Syria General /sg/ - Late Night Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad
>Live Maps

>Fan maps

>E Syria Jul 15
>S Syria Jul 15
>Raqqa CS Jul 14
>Hama/Homs Jul 14
>Central Sy Jul 13
>Palmyra Jul 8
>E Ghouta Jul 8
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jul 15
>Rebel fighters in east Damascus begin defecting to the Syrian Army
*200 US soldiers arrive in Raqqa City
>SAA is less than 13kms to Sukhnah
>Turkey sends artillery across the border
>Raqqa CS: Syrian Army control Waheb, Fahdeh, Dubaysan Oil Fields and Shuwayhan Village
>E Ghouta: SAA seized the "Meat Company" in Ain Terma, (around SW al-Kheir Market)
>E Hama: SAA liberates the towns of Zanoubah and Qatteshah
>Tigers liberate Khirbat al Halul and Khadir Oil Fields in Raqqa, reach Tel Abu Kalat
>E Damascus (Suweida): SAA destroy FSA base in Badia, liberate 200 km2 of territory
>Palmyra: SAA manages to secure Al-Hayl Gas Field’s surroundings from IS
>Iraqi forces start operation at the Sy border to clean in Al-Anbar Gov of IS
>PMU would participate in the operation to liberate Hawija
>IS members from Tal Afar separate from ISIS and create own caliphate
>Saudi Army base (Nahouqah Base in the Jizan Region) goes up in flames after Houthi attack
>Houthis repel pro-Saudi attack that aimed to capture Anbara and Al-Tabab mountains killing 17


Other urls found in this thread:


Houthis provoked this damage to Saudi filth

Syria is white and based

If someone finds it useful for counter-terrorism purposes:
>This post constitutes a continuation of the previous posts that comprise the archive of Islamic State administrative documents (cf. here and here) and cannot be expanded further owing to technical issues. Thus, this post begins with Specimen 23A, constituting the 599th specimen in the archives.

Night folks, Suknah soon




The pentagon is saying again that al baghdadi is not dead



i guess his own comrades should know best


How are Houthis such seasoned fighters and the KSA army is not? Theyve both been fighting roughly the same amount of time and this isn't reall a clear cit case of asymetric warfare.

I suppose it could be the Houthis are fighting for their homelands while the KSA army is fighting for the benefit of their royality. Is it just the ground level troops arent invested enough in the outcome of the fight to do what it takes to win?

So Damascus is almost clear of FSA? Looks like this civil war is nearly over, and we're gonna win.

>I suppose it could be the Houthis are fighting for their homelands while the KSA army is fighting for the benefit of their royality.
This, saudis do not have motivation to fight, they also have an historial of getting BTFO before

Since FSA Lost Aleppo, it is clear that SAA Will win, doesn't matter how much Israel tries to help their proxies, they are fucked

Reality check: 'We' did nothing. They (the Syrians) did everything, and all we did is watch and cheer them on.
Now, to answer the question: Damascus is almost clear, but there are still a few areas to clear out.
>Eastern Ghouta is the biggest pocket and a quarter of it is urban area
>The South Damascus pocket(s) is entirely urban, and split between ISIS and Nusra.

Yeah, only real concern at this point is how will SDF act after ISIL and FSA are gone. Retaking Idlib might be a bloody one.

I understand that. It's like cheering for a sports team in that sense. Didn't notice ISIL was still in Damascus; took quite a bit of magnifying to see that.

I'd be interested to see their military culture. Its probably all about shiny kit and physical training with no attention on the mentality of the soldiers or the psychology of motivating them to fight. Their leadership would be shithouse.

European armys between 1600-1900 were only ever fighting for imperialism and their leadership still knew they had to get soldiers mentally invested in the outcome.

current mood

are Egyptians black?

