Would you date a girl who has a "shalom" tattoo...

Would you date a girl who has a "shalom" tattoo? The reason I ask is I recently met a girl at my college who is a Christian but has a shalom tattoo. Is this some kind of millennial thing I don't understand or what?

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I wouldn't ever date low life trash who got tattoos

that shit is for subhumans who pick dumb life choices.


tattoos are degenerate and are forbidden in Judaism

Good luck, you'd have to strictly date omish in America to achieve that.

girls do all kinds of stupid shit
if that's the worst thing about her I wouldn't even hesitate

I wouldn't date any girls.

wait what

you wouldn't have to worry about it because actual jews dislike tattoos and think they're degenerate

Or just not date Amerimutts at all. But if you date their "blacks" you might occasionally find a white.

I wager thee Hebrews are at fault for this

you wouldn't have to worry about it because actual jews dislike tattoos and think they're degenerate

its pretty funny when you see a christian with ywyh written on their arm because even though they mean well they're committing a huge sin, which is both writings god's name down and as a tattoo

found the jews

She must be one of those fake Christians who worship Jews, aka Southern Baptists/Evangelicals. Jews hate them though, so it's actually pretty funny.

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All tatto is not allowed in my home. She would be tortured to potato. Similar to Otto

>that flag
>that post

jews can't be buried with their families if they have tattoos
leave it to a culturally christian whore to vandalize her temple

frig off with your shit proxy leaf

no, dummy
religious jews actually refuse to speak hebrew at all because it's considered a sacred language only meant for prayers and shit
that's why they speak yiddish
to them, for a shiksa to use hebrew would be as annoying as discount bacon




you done good with your ID brodda

>She would be tortured to potato

Holy shit Kim, never stop.





Thank you for kindness



it's a california jackass with a vpn smart guy

You would also be tortured to potato for impoliteness

Sounds pretty ironic and random. LOL.


all my ideologies go out the window when it comes to pussy

You know it sounds like a really weird dialect of German right? Like mocking the German language. I can understand most of it.

I'd have more of a problem with her being a christcuck. Never stick your dick in crazy.


the bible forbids tattoos so she's definitely not christian outside of her mind

Nobody expects consistency from religion.


>would you date a degenerate thread number 18959238459348593485349853498534895`23512835123948592348523498523498534985 with 1 post by this ID op
>Sup Forums will actually reply to these threads
>without a sage
>every time

any followers of Christ that believe the bible is the word of God wouldn't get tattoos, because it says not to

>1 post by this ID op
Make that 2 posts you fuckwit.


Someone shop a merchant face on (((Jesus))) please



There is a reason we have the folklore of vampires being afraid of the cross user.

Aye I know. But I meant in the pic where (((Jesus))) is chasing the money handlers out of the temple. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.

>“Inside every Christian, there is a Jew.” —Pope Francis

Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile in reality en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicut_Judaeis

Yes, because it means she likes to be dominated and told what to do.

I like the Korean kid in here



Wow. What a shitty tattoo. I'm going on 30 and I know so many people my age and a bit younger from work and socially who have tattoos they regret. They'll admit they regret them. It's amazing. They're always covering it up. They admit their regret over this ink affects their style choices. I know of only one person besides myself who doesn't have any ink.

ugh, a mamser