Is slavery immoral?

Is slavery immoral?

> Free market proves that women become less valuable as they get older
Top zozzle

>$82 bucks for a whole human being
Holy shit, where do I sign?

>buy 21 year old for 82 bucks
>make them get full time job
>use money for cool shit

wait...isnt this just marriage but cheaper?

Is this real? Do i have to be a muslim to be able to buy one?

How long before I can buy a white slave bride in muslim-conquered europe?

These prices are outdated. I know for a fact they sell women 30+ for $7

Take me down to Paradise Place where the gas is cheap and the girls cover their face. Oh won't you please take me home, woh yeah.

ITT: Newfags who don't realize that this list is 2 years out of date
You guys have already missed out on the ILO

>not paying the extra $42 so you dont get an old hag

I fear some kind of dystopian nightmare reality future where ancaps and the islamic state form together with this kind of talk. This is the type of shit they would bond over after laughing about firing missles at a neighbor who violated the NAP.

thats Iraq for you. when USA took down saddam, they paid 20 dollars to each state bureaucrat to keep doing his job, and that was 6 month pay. now that their oil fields are under attack, they dont have many ways to generate revenue. One could say the prices are so laughable because everybody knows ISIS is going down and you are basically buying this a slave for a few months before they get rolled over, and after that your slave or his family will call police on you or hunt you in the streets and beat you to death

Just buy an older one and make a profit within 9 months (or I guess 9 moths and a year)
you can also work sex slaves as regular slaves and get even more money.
so just buy all the adults, get them pregnant and sell the children for more workable, adult slaves. your gonna make so much fucking money. everything pays for itself. no wonder everyone did slavery in the past, seems fucking amazing

> a 10yo and a 19yo are in the same category.

Muhammed (pbuh) would be so proud.

Am I weird or is that cheap af? And arent those age ranges also weird af?

Do you get a discount if you buy in bulk?

How much are the refugee women going for in Italian ports?

Does that include shipping?

you're not buying beautiful girls, just ugly sandnigresses

Businessman. Sells his own children for some money. When did germans become as greedy as the fucking jews?

I am interested in purchasing 3 21-30 year old women.

I can't go to prison for my humanitarian efforts in saving and providing the 3×(21-30) 2×(10-19) "refugees" a better life where they song be executed right?

Do they do eBay with epackets?

Why don't they sell boys as well? they produce more

Yes, a man can not be owned. But cunts are not people because they are not men so they must be owned.
Holy fuck, that's a great price.
Maybe if you want an old hag. $165 for a hot girl.

>*circumcision not included
That's where they get you.