Why does Sup Forums hate Richard Spencer?
Why does Sup Forums hate Richard Spencer?
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Get out nazi larper
I don't think people hate him, I think they just see him as a fake NAZI. (((Somebody))) is paying him to play this role.
FBI Shill
That was fast FBI user.
Based Lambright. Make another video of you eating burgers or some shit, Mr. President.
Spencer is legit, remember there are dedicated anti Spencer shilling teams on here 24/7
if youre cool with Daniel Friberg, (no berg is not jewish)
youre cool,
He's helped open nationalist projects in sweden and im very grateful.
hes well spoken and a good orator.
also burden of proof
Spencer's a fag
Fuck him and his mongolian gf
Because he doesn't want to gas the kikes and kill minority children in a massive MSM-tier bloodbath.
It's mostly uninformed retards and shills. There's some valid criticism and he does have flaws but it's not enough to justify hatred of the guy.
Sup Forums doesn't, it's just a coordinated character assassination by leftypol or some other collection of degenerates:
Only the fat, ugly, poor and Jews hate him.
He's great
he is a character invented by the opposition, I don't know who cant see that. Even if he wasn't, he's cringy as fuck.
he acts like a white god but is a chubby mix of a german/brit/african/french fag.
Because he is bluepilled.
They will never be as masculine or successful. Also, get laid
what whiteness does he have?
>Appeared out of nowhere, declaring himself the leader of the "alt-right" (a term invented by the media to put a face to anonymous, an organization without actual leadership)
>Media jumped on him immediately, declared him king alt-right just because he claimed it even though nobody knew who he even was
>Blurts out a bunch of quasi-nazi stuff like "Heil Trump" so that the "alt-right" (again, something invented by the media to put a face on the faceless) can later be sunk by bringing up their "nazi" history
>Spencer himself has done and said a whole load of things on camera that directly compromise the integrity of anyone related to him if they decide to bring it up
>Sup Forums experiences a sudden onset of Spencer-thread spam (inb4 some faggot posts that one 46-something reply thread from earlier election days to "prove" that it was organic and not simple spam even though any reject that has browsed the board for even a short while would've noticed the patterns)
I dislike him because it's pretty obvious that he's a shill for (((someone))).
His goal is to literally be the face of the "alt-right". With Spencer as an established leader, they can discredit the whole thing. That's why he's such an effeminate cuck, he couldn't get a dog to go with him on a walk if he had a steak in his hand, yet he's the supposed "leader" of (us) the (((alt-right))).
TL;DR Controlled opposition
He's a fucking socialist.
I dont hate him. I may not agree with everything he says but he's trying defend my interests. there are much worse people out there
Except he didn't come out of nowhere you faggot. He has been in this shit for a decade.
Americans are not white.
His ideas are just Juche for white people. Would ruin everything desu.
A National Socialist, if you will...
This exactly, fucker came out of nowhere talking about "Hail Trump, Hail our people" nigger is probably part Arab or something.
>I didnt hear of him or the Alt Right until Clinton speech so it must be a shill operation
I knew about all of it a year prior. He never claimed to be a leader. They all have claimed the Alt Right has no leader though.
Spencer invented the term, media popularized it, Spencer is a media whore, you're basing your entire opinion on him based on what the MSM good goyim narrative is, I guarantee you you never listened to any of the podcasts or speeches he did.
You're a bunch of lying cunts. He didn't come out of nowhere.
Because Sup Forums is full of shitskins that are threatened by the rising white consciousness.
Every anti-Spencer post is by a shitskin or a shill. No exceptions.
I don't hate him, but I think he's too much of a spaz to be a good leader of the alt right and he also sucks at debating and can never come up with a coherent point to btfo people who attack him.
He's great at drawing attention to the alt right which i like about him.
please post his nudes already
user, he's an edgy teenager that grew up.
I used to hate him, but now with all this fanatical nu-pol hate i dont mind him and listen to what HE says rather than what nu-pol says.
He's got that trendy faggot haircut
his great grandmom is jewish.
You can see him giving speeches and being at American reniessance meeting in almost every YouTube video. Wtf do you mean he appeared out of no where that's fake news
FBI shills and they're legal activities, what's wrong with them??
he's rhetorics wouldn't be anywhere as annoying if it wasn't for his fruity demeanor and gay look
Exactly this
Don't have any but I know your type.
If dad said it was ok then its fine
>legal activities
When you work for (((Them))) anything is Legal.
