Baron Trump books and others by Ingersoll Lockwood

Continuation from

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But what and how? Who is Polyphemus and why is this funnel, so deep in the earth and out of sight, named after him?
What's so important about this world within worlds?
Why aren't we having public relations with this place? Why is it so hidden? What's there besides the super-metal?

What the fuck caused this?


the dog represents the gentile believers in the church age which was given birth to from israel

the women gives birth to the child


This is worst than:

flat heart


And I think it even has potentials, due to high number of US shitposters with low IQ here.

Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey
Illustrations -

Styx on the case now:

>flat heart
Nice try, shilly billy.

there is no time travelers its all the spiritual realm that already knows everything

obama and trump thousands of years agolast days charcters

obama is the leopard
This ones a bit strange too...

what will even happen in the rapture `?

Read this faggot
shills aren't welcome


whos that?

anyone who believes in jesus from 2000 years ago till now gets resurrected and the people who are alive who believe in jesus right now fly up also

1 Corinthians 15:51-3
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

note donald trump is part of the "last trump"

I'm pretty out of the loop. Whats all this about? I live pretty close to this.

Lockwoods works and libraries that have them, Ingersoll,&qt=hot_author

>herb bernstein
This is not a good prophecy.

All this reminds me something that i learned from studying kaballah, it says so that nothing in this worlds happens unless before it's revealed for someone.

This revelations are codified like in dreams, this ones it's a perfect example of something what is about to happen and it's reavealed. See shadilay for example.

This book is all about this, things that will happen in near future for us was "revelead" to the autor decades ago, somehow it entered in his subconscious and he writed it all.

English is not my native language, sorry for the possible mistakes.

Well wow, Can i bring a lady with me till the afterlife?
Pretty much this

Coordinates: 13 48 1.0, -8 28 20.5"
IRAS micron 100




steins gate timeline is the best timeline


the spiritual realms put in the person what theyre going to put down in a movie or a book or what have you

they control the brains of the people

so no time travelers

but even if you paint something random and let ur hand be taken u can interpret what it means

if u knew what u were doing

(its a sin though divination)

Firefox ESR is still the most user friendly browser.

Not in its default state. you have to modify about:config

Then you must add something like umatrix

Better to use a local proxy

When you do it, you not using a botnet anymore

unlike the google shills and muh f-fast chrome lies

thanks for reading

Or is the rapture an afterlife?

Is that the reason why 911 was in so many movies and tv shows?

okay well thats terrifying

reminder that the first 2 chapters of the book are on pages 9 and 23

resurrected into their immortal bodies when they go to heaven forever

yes afterlife thats what i meant

how close is it?


It's satan

>And ye shall witness thine departure from castle trump
>and thou shall travel along a highway of the underworld
>Barron 9:23, Book of Neon-Genesis


something using psychokinesis/spiritual "force"/any other name for the control of that energy which is not physical in nature, but can affect physical objects.

how easy would it be for me to smash your liver into a fine paste if I could punch through the dimensional fabric and straight into the organ? and what could you do about it but panic and try in vain to get the fuck away?

i am is coming

>everyone i've showed this to thinks it's just coincidences

why the fuck are people not open to thoughts that don't make sense the first time you think about them?

if i'm not serious enough, how should i explain it?

anyone know where I can find a copy of the movie Devil's Pass?

Yes, exactly.

In this example it was somehow in Matt subconscious.

like a teacher, not a debator

feel really shit tonight will prob just do one chapter and maybe some more things i found on pics


What i know off only painting can be done trough astral traveling, making symbols, in the physical realm hence the popularity of sigils and other rituals

There's a lot to unpack there.



this is what it is.
a novel with references to Trump and Baron, Trump castle, The Master Don.
(whatever these characters meant to the author)
hollow earth, alternate races, among many ideas discussed in the one novel available online.
it's fascinating to research, no reason to convince anyone of anything imo


Satan in the bible is referred as the morning star, but the morning star it's venus.

for us that are bound to this realm, maybe. but things that reside in other dimensions likely don't have such limitations, especially when you start getting into /x/-tier things like demons, djinn, spirits and other such oddities.


God as a omniscient and all-powerful being doesn't exist bro. The only reason this shit is happening is because of the egregore known as "God". It exists because of the sheer number of people who believe in it.

so theres a sort of subconscious zeitgeist that hits some people before events, potentially years decades and centuries before they occur? This is possible, there seems to be a spiritual dimension to all people, but this idea that the flow of time is used as a vehicle for it intrigues me, especially if Time travel is possible in this universe.