>Jews are proud of "winning" over this while completely outgunning them with superior Western arms provided by Western kikes and commies

Its not just houthis, much of the republican guard stayed loyal to saleh and is fighting alongside them


>He thinks its over
Burger you already know how this goes you defeat them in the conventional war and then you spend 2 decades running after goatherders in the mountains

The Damascus pocket isn't too big, but it's urban, so the gains are pretty slow and limited to single building blocks and such right now. But it's eventually gonna go over to the SAA

modern day egyptians are definitely niggers, at least mentally

>Fight in the righteous way of god and for your country's honor
>Die for a retarded faggot who thinks he owns the world

Good night, if you I don't post in the future, then you know what happend to me

The only concern that i have is about the kurdshits occupying northern Syria
I Guess they receive camels as sex toys

You should probably obscure your identity a bit, Saudis probably got chink tier internet monitoring

Good night Redpilled Arabian!
>Captcha: Berger Army

How did Egypt become the shitshow it is today
Where did it go wrong

Arab Invasion and Islam. Yes. I know.

Don't you get angry when blacks in the United states steal your history and culture???

low IQ peasants breeding like rabbits. EUGENICS NOW!


Given the fighting is all in Greater Yemen and Northern Yemen at the moment, it's also likely there's a massive amount of traitors (to the KSA anyway) in the Saudi military.

smdh niggers be stealing erythang and sheeit

Yeah i also get angry when blacks steal our history, they are also claiming they were olmecs n shit

Hello animeposter Moroccan!


There's also the terrain to consider
>The Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen is almost entirely mountain terrain, which makes ambushes easier to pull off, and chokepoints are more prevalent, which makes a large scale advance much more difficult, as the Houthis can set an IED, blow up the lead vehicle in a Saudi convoy, and halt the advance with one destroyed vehicle as the Houthis pick off the rest.


Search about how the olmecs were in fact blacks

>Global Hawk #UAV #drone airborne from NAS Sigonella...
Time to load up the s-400!

Nasser shoulda castrated all peasants instead of fucking around with Syria in the UAR

Hi ebin

my pic

Yeah but when Western militarties conduct these counter-insurgency ops with the same sort of disadvantages disasters like this are not nearly as regular. There is more to it than terrain.

According to an Iraqi i know he said Egypt was a Shiite nation at one point in distant history and they still share a number of Shiite holidays and traditions
How accurate is this?

Because the KSA army is essentially just a gold-plated peasant militia. They might have a shit load of shiny new Western hardware and equipment but it doesn't improve the base quality of the actual soldiers themselves. Most of them are just rural peasants and the unemployed who've been drafted in to fight for the kingdom and given a bunch of high-end Western equipment to paper over their obvious shortcomings as individual soldiers. Even with Western-quality training or advisers in the process they're never going to be that great in quality or overall fitness and ability because unlike Western armies and others in more developed nations they're not volunteers picked on merit or physical ability/quality. Essentially they're just going to want to do whatever it takes to survive in an overseas deployment, they don't give a shit about the outcome or why they're fighting. While the KSA officer corp with professional volunteers, experienced senior tribal fighters, nobility and members of the royal family is probably good by regional standards, it’ll never make up for having poor regular personnel.

Houthis on the other hand give a shit about what they're fighting for, they want independence are willing to die for it. Not to mention a lot of them are as said, ex-Republican Guard so they're formed up of some of the best personnel of the pre-war Yemeni army and can be extremely useful in training new recruits and raise the quality of any militia fighters they train and share expertise with. They're succeeding for the same reason most revolts led by military elites/Praetorian Guard-like formations tend to succeed because they have the superior expertise, equipment and experience to feed that on quickly to other militants on their side.

I kinda miss de la maghrebois when i see pics like this they are KANGZ after all then?

Where are the gains?

You does /sg/ feel about this display?

Yemen is Vietnam on steroids. They have the 2nd highest gun ownership in the world (only trail the burgers) and their whole history and society (unironically read Yemeni military history, they have been at a constant state of war since like 3500 BC) is based on warfare, and tribes numbering in hundreds of thousands have blood vows to die together.

