The Faggot Problem

So recently it came to my attention that there's a great portion of disgusting gay freaks lurking on this board. So let me make it known: YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

Gay men are degenerate by nature; they're hypersexualized males who will fuck just about anything they see. This includes children, and it's why gays have a much higher rate of molesting children than anybody else. These people cause the degeneration of polite society, and yet they think it's A-OK to be a massive flaming faggot. If you're gay, you don't belong on this board. I'd encourage suicide to boot.

Not to mention that gay men will never really be men, they're just sad imitations. All their value in life is derived from fucking as many things as they possibly can. It's no wonder that gay men also have the highest number of sexual partners out of any demographic. They also spread STDs, as anal sex has a much higher chance to infect somebody than vaginal sex. Bisexual people are the worst, because they take these STDs from fags and spread it to the female demographic.

To surmise, all gays are degenerates. If any of you homos want to debate that, I'm all ears. Though I find it funny how when gays are called out on that, they simply go out of their way to be as homosexual as possible to try to induce some kind of discomfort. In actuality, they just reveal themselves to be the sex-obsessed creatures they truly are

Pic unrelated

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Has anyone ever proved if that's a legit pic of DWS?

Yepp, i'm with op on this one

It's not my fault that children are so damn sexy. Fuck off back to Facebook you moralfag.

The scouts were at the pool today. So many hotties with naughty bodies. I had to leave before becoming erect.

STOP; before you reply: DON'T
this is a meme spam thread, low quality content that is spammed on the board for easy (You)s. The content of this thread also belongs on another board (/bant/)
The best option is to not reply but if you absolutely can't keep your retarded opinion to yourself remember to type "sage" into the options field of your post.
otherwise just report and ignore and continue browsing.

Case in point, but I'd bet this is just a shitposter because of the flag

>beliving all the propaganda females make
>being a feminist enabler by letting women have the monopoly on male intimity

good goy.
also sage


Are you the butthurt faggot "nazi" from the last thread? When will you accept that being gay is fucking disgusting?


That's not my shitpostiest flag.


Please remember this man, this bastion of Sup Forums, this quality cop. Everyone complains about the quality of the board having gone down but people don't realize they're making it that way via replying to troll posts. These people, like OP, simply do not get enough meaningful attention or value in their lives, so they come here to try and get a pale imitation of the attention they so desperately crave in real life.

So again, 'sage' in options field if you MUST reply, and remember, when this thread reaches 300 replies, there will still only be one post by OP.

>"fuck women for friend-zoning me. i know, i'll suck off jamal's cock instead! that'll show em!"

Sorry fag but you're already wrong.

>moral fag

go back to Sup Forums

I was molested when I was 5 by a homosexual. I'm still man enough to realize that gay people deserve rights anyway. Remember: go shove it up your pooper, you insecure, trembling abdomen-lover. Got me?

>Females have more to offer than a vagina, if homosex was completely fine with everybody there would still be people who care about them

Being gay is a mental illness. They should be encouraged to find treatment and become normal functioning members of society. The fact that your homosexuality stems from being raped as a kid attests to this

Well, she had them cut off IIRC (breast cancer).

There is nothing gay about sucking cock.


I don't really care about gay men. It's other hetero men and roasties why I'm still a virgin. Normalfags need to go.

It's my ass. I do what I want with it.

Looks like hotdogs are on the menu tonight

Liberalism has gained its power off the back of the civil rights movement for gays and minorities. Gays are literally the reason why polite society has declined. And it didn't stop there. After gay rights, they wanted bisexual rights, then trans rights, then trans bathrooms, then the right to fuck somebody without saying your trans, etc. It's a slippery slope and if you can't read the writing on the wall then maybe you weren't cut out for saving the west

So recently it came to my attention that there's a great portion of pathetic closeted homosexuals/bisexual losers lurking on this board. Some I assume have masculinity issues. So let me make it known: COME OUT OF THE CLOSET FAGGOT

You people are losers by nature; you are angry retards hating yourself and othes like yourself. This includes children that suffer from your sperging. You people think it's right to not only be in the closet yourself, but to push others there too, living a life filled with misery and without love. Come out of the closet faggot.