Check this one.

not a lot going on at the moment (until satan is cast down on the 23rd)

it's not as much "control", it's "channeling" of the collective consciousness which are the experiences of the entirety of the universe throughout its whole existence. at our core, we are made of the same "energy" as everything else, but we are energy forms with awareness of ourselves. theoretically, we should be able to know (and even manipulate) the rest of our "body" of energy that exists throughout all of space and time. but, that seems to be rather difficult, so most of the time, we have to settle for our subconscious "leaking" information to us during the times when we become receptive to its signals, often when we're looking for inspiration or when we've willed it strongly enough.

Us Humans don't have such power, ยจ

God has created many things without us and will likely do more

Se ark of Noah
Levithian Portal to hell

>Biff Tannen
>Barron Trump
What have we started, pol. This is creeping me the fuck out.

Yes, you got it! And it can happens conscious too, like prophecies, or in a small level like intuition.

You should read what Laconics of Cult is all about. Lockwood asserts that religion and God is baloney and that Humans are super powerful.

to calm the hysteria, this was based on Trump at the time because he was famous in the 80s, though the 2015 number is funny cause thats when trump runs, mentions 'mad dog', and the Biff Taffen Baron Trump is a lil spooky
I like this idea, would explain all the spooky predictions, seemingly cyclical nature of history, all that shit

>these initials matching

then what is the need to make an arc if there was no flood god made?

Through the power of Jesus christ demons are cast our and people are healed that's alot of power from god i can prove

you severely underestimate us. that which is known as "god" and that which is known as "us" are one and the same. without "us" or awareness, god is merely unguided cosmic energy, or pure chaos.

we are the consciousness of "god".

take your hippie talk somewhere else
Humans didn't make this

if someone can find this..

Jordan Peterson?

Nice description. That's why meme magic works.



I actually posted that first

you're right, we didn't make that. unless a large-ish group of people out there decided "hmm, you know what'd be neat? A MASSIVE FUGGIN PORTAL TO HELL IN SPACE, LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN WITH SIGILS AND MEMETICS, GUYS".

that thing is just chaos.

>this does not take into account the wishes of some alien race out there who may or may not be fans of ominous hell portals

ah ty, got it from the other thread

openness and close mindedness serve a purpose

if you're too open minded, you become the fool who is too easily convinced. if you're too close-minded, you become stagnant and uncreative.

you have to strike a balance between open and closed mindedness. unfortunately, there's no way to tell what you should be open-minded to and what you should be closed minded to. so many people adopt the principle: "if other people like it, i should like it". usually, this is pivoted towards what people in power like and accept.

humans are, for the most part, more openminded about things when they see lots of other people believe it. especially powerful, intelligent, and/or famous people.

if it comes from Sup Forums, needless to say, less people will be open-minded to it.

it's not their fault. there is so much information in the world, and life is so short, that you can't possibly assess everything on it's merits. you have to use rules of thumb, put things in categories, generalize and stereotype. there's only so many hours in a day.

Never forget

i found something else out
that song "i got rhythm" entered the billboard charts on april 8 1967
april 8
somebody has a birthday on that day
he was 6 years old when that song entered the charts
so he was 25 years old when shadilay came out in 1986

Yes, and it only gets worse because Plato kinda explain this in his theory of world of forms.

All the ideias and knowledge are acessible but in a superior realm, the same for all possible happenings in this world.

The Mayans believed in a world literally underground where all the dead go and "The souls of the dead followed a mythical dog who could see at night,"

The Mayans knew about Bulgar!

Aliens are demons, now take your hippie talk somewhere else

nuclear destruction? the line about letting the little baron "have his way" before "bitter disappointment" turns him into a harbinger of destruction is interesting.

someone's getting regretfully wiped off the map for choosing the wrong side.

This reminds me of Begotten.

If you don't feel like watching this then I'll break it down for you. God disembowels himself, committing suicide and upon doing that humanity is thrust into the abyss in which the Begotten hordes emerge, raping mother nature and consuming humanity as a whole.

you can call 'em whatever you want, it makes no difference. someone posted a Baron Trump passage that talked about THIS VERY THING. people get so caught up about naming things and about differentiating things that they don't notice that they're just making things more redundant, and thus, harder to figure out.

donald trump ushers in the end

with nuclear war

obama is the antichrist though

One and the same




so, in other words, a fantastic story to tell the kids before sleepy times.
seems that way, although I assume it doesn't happen, since the story has a happy ending. I can't shake the bitter disappointment line, though. that makes it seem like if things get too far gone and it seems like there's no chance of "victory", trump/barron will somberly decide to just end it all with cleansing fire. let's make sure that doesn't happen. PROTECT BARRON'S SMILE.



Someone say Jeb! Thread?

the dumb sky pepe and rapture shilling has gotten out of hand, anything to distract from the true meme magic

Rapture = The little man with the frozen smile inside the ice prison?
