon fed confectioneries?
Boring and unfulfilling as fuck bruh.
You know exactly why, user.
>height of civilization,
>endless entertainment ... endless sex....
Hedonism is not civilization.
Why the brah?
Is it true that one of /ourguys/ broke into his home and stole his underwears?
You promote it as if it were a positive thing.
We've been at peace for so long I honestly feel like we're on the brink of a major struggle such as a global or civil war/revolt.
>tfw born too early to be a spaceship pilot
The death of individualism.
Through social media everything is pretty much being turned into a giant hivemind in which nobody is actually happy but merely content. We live in an age of compromise.
Basically this: youtube.com
We killed god but failed to replace it with anything worthwhile and it's slowly been poisoning us.
No, you might have heard that Brittany Venti asked for him to review her edible underwear - because she did and I think he might have even considered it the little degenerate.
You might be able to find the conversation on twitter still.
>"they might have skid marks in them. tee hee!"
the holocaust
Free time is the enemy of happiness
Hard to be mopey and depressed when you're spending every waking minute trying to provide for you and your family
He denied her right away. He hates degeneracy.
The fuck? Brittany has edible underwear? Prove it or you're full of shit.
Is this true? I wasn't sure if brah was becoming insane or people actually hang stalked him.
>endless entertainment
No time or money for it.
>no hunger
Doesn't make one happy.
>no real danger
Bullshit. There are different kinds of dangers out there now and if you walk through bad areas you're in danger.
>endless sex
Is worthless. Sex without a relationship is meaningless bullshit.
The modern world is a great place as long as you don't really think about anything.
The problem with not thinking is that we end up blind.
Man doesn't live for fun. We're all becoming lazy moraless niggers.
We're living in a fucking Skinner box that conditions us to serve (((them))) to our own detriment.
Because less and less people are religious. We worship sex and things. This is how Rome fell.
Never relax
Check out Sam's non-banned twitter, he told Brittany to knock it the fuck off.
People need a purpose in life, that has been stripped from us.
>endless entertainment, no hunger, no real danger, endless sex
That's exactly why people are depressed, everything is already provided for you.
It's like buying pre-built lego sets, it ruins the magic.
Being happy is overrated. Being depressed is easier. I'd much rather sit around and think up ways I'm being repressed
Our species wasn't meant to live in these conditions. You can take a bear and put it in a cage and "give it everything it needs" it will still show signs of depression. Life is more than about having food and water. Not to mention some people barely have even that.
Calhoun's mice Utopia or whatever?
Because the meaning of life is not to be exposed to constant pleasure and hedonism.
People have replaced a deep existence with a shallow game.
>Be 22
>Sailed from Norway to Sri Lanka, seen places people can only imagine.
>Lived with berbers in the desert and natives in Amazons.
>Had long conversations with a crewman of Kon-Tiki on lookout sailing from easter island.
>Witnessed the red-pills with my own eyes.
>Developed a character
>Comes back to normal urban life.
>All people on my age just want to drink and fuck.
>I'm just the quiet guy
33. Human beings have a need (probably based in biology) for something that we will call the “power process.” This is closely related to the need for power (which is widely recognized) but is not quite the same thing. The power process has four elements. The three most clear-cut of these we call goal, effort and attainment of goal. (Everyone needs to have goals whose attainment requires effort, and needs to succeed in attaining at least some of his goals.) The fourth element is more difficult to define and may not be necessary for everyone. We call it autonomy and will discuss it later (paragraphs 42-44).
34. Consider the hypothetical case of a man who can have anything he wants just by wishing for it. Such a man has power, but he will develop serious psychological problems. At first he will have a lot of fun, but by and by he will become acutely bored and demoralized. Eventually he may become clinically depressed. History shows that leisured aristocracies tend to become decadent. This is not true of fighting aristocracies that have to struggle to maintain their power. But leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized, even though they have power. This shows that power is not enough. One must have goals toward which to exercise one’s power.
35. Everyone has goals; if nothing else, to obtain the physical necessities of life: food, water and whatever clothing and shelter are made necessary by the climate. But the leisured aristocrat obtains these things without effort. Hence his boredom and demoralization.
36. Nonattainment of important goals results in death if the goals are physical necessities, and in frustration if nonattainment of the goals is compatible with survival. Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression.
37, Thus, in order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort, and he must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his goals.
i can't get a gf and i just turned 33, the realization that i'll never have a family makes me want to put a bullet in my brain but i feel that i should take out some of the people who i scapegoat for my own failures
Checks out.
>no real danger
So you haven't had your first chronic illness yet. Enjoy it while it lasts little buddy.
The culture sucks. Architecture especially
>endless entertainment, no hunger, no real danger, endless sex
But this is bad
Even more so with some social species. It takes tens of thousands of years for genetics to catch up with the environmental changes. We used to live in tribes at that time. Constantly having someone around. Not to mention we also believed things that made death more bearable which has been pulled from under us. Most people don't really believe in an after life, they say they do because lying to themselves is slightly better than full out admitting it's lights out once you die.
