Reminder that no white man anywhere on Earth, throughout all of human history, has ever received more votes for anything than Hillary Clinton did.
Reminder that no white man anywhere on Earth, throughout all of human history...
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Cool whens the inauguration?
Good for her. Too bad she's not President
Consider suicide.
Fortunately that has no relevance to the election system.
>population increases every 4 years
Why are leftists dumb?
Or more precisely, why does their propaganda targets dumb people?
Here is her prize
Delayed a few years by an antiquated election system, but it's coming.
>most hated woman in politics somehow gets more votes than anyone before her
thats proof enough that she cheated, yet still lost.
Top three vote totals in U.S. history:
1. Barack Obama (2008; 69,498,516)
2. Barack Obama (2012; 65,915,795)
3. Hillary Clinton (2016; 65,853,516)
Pretty funny how white males used to be the only thing you saw on U.S. presidential ballots, and yet the top three vote-getters happen to be the only three times non-white males headed the top of a major party's presidential ticket.
But a shit ton of white men have actually run countries. Hillary Clinton has not.
How adorable.
Now why won't you let us audit your counties voting records?
And how many of those votes were fraudulent. Colorado has just refused an investigation into the democratic roll. California, New York, Illinois, gonna be very interesting to see those states shut down any probe into the number of illegals who voted.
she fucking won. if you win the popular vote you win. what part of democracy don't you understand?
31 states against 19
But now you want new rules, am I right?
There was not a single "illegal" vote cast for Hillary and you know it. Meanwhile, there is mountains of evidence that the Russians rigged the election for Trump.
It's not a direct democracy, toothpaste
Prove it, chump
proves the electoral college is the correct system.
>mountains of evidence
You'd think we'd have found some by now...
>if you win the popular vote you win
I don't know how voting works in your country, but that's not how it works here. You should stick to discussing things you actually know about.
>With the help of all of those illegal votes and voters!!
One person went to jail for casting two votes for Hilderbitch.
Check your facts.
Why dont you just make california a country if you like them deciding who is president?
Hillary cheats at absolutely everything. If you believe those numbers you are honestly stupid as shit.
Reminder that she is deeply corrupt and tried to rig the election.
Trump beat Clinton by 10 million votes. Votes cast by foreign nationals don't count in US elections.
>Democrats-There's irregularities in the voting system that allowed trump to win!!
>Repulicans-Well let's get to the bottom of this!
>Democrats-Umm no.
>being this retarded
How has nobody mentioned that this is due to population growth?
>Reminder that no white man anywhere on Earth, throughout all of human history, has ever received more votes for anything than Hillary Clinton did.
Reminder that no White man had more faithless elector than Hillary Clinton.
I think it's so funny that Sup Forums posters will constantly deflect this fact with "who cares she didn't win" "or that's not how our democracy works" but neither of those points are relevant. What's relevant is that Trump voters are a minority in the country and that he does not have support from the majority of the nation
Basically why we never needed democracy in the past, and we don't now.
>I totally agree your football team put more points on the board, but there were more fans rooting for my team.
I still havent seen any real proof for voter fraud. Where do you get your info user?
Is aleppoman playing uno, god that's hilarious
No previous white man had the benefit of the largest illegal immigrant population in history living in states with lax voter ID laws.
ever heard of project Veritas?
Libs and nigs hate facts..its racist in their point of view
Because the majority & minority of the overall population is irrelevant, our system was set up that way on purpose. You can't just change the rules to suit whatever outcome you want.
Pls give me sauce or proof of this. As far as I know the licenses given to illegals are not valid for voting.
And she still got BTFO and wasted the largest presidential campaign budget in history :)
The majority of the nation is fucking retarded as is anyone that thinks Trump Presidency is any different from a Hillary administration
why not give Indian reservations 100 electoral votes if you support Affirmative action for rural retards?
No pls elaborate.
How could some white candidate in early 1900s receive more votes when the population was lower, and women and blacks couldn't vote?
Clinton is criminal
How does this prove OP wrong?
racist videomaker illegally taping journalists and releasing them for the public so right wing retards can 'form' their 'opinion' without context. not worth to look up
And thus we need a full investigation into America's election system, to uncover how Trump received so many votes.
Strangely Democrats recoil from this. Hajajjaha
America is a democratic republic, not a pure democracy, talk out your ass elsewhere.
Is she still shitting her pants amd falling down in the street?
It doesn't prove them wrong, it shows that what they're claiming doesn't matter.
I'm not sure what point OP is trying to prove. That California and New York have a lot of voters?
(((comprehensive investigation)))
kek, saved
the only russian interference was hacking email servers of her and the dnc which turned a bunch of people who were on the fence away from her lol
even beter
Why isn't she president then?
My school teaches us President Trump is President of USA
literally just this
At no time has this country had as many mexicans in it.
At no time has a presidential candidate openly stated that it's a problem.
At no time has winning the popular vote mattered.
Funny how as the population increases there are more people to vote...
America isn't a democracy it's a Constitutional Republic you fuck
>mountains of evidence
Then please show us.
And how do you know the Russians were behind it? How do you know the hack wasn't actually a leak? Ask yourself this - for what reason would wikileaks offer a reward for information about Rich's death?
So OP is correct? Hilary Clinton got more votes than Donald Trump?
Both statements are wrong and you know it.
What is population growth?
Bonus question
What are sanctuary cities?
What are non-existent voter ID laws?
Really good post OP. It made me think really hard.
This, I love how they act superior yet cant handle basic shit like pop growth.
can't make an assumption of that scale. show proof or fuck off
No Trump got more votes
She won the PEOPLE'S vote. It was the SYSTEM that chose the Annoying Orange.
i actually don't know what you're saying here please elaborate
Yes, OP is correct, she got more of the popular vote than Trump did. Thankfully, that's not a factor in how our candidates are elected.
306 is still not more than 65,853,516
>more votes than anyone ever
>still managed to fuck it up
wew, desu. not sure she'd be so great running things.
Being this retarded
Hillary didn't get 65,853,516 ELECTORAL votes. dumbass
>when you failed high school civics class but you still want to school right wing retards
You keep speaking, but your point is null and void you damn tard. Our system was directly set up to prevent the kind of shit your arguing for. It's no one elses fault you dont have the neurons required for understanding it, but your still REEEEEing at nothing
Actually, the popular vote is a factor. A candidate still needs enough "popular votes" to secure the electoral college in a given state. Particularly now-a-days where the delegates are bound implicitly, and often even explicitly, to vote in line other with the popular vote of the country or their state.
You are very bad at acting coy
> Who is Indira Gandhi
illiterate faggot
what about *LEGAL* votes?
And she still lost
Women can't do anything right
She will die without ever being president.
Get the fuck out of my country you fucking fairyfag! Why are you even so ignorant to believe in a democrazy the people's vote/opinion counts.
Reminder: previous Sup Forums prank when votes mattered