Not to mention that loser insecure fags in the closet will never really be men, they're just sad imitations trying to act all manly by shitting on their own sexuality. Thinking that by doing that, people won't find out.

To summerize, all closeted fags are pathetic losers. If any of you closeted fags still want to remain in the closet, I'm all ears to your arguments on why you should still stay in the closet. Though I find it funny how when these closted fags are called out, they simply go out of their way to be as closted as possibly to try to fool themselves even harder. In actuality, they just reveal themselves to be the losers and low-beings that they truly are.

Mental illness usually cause harm to the people with them.

The assrage is palpable. I'm sorry that the truth hurts, bud

One of my good friends in highschool was gay, usually I don't bother with this homo bashing, but is there any good links/videos explaining why they are so hyper sexual.
That friend I had couldn't control himself, he told me he masturbated in the bathrooms at least 3 times a day (in school alone, not counting when he got home), he also acted weird around kids (the school I went to had K-12 all in the same building, it was a small school).

>Gays are literally the reason why polite society has declined.
No it was sexual liberation of women.

are you mad about the successful gay interracial couple thread we just had?

pic related, a cute couple

>implying that homosexuality doesn't break down common morality and the family unit therefore hurting all of society
OK mate

this guy gets it

Back to your containment board faggot

False alarm m8s, appreciate what you're trying to do here but THIS OP is involved and his posts are legitimate/have merit. Plenty of other shit threads out there though, so feel free to hit them up with this kinda stuff.

100% correct on the Faggot problem. This /polgbt/ meme needs to fucking end.

I experienced the first instance of true love in the history of this universe with a beautiful woman. I'll always take joy in knowing that I experienced that, and you still think I'm gay. That's how deep your sexual insecurities go. There is not a sense of fair play. You do not insult your father on a whim. I will fucking bring the CLOWN ON YOUR FUCKING ASS IF YOU CONTINUE. Or maybe I'm just bluffing. I have to remember to not sacrifice this story for the sake of a temporary ego-victory. But I'm serious now, I'm reaching my limit.

You're not even trying, are you?


Sure thing OP... gays are sex-obsessed... even though most people on Sup Forums are straight men, and there's posting of sexual images everywhere.

I'm not gay or "assraged" (you like to use the word ass I see, did your mind slip?)

"Nobody" fucking cares about faggots (except closted ones like you). There are a billion things in the world that is a bigger problem than men fucking other men in the ass.

It's actually a big problem that white nationalists make an issue out of people being Gay - the average person knows someone that is Gay and have nothing against it. You will never convince the average person to join an otherwise sane movement by sperging out on homosexuality.

The whole theory is that gay men are normal men but hypersexualized. They have the normal sexuality of a man turned up to 11, which is what makes them OK with fucking dudes. This is proven by the statistics that show gay men have the highest level of promiscuity of any demographic. Unfortunately this also makes them OK with fucking kids a lot of the time

They didn´t make the studies, who do you expect to cover it, breitbard?

You're a simpleton, you don't understand that behaviors like homosexuality eventually have an overall impact on society. That's okay, not everybody was born to lead. You can't understand big picture thinking

You don't understand, I admit there are straight men who are a little overboard, but with gays they are literally obsessed

Which would you rather suck and why?

1. Male faggots sleep around because of the obvious fact that they are all males. Males have a much higher sex-drive than women.
2. A Pedo that molests little boys doesn't have to be gay. Most Pedos that molests boys are actually attracted to grown up women.

yes homosexuality is right now a solution to the feminist problem, but hey, mr.great leader is too afraid of starting to like all those thoughts about evil homosexual men he has all the time, because he hates it so much.

but she kept that ass.

A gay couple is more likely to molest a child than a straight couple. It's just statistic fact. Sorry that challenges your worldview, but we're living in reality, not fantasy land where it's okay to fuck eachother in the shit chute

They don't have morals.
Ah yes, I remember all those bombings by gay people. They're just so common, see them everywhere.

with another one of his white boyfriends

Alright well then go help yourself to Tyrone's cock. My descendants will be roaming the earth a thousand years from now. You will be rotting six feet under with a prolapsed anus. If that doesn't speak to your priorities I don't know what does

You're the reason Feminism exists.

Imagine being gay enough to find black men attractive. You may as well go for SRS.