1)Some people are spoiled
2)People were "depressed" before just it wasn't as noticable/widely-known
3)People were too busy trying to stay alive to be depressed
4)Degeneration of the family unit and religious unit (community church) in modern society
>I don't understand, why is everyone so depressed these days?
People make themselves unhappy. That's all there is to it basically, though to really understand this fact you would need a lot more words.
>no real danger, endless sex
Hello there JIDF, how many shekels you earn today??
>We're living at the height of civilization
£1 billion in 1947 had the same buying power as £31 billion in 2017.
$1 billion in 1947 had the same buying power as $13 billion in 2017.
Ok then, if you say so.
you may be a small-souled bugman. what is a small-souled bugman you ask?
>“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” --Aldous Huxley
"small-souled bugman" implies that the person has been cut off from their cultural roots, and totally subsumed into consumerist neoliberal hive. they are totally lack any sort of sympathy for their ancestors folkways, higher spirituality, or passion. if they do engage in activities that are somewhat human, they still are heavily tinged by global capitalism. if they are a sportsfan, they will participate heavily in fantasy sports(which is obsessed with statistics, 'scientific' analysis of performance). if they exercise, it will be all cardio, and tracked by fitbit and then uploaded to faceberg. tastes in food, art, music, movies are predetermined by review aggregator sites like yelp, metacritic or rotten tomatoes. political views only appeal to them if they seem 'rational,' and derived from the sort of conventional wisdom, economics influenced worldview seen in works like 'moneyball', nate silver's 538 blog, and 'freakonomics.'
more characteristics of bugmen: probably works in a fortune 500 corporate environment, at least has bachelors from decent flagship university, is the type of person that would buy amazon echo and still use it after a month, talks regularly about netflix and prestige cable shows like game of thrones to 'break the ice,' member of at least one subscription service like blue apron or birchbox, has strong opinions on craft beer. they engage in artisinal manhood where masculinity is defined by consumer choices(only SINGLE BLEND scotch whiskey, cigars, vintage safety razors.) think of obama on the few occasions when he would 'present masculine'(e.g. when he would go on ESPN to banter with sportscenter hosts about his march madness bracket.) an impenetrable milquetoast f****t who is totally empty once you remove the sum-total of his consumer choices, social signalling. petraeus and kushner are solid entries.
craven striver types are far more susceptible to 'morph.' the bugman lacks roots or spirituality, so he looks to the neoliberal cathedral to define is mores and consumer preferences. he finds cosmic justice in the corporate skinner box, where employees are encouraged to take on mortgages, CC debt so they are motivated to meet sales goals and performance targets.
Basically attention seeking whore's, Who crave everyone's attention
Ted did nothing wrong.
Nice Doogale
Because every day I wake up and am bombarded with new ways I'm racist, sexist, misogynist, x-ist.
The world is rapidly changing and I feel like my voice is not heard, even after electing a leader that speaks to my wants and needs.
The Bess Kalb's of the world still get to dictate whats acceptable and what isn't.
what separates the bugman from the pack is that he is totally in simpatico with this system, and doesn't seem conscious of how out of balance it is. he is elevated in society because of his clearly defined utility curve and transparent motivations, which make him easy to manage, predict, and control. the managerial class desperately wants to believe every situation in society can be brought to heel by a mckinsey consulting model, and they are excited by people who fit into their molds.
the small-souled bugman promotes awareness about climate change and praises exponential, unidirectional growth. he stands up for the rights of oppressed women and "sex workers" and torrents HD POV ultra-close-up pornography. he corners VCs at TED Talks to tell them about his drone delivery app and doesn't know how to talk to a mechanic.
he tweets safe opinions under his full name. he vapes artisinal medicinal cannabis, gazes at jpegs of nebulas and ponders the wonders of the universe. he scoffs at miracles and strives to be the most rational, the most right, the most ahead. he never watches things grow and never watches things die.
bugmen are beta patrick batemans
If only we could speak offline, leaf. But let me just say, secret societies exist for a reason.
You can have purpose, but the sad truth is, unless your purpose is to serve the PTB you will be crushed mercilessly.
That is why true freedom resides in the secret.
you sound like a total faggot
Because civilization itself is depressing.
Depression is a social disorder. If you are ostracized from society, you become depressed. In majority of cases of depression, it's always caused by loss of a loved one, bullying, shame, or something social.
Civilization perpetuates itself on the idea that you can supplement entertainment for happiness, hence the degeneracy.
Morality works in the absence of law.
Because this damn homeostasis bullshit allows us to acclimatize to everything, including happiness
>bullshit ramblings
I'll consult a doc if I ever get depressed, worthless cuck
>endless sex
kek, you nearly had me for a moment, senpai
round up and flog all these dissenters, I think it's time for my wine enema honey.
we struggle
no struggle
then sad
>why is everyone depressed these days
>strong men create good times->good times create weak men->weak men create hard times
the majority is weak, but no 100 men can win a battle against 1 million weak men,
not everyone is depressed, your only awareness of the world is through the internet i guess, the majority of people around the world are fine with the things that are happening now. Tho not really fine but they can tolerate it so it's not a big issue since weak men can close their eyes and enjoy life.
