What are some youtube videos or other kinds of media I can show my friends who are beginning to get red pilled, but are still in the early stages. Guys like Sargon and Stefan make videos that are too long and not as easily consumed by those on the edge.
What are some youtube videos or other kinds of media I can show my friends who are beginning to get red pilled...
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Sargon is a moron and offers no red-pills. show them Jared
Although some here hate him, I think Black Pigeon Speaks puts together quality succinct videos. If you prefer humor, check Andy Warski. They do quick videos about sjw issues
Name of channel?
Styxhexenhammer666 is fucking perfect for this
Blaire White.
The Amazing Atheist.
>not knowing Jared's channel
back to r/donald you go
I've sent some murdoch murdoch videos to friends and got positive feedback. Mainly the "last son of the west" "greatest generation" and "metamorphis" ones.
Ramzpaul is pretty hard core right but his videos are short, sweet and to the point. I showed my friend his video on the proliferating population in Africa and he agreed that its something worth looking into.
>A proper red pilling takes time.
Increasing your friend's attention span is a start.
American Renaissance
Just have them read Evola, user. If they have an ounce of brain in their noggins, it'll have 7x the impact that some faggot e-celeb would.
>Blaire White
Maybe for those who are already SJWs, but I feel having a tranny send the message will have unintended consequences.
As much as TJ is right on Islam and feminism, he is still an atheist socialist Sanders supporter. I still watch him because he runs a good podcast, but if we want conservatives, then he's not a good idea. Once again, for SJWs and staunch liberals/atheists.
Don't know much about her, gonna have to assume she's one of the newer alt-lite personalities. Gonna go out on a limb and put in the same category as Blaire.
No faggots or trannies or bluepilled Anti-SJWs have anything worthwhile to offer. Ignore these mental lice.
As much as the channel is blatantly NatSoc, Murdoch Murdoch is a good one, because it is very funny, driven on memes, makes fun of popular culture, and is as subtle as possible on the red-pilling.
Isn't the amazing athiest the guy who did all that weird stuff with his own shit?
I know, but you have to start somewhere.
Atheism is unstoppable > TJ
Blair has stated that she wants to be a mother. The idea that a trans person is capable of being a mother to a child is detrimental for the future of whites. Would you want to be raised by a trans woman?
He shoved a banana up his asshole and poured boiling oil on his dick.
All 3 of those channels are degenerate
>Tranny whore
>Banana dildoing faggot
>Coalburning whore
The pinnacle of his career was shoving a banana up his ass on video back in 2011. Otherwise, he is pretty unremarkable and only really fits a niche audience.
The atheism movement has run its course; in fact, it actually made me embrace religion more.
Ramzpaul is the best in the early stages. Then you introduce them to Jayme Louis Liardi. After that everything goes.
Blaire's 15 min of fame will be over soon. Heard he is gonna get his genitalia chopped off, so the least we'll hear about him is the obituary.
If that's true then I guess that's why she broke up with that cuck boyfriend. She admitted in a debate that he said he wouldnt date her if she went through that procedure.
I'm not telling you to support atheism or atheist movement. Atheism is unstoppable is pretty red-pilled for an atheist and is good for introduction of redpills for your atheist friends.
You realise that's impossible, right?
Adoption is a thing
You're not doing this the right way.
Send them the most obnoxious sjw shit you can possibly find.
Like "gender for kids" and the likes.
And then lay back and watch them redpill themselves.
Give a man a redpil and he'll understand for a day.
But give a man some good lefty cringe...
Gavin Mccines from rebel media.
He comes through as a bit of a comedian. But is pretty good
Stormfags will call him all sorts of names because he treats black people that arent retarded like complete human beings.
That's actually pretty good advice.
BPS is decent, but he evades the JQ. He does address the issues though.
Bait or not, kys.
Biggest redpill out there, desu
Start with the Greatest Story Never Told
He is a cuck faggot
He is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggotHe is a cuck faggot
There are now 2 fucking threads about this guy
Not good to start with, the length always turns people off. I suggest Hellstorm for 'beginners' mainly because normies easily fall for emotional genocide films (like the holohoax), and most people accuse TGSNT as being "Neo-Nazi propaganda".
Also this channel is great for redpills. youtube.com
Tried this, doesn't work.
jordan peterson is a redpilling machine for anyone on the left who considers themselves to be rational. mix that in with some ben shapiro for hard arguments and it's over
JP and BS are good too.