>behaviors like homosexuality eventually have an overall impact on society.
Like that the more open faggots are, the less they reproduce? Why is this bad?

Fags are generally a great problem today, because the conservative forces and thoughts that we need so much right now, have also pushed a large part of the population over to the "liberals" that is also the leading force in our genocide and demize.

Good argument man. Doesn't make what I said not true though, unfortunately for you

i cant stand nigger faggots

>gays have a much higher rate of molesting children than anybody else
Well white men account for 70% of child molesters, so by your logic white men are degenerates.

that guy is latino, not black

>implying i would have sex with blacks

I also love how visual your metaphors are when talking about male on male sexual intercourse.

And to be honest, there is not much lovable on a women, men are great people and women are inferior and understandable, why should loving other men be more degenerate than worshiping some spoiled shallow being which is caught between man and child but not wise enough to realize that.

>>they're hypersexualized males who will fuck just about anything they see.

No they're just regular guys that want to have sex, but instead of playing mind games and having to pussy-foot around with girls with dinners and dating and mooching up to her for months to only get a handjob, they get with another guy that already knows what they want so it appears as if gay guys get far more action that straight males because there's little to no effort involved in the process. They meet up, they're both horny they skip the semantics and just fuck and either move on or become a couple.

DESU if not for the diseases i'd be kinda jealous.

Homosexuality isn't genetic, retard. It's a mental illness. A gay guy having a kid does not mean the kid will be gay. Unless he rapes the kid, which is unfortunately pretty likely for gay people

>(((white men)))

Except white men are the demographic majority so your argument means nothing. I see you have zero understanding of statistics. They should be overrepresented in the child molesting demographic because they fucking make up the majority of the country. Homosexuals don't.

>A gay couple is more likely to molest a child than a straight couple.
>Sorry that challenges your worldview,
I don't base my worldview around homosexuality, like you seem to have (logically by you being a repressed closted fag though).

>but we're living in reality, not fantasy land where it's okay to fuck eachother in the shit chute
You know by using metaphors about anus in your language, you come off as very gay you know. Obsessed by male anuses. You are just proving my point.

And why is it not okay to fuck each other in the ass if you are a fag? White straight people shouldn't because they should be making babies.

What's the rate for homosexual men?

You haven't even made an argument.
All you've said is that they're icky and you don't like them.

We're all human, we should respect each other as long as it does not hurt anybody.

And I've heard the argument "gay people rape children" I was raped by my mother. That doesn't mean I believe that all straight people are rapists.

I don't know if this is something you believe. But I'll say it anyways, just in case.

Stop Defending faggotry.


If you honestly think that all I've said in this thread is "gay people are icky and I don't like them," you are not worth arguing with. I've presented many points in this thread. Go back and read them if you want me to humor you, because right now you are saying nothing of substance

neither is this

Gays aren't even a problem, I think they make up like 1% of the actual population. The problem is their fans (liberal kikes and women) creating an environment that allowed them to come out. We wouldn't have 1000 different genders and gay marriage if it wasn't for thots growing up watching things like will and grace and then marching around for fag rights. I think this gay shit were seeing is a fad that will die out within a few decades anyway, especially when the hard times come.

Holy shit, the only fucking people that can claim it isn't genetic (or something you are born with, as in that you turn Gay as a fetus/during brain development), are closted homosexuals/bisexuals.

If you are 100% straight, like I'm, you would realize that it's not a choice. Homosexuality exists in all cultures throughout history, and yes it is in fact a mental illness to a degree (hurts your chance of direct reproduction).

>Unless he rapes the kid, which is unfortunately pretty likely for gay people

Its far to difficult to measure. If someone starts throwing you statistics they're guaranteed to be incorrect. You'd have to consider what goes into data collecting information like that. it would have to be guys that are willing to admit that they're gay and some may have repressed feelings

I'm not defending faggotry i´m defending homosexuality, learn the difference

I wasn't defending it, I was simply making a statement with regard to their community. I'm from california so i'm no stranger to the gays.

Yeah, and all of the studies done have shown the notion that homosexual men are more inclined to molest children is false, it's conservative hysteria.

