Seems like a lot of folks round here cant stand him - why?
Whats wrong with Sargon?
Other urls found in this thread:
boredom of mossad
He's not an ethnonationalist; that's about it. Whites, especially on Sup Forums, are quickly becoming absolutists when it comes to defending their own group interests.
His moment passed, like Milo's
boring piss fights with anita, wouldnt shut up about her on rogan podcast.
A massive cuck.
Pseudo intellectual that steals memes from this board, also a cuck.
Piece of garbage who believes that niggers that can play cricket and thus be "more british" than native Britons can somehow carry the mantle that is western civilization.
Besides for someone who supposedly(??) has roots to south africa, he's a piece of shit when it comes to whenever whites as a minority would even be treated in a 'humane' manner.
(can't say the same for the remaining whites stuck in Africa)
He's a guy making videos laughing at articles for an hour, he exploits other people's work (for example pewdiepie made a video where he talked about a Polish MEP and the same day Sargon uploads a video about him even though he's already made one before, really makes you think), he doesn't do any actual research (in one of his videos he didn't even read the first page of a study he was citing) and he even got completely destroyed by some feminist cunt in a debate - bitch caught him having no clue what he's talking about and he later said that he "overprepared"
The guy is a complete useless patreon leech and the fact that you morons pay any attention to him really says a lot about nu-Sup Forums
People won't stop shilling for him in this board.
Seriously, fuck all e-celebs.
how is he any of those things?
genuinely interested, ive only seen a few of his videos
We here at r/pol/ love BASED Sargon! It's those Shareblue shills who keep spreading d&c who say Sargon isn't cool!
Oh, and I forgot to mention; PRAISE KEK! SHADILAY!
I mean, I'd still respect a cricket-playing, law abiding black brit than a skinhead. That being said whites are necessary to carry on the mantle of western civilization, as such blacks aren't the majority.
True story. Shamelessly regurgitates clickbaity Sup Forums content for profit and self aggrandizement, whilst obfuscating the critical facts surrounding race, IQ, JQ etc.
I don't understand how anyone can stand his content, honestly.
He has the some of the most unnecessarily long, boring, and drawn out videos of anyone in the '''''skeptic community'''''. A lot of his response videos have that irritating thing that a lot of people who make similar videos have as well: when they take a clip of a video they're refuting and just laugh into the microphone like a bunch of cringy cynical fucks instead of making any real point to refute the clip they just showed. It's not funny at all.
Also a guy made a video with a lot of valid critisism or his shitty videos and that was his reply. Remember that this is the guy that makes hour long videos of laughing at articles and multiple hour circlejerk livestreams with his patreon buddies.
fuck, wrong image
He's a coward and only accepts reality when convenient. Despite being aware of the bell curve he denies the importance and impact of race.
> XD
Go back
I am sumerian
Literally a fucking traitor to his people and the entire white race in general. He got this fucking sandnigger on his show
Who is the smiling, smug face of this guy
Sargoy of Mossad is a useful idiot. A tool. And it's a disaster idiots like him get the reach which real nationalists such as Millenial Woes deserve.
Nothing's stopping you from making your own channel that does the same thing but your preferred way
>Thunderf00t scolds him, he gets butthurt for days
>Sarkeesian cals him a name, he gets butthurt for days
>Not really well read but LARPs as an intellectual
>Painful during interviews where he is way out of his depth, only ok when talking shit wth other shitposters
That all being said, I do like we he does good take-downs... see his latest on Piers Morgan.
Go back to Shareblue, shill! S H A D I L A Y
It's pretty illogical to see you guys hating on Sargon while you admit he helps spread your ideology. Just because he's not some nazi-sympathizer and ethnic nationalist like pol, he's now the boogie man? Get it together. Lame in-fighting like this is how you lose the culture war. Sargon, despite what you guys want to believe, is red-pilling masses of people just using logic and rationale. Is he some great debater? No, obviously not, but he's still fighting the good fight with his videos. You know he's winning when you guys call him a cuck and all that jazz while the left is calling him alt-right.
That's true but it doesn't change the fact that his channel is garbage. If the_donald migrants have to shit up the board with e-celebs at least find some that put effort into their stuff
Calm down Colin.
Put up or shut up, IOW.
Just get a real fucking job Sargon.
Throwing artwork together that you didn't even make & talking shite about stuff on twitter into a mic isn't a job.
Be real, you're just lazy.
Tell your followers to clean their rooms & do some exercise, stop looking like autistic faggots as well.
Looks like you could do with some exercise yourself.
Carl, its weird to talk about yourself in the third person.