KSA know if they ever invade Yemen fully they would get wrecked, so they only pick and choose where they attack and rely heavily on airstrikes that dont change the situation on the ground. If the day came and they did a full-on invasion, they would be fighting over a million gunmen in the huge mountainous and treacherous terrain of Yemen. Also, Saleh/Houth had six (6!) wars against each other when Saleh was in power and are now allies, so their side is literally all raised in wars and fighting. The pro-KSA militias are mostly Brotherhood cucks who have zero battle experience.

To put in Game of Thrones terms for the Burgers, Houthis are Starks and Saleh are Baratheons, while the pro-KSA side are one of the faggoty wealthy Houses like the Tyrells who only have military superiority because of numbers and wealth, and have zero notion of what a warrior culture is

no feeling one way or the other
it doesnt involve burger foreign policy so it's all good

The fatimids? Yeah, they pretty much built Cairo and made it the capital of their caliphate

Mawlid Al Nabaoui (birth of Ali) is celebrated in pretty much every muslim country except Saudi Arabia and Qatar, while Ashura (death of Ali) is celebrated in some, including most shiite countries but also Turkey, Pakistan, and India
Ashura is celebrated in Morocco but it is a purely folk tradition and is not associated with the shia-sunni divide/conflict or even religion
Here, people exchange pastries, fruits, and children are given money + fireworks

Ashura is also called zamzam day and you have to be careful because everywhere kids and young people are shooting water at EVERYONE in the streets either with bottles or with water balloons, which turn into large-scale water battles in some places

>displaying a flag in this manner is "a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property"
The kike is doing it for the wrong reason though, throw a brick through the windshield or key the car.

mawlid alnabawi is the birthday of Mohammed. Ashoura is the death of Hussein, son of Ali.

Are you even a muslim or are you a jew larping with a VPN?

Allah must hate Morocco then.
>To use more than what is necessary is termed israaf. Regarding israaf, Allah declares: “… eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al-Musrifun (those who waste by extravagance).” (7:31)

oh fugg didnt see the flag was flipped
so he mad?

That was a genuine mistake/typo for mawlid al nabaoui (meant to type Muhammad), but I always thought it was Ali for Ashoura. Interesting.

>Are you even a muslim or are you a jew larping with a VPN?
Not even muslim, actually.

>I'd be interested to see their military culture.

I have. They are useless. They don't train seriously and like most sand niggers bitterly resent being professional. Of course they aren't motivated because most Saudi troops are TCNs, not Saudis. KSA is rich, lazy and I can't imagine a more slaughterworthy bunch. I've deployed there, UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait.

The Houthis have easy pickings and much greater motivation!

>Page 5
Maybe this lewd Megumin will spice things up

Ashoura was the day Hussein, son of Ali and Fatima, grandson of Muhammed stood in battle in Karbala and fought to the death with an army of 72 faithful followers against an army of 30000 Umayyads. This battle is a watershed moment, and a sore point of contention to this day between Shiites and Sunnnis (all those iranian-backed militias use alot of Karbala-related themes and imagery in their propaganda)

I think they're an attention seeking retard with shit choices in cars (GM LS engine and Corvette/Camaro is much better)
Equally childish behavior IMO, you shouldn't fuck with someones car


>72 fags die
>YA HUSSEIN muh martyrs
>1337 years after
For what purpose man
This is what I dislike about shias, too fixated on past events even when they seem irrelevant and their 24/7 praise of any kind of martyr is creepy


Stop uploading child pornography.

Redpill me on this Sunni's and Shiites buisness

>too fixated on past events
>Muh sunna
for me there is no really difference



I'd overturn the car with anything available to do it with just to fuck them off.

Hussein to Shiites is similar to what Jesus Christ is to Christians

Oh, I'm not saying the sunnis are any better, you know.

72 people got wasted by a passing army. How is that relevant in any way?

It was political

Sacrifice, yes, but fighting against all odds? It's not like they really achieved anything.