I would also show them Immigration and Gumballs and Empire of Dust if they want to see what happens when an r-breeding population comes into contact with a K-breeding society.
Because people like him but wish he'd be more like themselves.
No e-celebs.
Get them to watch real events of antifascists being degenerate as well as nationalist speeches (particularly Hitler's).
This, black pigeon is a good starter pill
I'll check him out. Thanks.
Definitely endorse Black Pigeon Speaks, he's covered a myriad of topics and provides good points. And his videos are really high quality visually so normies will like it
Otherwise show them Stefan Molyneux, especially his videos about slavery and the crusades
>being an atheist or a socialist is bad
Top cuck
Tom Woods and the Mises Institute make little 6 minute videos on different topics. They aren't as popular as their 50 minute podcasts or lectures, so you many need to do some digging. Although their longer videos don't have meaningful video, only audio, so they are easy to listen to in the background or as a podcast. EconStories is also good for the ADHD crowd.
Make them read Haaretz.com and Forward.com exclusively for a few weeks, and after that period ask them if they want to gas the kikes yet. They'll wholeheartedly agree.
He's one of those people who think (((socialism))) and socialism are the same thing. Sad. He'll probably tell you that Seth Rogen is white because he doesn't know what (((white))) is. Very sad.
"Gosh I hate those degenerate Rogen comedies. Why can't he promote getting with a traditional wife for once?"
I'd bet my labor that he reads Breitbart like a bible.
For basic bitch anti-feminism, shoe0nhead
For anything more substantial, Black Pigeon Speaks
BPS is a MGTOW faggot and shilled for Candid.
The original WKUK was one of my first redpills.
Mark Dice
Just have them listen to some Mr. Bond songs while they're hanging out with you at your place or something. Just have it playin in background, they'll like it and listen to it, and start engaging in conversation.
one of my personal favorites:
Magog of Morskar may be good.
these threads are cancer. If you want to 'red pill' someone, get them to read the classics. All these faggot youtubers do is badly parrot the ideas of greater men, so go to the source you lazy low attention spanned faggot.
Just stumbled upon this channel recently. The guy creates well edited videos. His talks are concise and simplistic. I only encourage you to watch redpilled lecture videos if you have patience and genuine interest in the topic at hand.
Most of these channels are merely interpretations and dumbed down translations of greater, classical texts.
>muh tranny shit
>disgusting fedora slob
>dumb bitch coal burner
Sargons ok, I liked when he talked about janusz korwin mikke
Conspiracy shit was a big theme in their videos. I like the one skit where Trevor is doing a presentation for kindergarten kids and ends up getting sidetracked and starts talking to them about how George Bush Sr. watched George Bush Jr. masturbate in a coffin during his initiation to Skull and Bones. Pretty good stuff.
Mark Dice is a good way to give them autism. That guy sucks.
I've also recently discovered vertigo politix youtube channel. The frankfurt school one was excellent.
Good red pills for any friends that like history driven stuff as opposed to the social commentary driven e-celeb stuff.
Jimmy Dore.
corbett report
Black Pigeon speaks. He makes short, redpilled videos; but not too 14/88 (that would scare-away normies).
BPS isn't MGTOW.
Some good ideas on here from others on here, OP. Red pill them slowly and let them arrive at their own conclusions. Eventually they'll understand everything. Do it like you are trying to slowly get them drunk. Like I do hookers, just some light stuff, nothing to grand, then move on and see where things lye. After that increase, and answer lots of questions with questions so you can see their thinking verbalized, give them time to digest, rinse repeat. But don't smack her with the lug wrench all at once or she'll scream and you'll have to tell some bullshit to the cops if your not careful.
if they like anime mumkey jones
he's just sarcastic and insane enough to get normies to think he's not redpilled
I can tell you what did it for me:
Search for concise bits of videos on a single topic, that will get them interested and will watch whole speeches in a month:
Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Jordan Peterson, 1791L...
There's a pretty cool channel by some brit nerd called 'truediltom' that's pretty cool for economics.
TJ is good for like 30 seconds until you realize he had a banana in his ass.
>my suggestion is trying out with some comedians, I know you guys are not friends anymore with Bill Bur cause he married the girl, but by making fun of feminism and politicians he can open the eyes of a lot of people,