It's the same fucking thing, sorry to burst your bubble. You guys are all such snowflakes. You act tough and condemn degeneracy until it comes to sucking off nigger dick or fucking traps, then you're 100% for it and can't stop singing its praises. You contribute to the fall of the west just as much as feminists or whoever else does

Faggots are mentally ill. Nobody fucking cares what you they do inside, but public tolerance of this faggotry is extremely harmful to society.
>and don't even get me started on gay marriage

This is not normal. They need to go back in the closet, or get help, this is not ok.

gay fag
no you are sick in the head ,view this image , yes dont deny you have a mental problem you are like this deep down and or will be soon, sorry faggot.

How is woman allowed outside without rags?
Is this normal American ??

>Homosexuality isn't genetic
you're a fucking retard
>A gay guy having a kid does not mean the kid will be gay
Two short people having a kid doesn't mean the kid will be short, either.

I really hate Sup Forums immigrants. They came to Sup Forums, began spreading their culture without respect to the history of Sup Forums and violate the rules/laws of the board constantly.

They're exactly the same as the shit they hate.


no, there are two types of gays:
1. Homosexuals. These are men you are surprised to find out theyre gay. They don't mention dick every 10 seconds. These are the good guys, people i can get along with. Examples: Stephen Fry, Dave Rubin etc

2. Faggots. These are they guys that are the hyper-sexualised degenerates. The flamboyant assholes that you can spot a mile off. These are the annoying ones i can't deal with. Examples: Louis Spence, that faggot from that dr who spin off show thaty tried a music career, Milo, Any man who has ever unironically gone to a Beyonce concert etc..

Oh yeah? Have they discovered a gay gene yet? No? Oh, that's weird. I wonder why

I'm more aligned with this. I don't have to think about liking women, I just "do" but there are some gays that are repulsed by vagina so there's clearly an issue with them.

The way I see it is, of all the mental and physical conditions a person can be born with, is it really outside the scope of reality that a gestating fetus can have a chemical imbalance in the brain that gives it a feminine cognition to prefer its same gender?

There's a theory that gays are just eternal children, Peter Pans.

>They have the normal sexuality of a man turned up to 11, which is what makes them OK with fucking dudes.
If that was the case, most of them would also be fucking women. But most gays don't fuck women, wouldn't even if no men were interested in them, and are actually somewhat repulsed by the idea, just like straights are repulsed by the idea of fucking a dude.
The gays I've personally known haven't been that obsessed with sex.


It might not be genetic. That's not why I called you a retard. I called you a retard because you're CONVINCED that it isn't genetic.

Maybe if you would not scare gays away with your homophobia you would actually know some real ones and get rid of your stereotypes.

Nobody would ever assume that i like guys i´m probably more masculine than you in a modest way.

And i don´t have sex with guys who i don´t have feelings for and i would not have sex with a black guy.

It is not harmful to society, it´s harmful to society when repressed, because people become violent, depressed, suicidal and have meaningless sex behind the backs of their famillies because they are forced into a live that doesn't suit them.

It will not go away, and it does not really harm anybody. You cannot compare this to mayor flaws like women's suffrage.


Then where the hell are you when they're out there doing this shit?? We aren't allowed to yell at them for it otherwise it's homophobia.

You're just the faggot versions of "moderate muslims", trying to deny responsibility while tacitly condoning or secretly participating in this behavior.

>moar stupid gay shit

I'm straight and you are in the closet, fag

fuck off

1 they are degenerate.
2 they are hypersexualixed
3 they spread STDs
4 mentally ill.
5 Breaks down morality magically

This is what I gathered for the most part.
1 They are just like normal human beings. So being normal is considered degenerate?
2 Just because they want different sex doesn't mean they want more sex.
3 How do they spread STDs more then straight people?
4 Science says otherwise
5 ((MAGIC))

Great way of putting it user, they literally are the "moderate muslim" equivalent for gays. That helps to shed light on how delusional these people truly are

I find stuff like this disgusting ,and don´t enjoy meaningless socialization, why should i bother with this? I won´t stop them and i don´t want to associate with those people.

>is it really outside the scope of reality that a gestating fetus can have a chemical imbalance in the brain that gives it a feminine cognition to prefer its same gender?
All studies done on the topic have shown that gay men have brains that look more like that of women (and visa versa on Lesbians).