I promised my girlfriend a vacation to paris this year and i will take her to paris since she only knows that place because of how beautiful it is through the movies she watched, but i just hope that i won't have to beat a 5 somalis in front of her eyes and turn a vacation into a court case. She is the sweetest thing and can't think bad of a person, bluepilled as you would call it, but she is too nice to care about her political views. She's redpilled about relationships and the fact that friends are just used for dinner parties and she also thinks that different coloured people are ugly and less worth, tho like i said she thinks that everyone can be nice so it's somewhat weird since she still thinks that there are inferior people.
Anyway, france to her is french people, french food, and the eiffel tower, i told her about the situation in france and she believes it but it's like "nah, how bad can it be.".
so, see you in a few weeks french bros.
>no real danger
Tell that to a European or someone in the Southwestern US
It's an intellectual culling. Those who aren't able to see what's happening are being deleted slowly through;
Food additives
Gmo food
Fluoride in the water
SSRI meds
Anxiety meds
Sex change meds
Cradle to grave 'care' systems
The saber tooth tiger is gone, this is his replacement.
Don't take any meds, including antibiotics directly or indirectly. Factory farmed food is full of things that'll kill you slowly, gl anons! We're mid hunger games
>music is officially dead.
>progressives are just degenerates in disguise
>liberals are communists in disguise
>endless debt,endless inflation,most jobs are minimum wage
>academia is "god" and blue collar work is demonized by everyone including our own parents.
>can literally die, get prison'd or lose your job if you voice any "wacky" opinions in public
>no fault divorce, insane repercussions if divorce is actually taking place
>college degree is more worthless than ever
>cucking and polyamory is on the rise
i don't know user. you tell me.
>our species weren't meant for these conditions
Romanian evolution
STOP; before you reply: DON'T
this is a meme spam thread, low quality content that is spammed on the board for easy (You)s. The content of this thread also belongs on another board (/bant/)
The best option is to not reply but if you absolutely can't keep your retarded opinion to yourself remember to type "sage" into the options field of your post.
otherwise just report and ignore and continue browsing.
I can only reply what most people say anyway
none of these things are truly essential
so that's why things suck
I wish this board realized that more
people here jerk off to wealth so much.
notice that it is the wealthiest countries that are most degenerate
not countries like poland you know
nobody seems to appreciate this fact here
>We're living at the height of civilization
>endless entertainment
>no hunger
>no real danger
>endless sex....
You are right on all counts. But your observations are fragmented and hopeless. You need a solution.
Kill commies and you kill shitty music.
Kill commies and you shitty liberals.
Kill commies and you kill central banks.
Kill commies and you kill academia.
Kill commies and you kill censorship.
Kill commies and you kill feminism.
Kill commies and fix education.
Kill commies and spouses become private property again.
I am telling you, user. The solution is to kill commies. It's been the only solution for a century now, but still nobody has the balls to actually do it.
Sad really.
Fast food ,fast entertainment , fast relationships .The modern day holy trinity which americans worship , protect and promote around the world .
The small local farming communities are not coming back.
The strong family unit and traditions are not coming back .
The high paying jobs and social responsible business is not coming back .
Right wing Fascism could solve all the problems but its not coming back .
until soulles,pseudo democratic ,hedonistic ,unchained self consuming capitalist usa stop ruling the world ,nothing will change ,just same shitty civic cuck globalism .
Because propaganda teaches you that you shoud be offended by everything.
Free money, No hunger, No real danger, Endless sex, don't need to work.
Native Canadian/Americans must be the happiest people in the wor-
>Be me.
>Almost 30.
>Good job with the Jewbanks.
>Live by myself.
>Great location,
>No family problems.
>No children,
>No problems with police, like ever,
>No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarretes, no gambling.
>Clean and well maintained body.
>Personality: Optimistic.
>Don't want children, wants house or buy land.
>Senpai heritage from Wales, Spain and Italy.
>Never had sex.
>Bitches at work: Have senpai issues, children, got boned by local negroes, Or eventually are going to get boned by them "My dream is to have children one day" mentality.
FML I'm single forever, better save money and hope for the best bros!
I know so many people who are on antidepressants that's it not funny. I'm going through hell right now in life but I never have mental breakdowns or what not, I just keep going.
It amazes and scares me that I can't find a job still but these people who are ticking time bombs are somehow making it in life....WTF guys.
there solution is MUCH simpler than that.
Gen Z is literally our only chance, hitler said "control the youth, set the future". we need to bring Gen Z into poltics. scoop them up from academia and put out flyers and propoganda in schools. this shit has been done many times in history before before a great revolution has occurred.