Mark Zuckerberg run for President

Not gonna lie. If this guy give us UBI I would vote for him. It's impossible to get a job anyways and I don't plan on having any kids.

I Trump doesn't get jobs back and bring down the debt, then what's the point of voting for him again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's impossible to get a job
Literally no

in a bought election, you might as well vote for the one who will pay you

but voting for either will reinforce the system

I'm at a loss

You should work hard in factory

It'll be interesting to see if the leftists see him as a WHITE FUCKING MALE or a persecuted Jew.

To defeat the tyranny of imperialist Islam, of course

He really is eloquent

>3% unemployment rate for white men
>impossible to get a job

Sorry, it may be easy for you to get a job Pedro, but it's near impossible for white men too. Unless you luck out or have connections.

we need to encourage him to run. he has name recognition but not the good kind. everyone knows who he is but not who he *is*, and no one likes him.

this autistic kike faggot would crumple so hard so fast in a campaign, if he were the nominee we could actually be looking at breaking 60% in 2020

never forget this shit:

No way will he get elected. Most americans vote for u bc of 2 things.
1-youre good looking
2- youre not jewish

>If this guy give us UBI I would vote for him. It's impossible to get a job anyways and I don't plan on having any kids.
pls change your flag appropriately to the commie flag



Shill thread. Fuck kikes.

I agree.

This can't be real.

Where is the original post link?

user, that proxy is starting to mess up with your head

You can't cuck the Zuck.

it's not a shill thread you dumb newfag it's a shitty bait thread intended to produce this exact zucc-bashing discussion we're having

>working a shitty job killing yourself for minimum wage


>Get UBI

Yeah it's a pretty easy choice.

>voting for a kike who has the private information of most of our citizens, and is a known business cut-throat

I honestly bet he'd get a huge portion of millennials.....fucking retards

Vote for Summer. Ice cream

There is no difference between gibs for votes and booze for votes. My country kept bars and booze sales illegeal until quite recenctly

Dunno man, I'm drunk but I can smell shills from years of experience.

LOL. If Zuckerberg ever actually wrote something like this it would actually make me want to vote for him.

i hope he runs as independent and steals votes from the democratic candidate. would be the biggest landslide in history for trump.

it'd also help trump's anti-media narrative to be literally running against the media.


*during elections

Ahaha yes please if Cuckerberg runs we can name the jew

If the election is not fixed Americans will never elect a hebrew president. The yid will immediately lose the black vote; God bless them. Notice how none of them would touch "Sanders" with a ten-foot pole?

isnt it written in the requirements that you must be human to run for US president?

Go back to >>>/fagget/

I'm white, I've been employed without even a week's gap for the past ten years

Is this real? Damn I can't believe he posted that


>being this fucking retarded
How have you avoided your Darwin Award for so long??

The official unemployment figures are almost as fudged as the inflation figures. Real US unemployment is near 10% but likely even higher than that when factoring in part-time jobs with barely any hours/week.

>DNC not fixed

pls Sanders never had a chance. We already know the fixed it.

>but it's near impossible for white men too. Unless you luck out or have connections.
Get out of here with that shit. Most white men are employed.

Literally just apply for jobs

kek. was this the reason? it was funny watching armchair liberals on social medias basically saying "you fucking dumb niggers, vote for bernie and he will give you free stuff"

I'm white and don't even get an interview unless I say I'm hispanic or say I choose not to say when they ask for race. Literally never had an interview when i list I'm white.

do you want to be congratulated for that? you're slaving away to earn shekels for someone else and barreling toward death.

>he thinks this kike is actually going to deliver UBI
It wouldn't even make it to the House floor
In Zuckerberg's own words: dumb fuck

As opposed to living off other people's tax money?

fuck you zuck. quoting posting here too. wouldn't for you u stupid fucking little feminine pussy.

Trump is already bringing down the debt and creating jobs. Mark Cuckerburb is a faggot. UBI is a form of state slavery. Fuck him.

97% of white men are employed

>getting a job is impossible
>"no it isn't"
>haha wage slave btfo
Oh, a slide thread

as opposed to fucking working for yourself

That shill company is back pushing this shit meme.

If a fucking billionaire cannot catch an attractive wife, he doesn't have the balls necessary.


>itt:beta numale cuck doesnt want to have to work a job that requires being physical such as a welder,framer,carpenter,ect.

UBI would make crime rate skyrocket. It could only work in a fully socially liberal society. Even then it would be degenerate as fuck. Idle hands do the devils deeds. If you hate work so much buy a plot of dirt and scrounge as much money as you can to pay the property tax. Be a dirt farmer or something. Do something.

Ah, I thought you were the other guy who the guy was responding to.

You sound like a pathetic loser and the exact reason why UBI shouldn't exist. If you can't make your own way you're dead weight on society and should die, plain and simple.


Sage. Not going to bother to cite it either. Sick of this meme.

>jew throwing money away
6/10 meme

The Zuck Cucks himselff

UBI is just a tool to create an underclass. Corporations want to replace all jobs with robots and then pay taxes to provide the unemployed masses, who will in turn just pump the money back into these corporations with their spending. Meanwhile the owners of these companies become unfathomable rich and control the world, with the unemployed masses having no hope of possibly climbing.

UBI is literally a dystopian trap, and that is why Zuckerberg wants it. It's not egalitarian in the slightest. He would be at the top of the technostate ruling class permanently.

Yeah, that shitty stat won't get me a job. Maybe I should say it at my next interview. B-But 97% of white men are employed

>the unemployed masses having no hope of possibly climbing.

We're at that point now.

you sound like a fucking nigger waiting for a handout

saging your gay thread too as jews aren't allowed to be the president

Not really, blue collar jobs being wiped out is making it harder though. It will get much worse.

I've seen it a few times. A few times when OP was not a faggot but this is not one of those times.

Or a skill, or just be willing to do what most aren't. I have no college degree, only my GED, but I make more than a lot of STEM fags. I'm a middle manager for a large retailer. My only real skill is the ability to use outlook and excel.

There is NO WAY this is real.

>Drink so much libtard koolaid you believe UBI could actually happen.

You millennial retards spend way to much time in liberal echo chambers brainwashing yourselfs.