Woes never went to imageboards. Too busy eating.
The only people watching his videos are people who are already red-pilled. No lefty is going to watch several 30-minute boring rambles from some "LUL SJWS SUCK" 40 year old.
Sargon is the lowest form of pseudo-intellectual. His entire shtick constist of nothing but going after the lowest of the low hanging fruits and declaring himself an intellectual. Whenever he comes face to face with something that actually challenges him intellectually or philosophically he devolves into projection, ad-hominems, false equivalents, answering questions with questions, going on tangents completely unrelated to the matter at hand, feigning ignorance, and when all else fails, crying about being persecuted by evil alt-right twitter nazis or simply stating he doesn't care who's right or wrong and it's all meaningless anyway.
I'm not a nazi and i find him to be an above average pseudo intellectual
you see better arguments coming out of southern, which says more about sargon than southern
fucking retard can't even critique anita correctly
Sargon is 1/4 black. Just a bit of ol' trivia.
Mostly his fake laugh in his videos,
If I could get one free punch true the internet I would do it to him during that fake fucking laugh.
>five seconds of video
>explain those five seconds for ten minutes
>every video ever
>Falling for the bait
>doesn't name the jew
>shits on race realists and Natsoc
>created kekistan to mock Natsoc i a negative way
Kekistan is probably the worst crime he ever committed, he single handedly killed kek, a meme with amazing potential turned into cringe worthy Reddit garbage.
Examples plz
>Reddit tier topic
Ignore this faggotry.
Sargon did not create Kekistan. He aped it from Sup Forums's "let's invade Namibia and create our own state"-LARPing threads.
That fake fucking laugh grinds my gears. I'm with him mostly, then that thunderf00k of a fake laugh makes me /r/cringe
He's a buffoon whose Youtube career was built with pseudo intellectual credit cards. He's an idiot who thinks he's very smart and apparently there's a lot of suckers on Reddit and Sup Forums who also think he's very smart. It's pathetic
He's not a stormnigger. Stormniggers have a long history of outright rejecting anyone on the right who's not them for ideological impurity.
Much like leftists, in fact.
I didn't even realize he was that fat.
Also, his noes looks Jewish as fuck in that image.
>shits on race realists
this part i really don't understand about him.
for wanting (((The Truth))), he sure ignores alot of it
Yes. And he molded it to shit on ethno-nationalists. Not to mention the gay cuck posting, which he fucked up btw, of that fat fucking quadroon.
What definition of red-pilled are we using here?
yeah this.
>what if I took Sup Forums ideas
>and then watered them down so they will be palatable to a slightly larger audience
He also tried to defend the paki rapist from the big bad racists
He's a quadroon you dumb bastard.
It's all poverty you SJW!
yea, I'm confused myself
must be a very shallow "not a blue haired feminist, relatively normal" definition of redpilled
He was. Lost some weight. Benefit scrouching, bisexual, manlet, depressed neet. Also the saviour of the white race.
The only thing that annoys me about it is his and Tara's autistic rant about YOU need to improve yourself to DESERVE a woman. With le cash, martial arts, guns and lifting. When Woes is doing none of it. But at least its better than alpha beta posting.
the pic's shooped, you cocksucker
DUDE! The quadroon is not the issue here! Tara McCarthy literally has some Jewish blood and went full 14/88 GTK RWN
Because he is literally the mirror equivalent of the sjws he supposedly hates.
>right wing
Pro-social welfare. Pro censorship. Constantly attacks the right-wing. Wants to flood europe with shitskins. Doesn't care about the survival of the white race, because he'll be dead by the time shit really hits the fan.
What exactly is right wing about him?
He's a literal cuck that bangs on about feminism endlessly. Who gives a shit?
Sup Forums has to remember that Britbongs don't actually have any free speech and they have to be super careful with what they say
I feel like it's in-group virtue signaling, for (you)s since it's an anonymous board. But yeah, I'm more supremacist than you!
Bernie bro and a literal cuck, literally.
>Much like leftists, in fact.
They're basically the white equivalent of orthodox jews.
It is. He will not entertain the idea of genetics being of any significance whatsoever, and the cause is obvious. He's a quadroon. His father a mulatto. His granddad a full blown nigger.
He's a quadroon.
>Pro-social welfare
All NatSocs support welfare, I have yet to see one who criticizes Hitler for supporting it.
You dumbasses bring that shit argument about everything.
>Yeah, tehehe, he had this commie jihadist on and called all ethno-nationalist Nazis! And he never held a single ethno-nationalist view point - EVER. But he's secretly le red pilled xD
Just stop.
