Do any liberals actually browse Sup Forums?
I've noticed every political group is represented except them.
By liberals I don't mean commies or the PC brigade.
Do any liberals actually browse Sup Forums?
I've noticed every political group is represented except them.
By liberals I don't mean commies or the PC brigade.
Other urls found in this thread:
yes, check brit/pol/ it's infested with liberals from momentum (group in the uk) and has been since the election
What proof do you have anyone from momentum posts on britpol
I'm a liberal, and that's after moving rightward over 4 years on Sup Forums. Or is it 5? When was ZimZam?
Please archive or screenshot
I thought they were communists.
Whatever though.
It makes sense that they're shilling their cause.
>By liberals I don't mean commies or the PC brigade.
I thought that is what constituted a Liberal though.
have you been there?
Liberals not welcome.
Literally all of them, newfag. Sargon the fat fuck, Kraut and Cuck the coal burner, naked ape, also that fucking spaghetti who hated on Dicky Spender's hail gate embarassement. Feds are here, too, and NSA. Probably liberals among them. also ex-muslims, whom you could consider liberal, I suppose.