I just don't get why this battle is so important and still brought up today as a source of conflict, especially when you see videos of hundreds of people self-flagellating with swords and whips at once in remembrance of this event. That's all.


I'm glad that Christianity overcame our "Sunni-Shia" phase at the Council of Jerusalem.

Are you Christian?


saudis are nigger-rich

Why can't /sg/ faggots get their own board?

well remembering is the best way to no repeat history, it looks a bit weird sure, but who cares really ?

Why can't Australians get their own board?

>one post by ID
>australian flag
>weak bait

Hey, Bouteflika shows up!

>that ID

Fucking sides.

yeah, i can't sleep.

>72 people got wasted by a passing army.
A passing army? Lol the Umayyads deployed more than half their whole military into this battle
>How is that relevant in any way?
Relevant in that the whole muslim nation, except for Hussein, and one other rebel in Mecca declared loyalty and allegiance to Yazid someone who was what the Saudis are today) It has special importance, in that he was a forefather of the current Saudi style, and Husseins historic stand against his tyranny is a symbol for current times
>It was political
It wasnt political, if it was Hussein wouldnt have risked and taken his family and women to battle. He wouldve just bent the knee like everyone else did. He knew he wasnt going to conquer Iraq with 72 soldiers, he said he was only rebelling in an attempt to reform Islam (which btw is what cucks like you keep tellling Muslims to do)
>Sacrifice, yes, but fighting against all odds?
Yes, when you have an idea or belief, and are so faithful to this belief you basiccally walk to your death on your own two feet for the cause. You dont consider that admirable? You'll probably answer this question with some jewy "hurr-durr they died when they couldve been good goys ahd submitted and lived" answer
>It's not like they really achieved anything
Except they did, because the event sparked uprisings and eventually led to the overthrow of the Umayyads a few short decades later.
>I just don't get why this battle is so important and still brought up today as a source of conflict
Like I said above, its symbolic of todays struggles supposedly
>especially when you see videos of hundreds of people self-flagellating with swords and whips at once in remembrance of this event.
Do you feel the same when Christians do passion plays?

>tfw 4:18 in France



Will Assadists ever recover?

Not gonna lie, former ASS*dist here, it's hilarious to see him crash and burn. But seriously we can't let him have control over the strategic garage



nice ID

Is this supposed to be a good thing or not
>Huge rallies in Turkey mark failed 2016 coup
>"First of all we will chop off the heads of those traitors," Erdogan said as reaffirmed previous comments to sign any bill passed restoring capital punishment.

This split comes from the early days of Islam. It started politically after the death of Muhammed with arguments over who his successor was.

The majority (Sunni in Arabic) supported Abu Bakr, a powerful and influential convert, the minority became followers (Shia in Arabic) of Ali, Muhammad's son in law, claiming that the leader of Islam should be a member of the Prophet's family.

As time went on these groups got into conflict with each other, most famously at the Battle of Karbala where forces of the Sunni Caliph Yazid killed the Shia Caliph Husayn. They've hated each other ever since.

Today 80% or so of Muslims are Sunni. Shias are a majority in Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Bahrain (although Bahrain is under Sunni rule).

In practical terms Shias are a lot more stable than Sunnis as they have a more formalised system of who can interpret religious texts, relying on the interpretation of Imam's, rather than the more open system Sunnis operate under. This means that 95%+ of terror attacks in Western countries are carried out by Sunnis, not Shias.

However, US foreign policy is basically directed against the Shia or Shia led powers in the region (Iran, Syria, Houthis in Yemen) because Sunni states are all in the grip of Saudi Arabia and Israel and thus aligned with Western foreign policy. Iran has never funded an attack in the West, but they get an insane amount of hate while Sunni powers like the Saudis get arms deals to kill and starve Yemeni Shias while funding Wahhabist mosques that promote terrorism.

So /sg/ is pretty pro-Shia overall.

Ya Husayn! Ya Zeinab! Ya Nasrallah!

Please archive





thank you jesus