Shut the fuck up lying dimwitted kike.
It's as though that makes it all better. Fucking idiots act as though redistribution will benefit anyone is we can just keep it for "us". His call for single payer def makes me wonder (((who))) he's really influenced by.
I will fight to the death to protect Richard Spencer. True fascists give everything for their leader.
You cannot afford and are too cowardly to change this so you impotently snipe from a cellar casement window.
>Came out of nowhere
Yep. If the earmy 2000s are nowhere
>Term invented by the media
That's also been in use since the early 2000's
Its amazing how faggots who don't know anything will come up with insane shit. Alt-Right is older than Sup Forums
jew lover I bet your cluck your wife out to niggers goy.
Sieg heil!
Hi antifa-chan
stop whiteknighting. you will never be in a threesome with Lauren Southern and Richard Spencer.
No you get out cuck
I'd beat you to death in a heartbeat hubris.
a cuck, get it off here!
mmm due to who I am I don't think so.
that is not a fop, his suit is not even structured by god which self-respecting gentleman would wear a peacoat? Jeans? Or vesting up without a proper tie?
Don't be a moron. FBI honeypot try to get you to do illegal shit. None of that happens. Pease tell me what the end game is for him being an FBI plant who.. just kinda talks shit.
Richard Spencer is a retarded dickhead who co-opted memes and the term "alt-right" and associated them with white supremacy and neo-nazism. He is a fucking tool of the left wing who use him to legitimize claims that anyone who disagrees with left wing ideology is a dangerous bigot.
He might as well be an undercover democrat operative.
So conor mcgregor is a dandy? Get out shill cuck
it's always a flag from the Netherlands and Poland
sometimes a Mexican too
will the Israeli one come here next?
what discord server do you anti Spencer shills hang out in?
Sup Forums has never given a single fuck about this guy.
It's just antifas are desperate to find the equivalent of Hitler, when the truth is the alt right doesn't have, nor it needs, any leaders.
Because hes a retarded faggot
he's jewish
no but seriously, wtf is wrong with his head????????? was Spencer arrived from the ship that we saw in the coneheads documental?????
>5 shill posts by this id
Trying this hard
>just kinda names the jew
> Just kinda hails Trump
>just kinda likes niggers and jews
fix for YOU
He literally invented the term Alt-Right, unlike these Alt-lite Muh Kekistani faggots claiming Sarcuck did. It's even archived on Sup Forums back 6 years or so.
hi shlomo
no but seriously, wtf is wrong with this mexinigger????????
Enjoy your ban
>Mexican flag
right on cue!
>that bunion
Because he and his organization is controlled opposition
The official alt right discord is run by literal commies
Fuck outta here with this nigger
Have you not heard of photoshop or something?
His haircut looks like shit. An undercut is supposed to be hair on top with the sides shaved, but this nigga's hair only covers an inch of his head
>taking a break for self-fellatio to moderate Sup Forums
You will never be me at 16 driving away with the object of your obsession...an unobtainable nubile shiny object in the 930 turbo I had shipped in from Germany. You'll just pine away swinging from hopelessness to risible revenge fantasies until you collapse on the floor teeth chattering. I understand you completely.
>Hails trump
Nothing wrong with that
>Names the Jew
Nothing wrong with that
>Likes Niggers and Jews
That's about the most delusional thing I've heard today
There's always that guy asking "lol wtf is wrong with hius heaaaaaaaaad??????????????????????'' in every single thread.
Seriously, all these threads are structured.
You have the same guys from poland, france, netherlands and mexico spamming these pics, one french dude posting a pic "hey guise, stop photoshopping spencer, here's a real pic" which is still a photoshop, and the guy asking what's wrong with his head.
Then they go on spamming their folder until they run out of pics.
If nobody replies the thread, they'll often wait until page 9 or 10 to necrobump it for hours.
noice, what year?
i mean reeeeeeeally, look at the shape of his head. dats not natural, is he from Chernobyl???????????????
Rape your face with my fists and then test your liver plexus. You'll fail.
Woaaaaaaaahhhhhh it's frooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom chernooooooooooooooooooobyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyl???????????????????????????????????????????
Jesus, that shilling
Oh, and good thing you finally learned how to spell Chernobyl, Pedro Jose.
The more they shill the more I support Spencer, and I started off not being that big of a fan.
lol LITERAL shills following a script
they probably don't even speak English
O Vey
He thinks he is a nurse or something.
antifa photoshop