I don't hate him, he's just low-tier.
Many of the criticisms here about Sargon are valid, but I still enjoy his videos. He talks about issues I want to hear about, and I trust he does as much research as he can - at least he tries. I also trust his motivation is to find the best truth he can, and he admits his biases. His performance with Joe, however, was unfortunate
>Wants to flood europe with shitskins
lol you dont watch his shit I take it.
Sargon is counternoise to SJW garbage.
In that sense, he has value.
His actual thoughts and opinions however, are plebian and poorly derived misinterpretations of entry-level Sup Forums thought wielded by a fat brit cuckold.
>and he even got completely destroyed by some feminist cunt in a debate - bitch caught him having no clue what he's talking about and he later said that he "overprepared"
As opposed to fucking what? Being a nationalist who doesn't recognize nations, thinks that we're all the same and if we just hold hands and drink tea while singing kumbaya and shoving crumpets up our asses everything will be just fine?
There is nothing nationalist about someone who doesn't recognize nations, doesn't support sovereignty, doesn't support the self determination of peoples or even that they should continue to exist! Nothing!
>"I'm entertained by his 40 minute videos where he destroys SJW's"
When is he going to debate how the welfare state incentives laziness? That people should have the right to own a firearm, and that gun deaths in the US are almost entirely caused by nigger on nigger crime? When is he going to talk about how central banking doesn't work?
When is he going to pick up an economics book and read it?
Fucking never. low-hanging fruit gobbler. This makes me want to start my own jewtube channel so I can call out leftists in general, just austitically rant for 10 minutes.
I think he does a pretty reasonable job of red-pilling people on socialism, immigration, and identity politics, but he's not extreme and isn't all about white identity so he's not pol levels of red-pilled although he does say he goes on here( and steals your memes because he knows it makes you guys mad).
He is pretty much incapable of talking to anyone who doesn't already know what he's talking about and agrees with him.
>Constantly attacks the right-wing
He hasn't criticized drumpf or the tories once while claiming to be a leftleaning classic liberal. And even if he's just hiding his power level, I can't stand ass-kissers. Especially whwn there is so much to criticize from both left wing and right wing point of views. He's the sort of retard who'd have you believe that everything at the moment in the anglosphere is B A S E D.
It isn't.
>( and steals your memes because he knows it makes you guys mad)
It's because he's 1) can't form his own coherent ideology and needs to steal 2) is lazy which is why he steals memes instead of content from books and also fat
>red-pilling people on socialism, immigration, and identity politics
Yet another post that has to be bait
It's a small concession for the war effort, they needed to mobilize people even if it meant large government programs, and they needed children. They were also staunchly in favor of eugenics, which is mandatory for a welfare system to be sustainable even theoretically. They also needed to pacify people to avoid socialist sympathies growing too intense.
It's not ideal, but neither were the times. It was a smart measure.
You make great points. When someone makes those videos, that are quality and actually watchable, please share. Until then I feel stuck with the Sargons and and the Stefans
The truth is that, while Jews are disproportionately powerful relative to their numbers, they don't run the world and they probably are not the cause of your problems.
A large portion of Sup Forums is made of people who just can't get along with anyone who isn't depressed, angry, and fighting the same fight they fight. Sadly, anons are not immune to identity politics.
Who makes these images with the broken eye? The Sargon of Akkad statue is a head that was removed from a larger statue and vandalized including destroying the eyes, especially the one side. They aren't even 100% sure this is Sargon. Why depict the broken statue?
Don't even dare to compare stefbot to Sargon of Cuckard. Stef is an ethno-nationalist ancap who has done more to expose race realism and even parts of the JQ to the public than any other public figure I know of.
Because he regurgitates the more toxic and cringeworthy elements of chan culture and labels himself as a Classical liberal.
Applying labels to yourself is inherently retarded, both you and the meaning of the label are constantly being changed and renewed. It's like putting on a t-shirt and insisting that the shirt is now a part of you. It's not, and the longer you insist on adorning it the more it's going to rot and stink.
Don't quantify yourself, just be.
>hurrrrrrrr you cant criticize without making something better !!!!!!!!!!!!
underage cunt
falling for obvious bait
>le nupol amirite my pellow poles
I was surprised he reacted to Joe the way he did. He seemed more relax with that faggot Rubin. With Joe, Sargon seemed just like an sjw.
is there a point in explaining stuff to people?
isn't the whole point that they get t themselves?
why is this thread up?
He's a fairly intelligent dude, but his inability to properly verbalize his points when talking with others and his "great historical philosopher" pseudonym are both huge disservices to him.