What does Sup Forums think of little Ben?
>BTFO libshit snowflakes
>Free-market conservative
>devastating debater
>IQ above 160
Is he /ourkike/?
Ben Shapiro
>he's a kike is now a valid argument on Sup Forums
Stormweenies get off my board
Shapiro would destroy any of these pathetic fake nazis on this board.
He wrote a hit piece on Bannon, his arguments against him are all emotional.
Found the Kike!
i like him and listen to his podcasts
he does have some flaws though
cant wait for /ourjew/ to annihilate cenk!
I like that he instills based values in normies and obliterates leftists.
I don't like that he's essentially an SJW for Israel, and as a result a warhawk.
>Talks about his own experience with Bannon
The better argument against Shapiro here is that he was Bannon's former employee.
He will destroy any cuck
He's my kike. I won't speak for pol though.
Pol went to war with the cunt last year. He loves to spew some bullshit about recieving "40% of all anti-semetic hate memes" in 2016
He's about as smart as a neocon can be.
I'm not a person who believes that all Jews are innately evil. Most Jews don't want to destroy the west.
It's honestly not even fair. Lil' Ben is exceptionally well spoken and comes hard and fast with the facts. Cenk can't just fall back on "you went to prison11!!1!" like he did with Dinesh.
He will be BTFO, it's not a fair fight at all
Shapiro is another in a long line of idiotic ultra "principled" conservatives who won't budge on anything that isn't 100% conservative approved, be it a political candidate or law.
While they're fun to listen to for awhile they're fucken usless as far as actually getting anything in government done. (see Ron Paul) They don't like anything unless it complies with their 100% conservative world view, a lot seem unable to compromise. Being principled is fine, but being a realist is better. 75% of what you want is better than nothing at all.
Sometimes I feel like these guys follow the cult of conservatism as much as Liberals blindly follow progressivism.
how is that a hit piece, did you even read it you retarded trumpnigger
On one hand Shapiro blfo out of liberals with a passion and is pretty god like in debates.
On the other he is extremely Jewish, like annoyingly jewish.
Cenk is dumb as shit
>IQ above 160
Yeah, no. This guy is smart and probably around 130. There is no way he has a 160 IQ. He has flaws in his arguments that someone with that IQ, and much lower, would easily spot.
Broofs pls
He thinks Trump is a racist misogynist xenophobe and pushed the michelle fields story during the primaries.
None off the top of my head. I listen to his podcast everyday and for 98% of it I agree and see no fault with his conservative views and values. It's that 2% that part of his thesis for a given argument relies on that just falls apart like slow cooked meat.
I don't see him saying any of that during his show. He certainly doesn't like everything Trump does and he most certainly would have preferred Cruz or Rubio.
Defending Michelle Fields was an absolute stupid fucking move on his part. A bumbling dumbfuck from W. Virginia could see that she was in the wrong on that case, but he stupidly stood his ground.
He is ''politically fluid''
I listen to his podcast. Just because he talks fast and in a nerdy voice people think he's some genius. IQ no higher than 125. Too many weak arguments with logical holes in his podcast.
>Supported El Ratto in the 2016 Primary
Infanticide/murder isn't something that you only go 75% on
A lightweight right-wing Chomsky. Half as dishonest and half as smart. Good at rhetorics but a slimy kike who just plays devil's advocates. If he believes in anything, I don't think even his mother knows it.
kike cuck
Content is usually shaped for the audience, not for the narrator.
That being said, I have no idea about his IQ.
never trust the Jew
Israel Firster
Says the muslim
Not if the topic is on israel
Gee, I wonder if they kike Trump hater is controlled opposition
Why are there so many (((Shapiro))) threads?
At least once or twice a day someone pops in to start and ask "What does Sup Forums think about (((Shapiro)))?".
Always treating Sup Forums likes its some big single entity or group think like reddit.
Fuck (((Shapiro))) and all his kike supporting followers who keep spamming these threads.
nice argument bud
He would probably find a way. You don't have to be right to win.
I can watch him until he starts doing impressions
Make a better thread then buckeroo
This place is insufferable. I only pop in once every couple months now. Every thread is discussing something some e-celebrity said on Twitter or Facebook said.
I've never heard ben call trumo racist or xenophobic he just thinks trump is brash untactful and egotistical
The michelle fields thing was stupid I agree. He basically onlu bacled her because he worked with her before
>If you don't fight zionist wars for me goyim you're holocausting me personally! REEE
I hate this zionist kike.
There is no such thing. Fuck off.
He's a manlet, a neocon and sounds like a petulant child.
But hey, a broken clock is right at least twice a day.
Free market kikes are no different from globalist kikes.
So I say into the oven his Jewish ass goes
Shit i was there at uw madison when he did this. Legendary.
E-Celebs are all Kikes. I don't even care if they're not kikes. For the sake of simplicity, every e-celeb is a traitorous, backstabbing Zionist kike. There. That's all there is to it. There is no longer a mysthery. The fog has cleared. You now see reality as it is---maybe not as you like it---but as it is.
Needs to be returned to his homeland, he has no place in this country.
No LEVIN is /ourkike/
typical neocon
just don't listen to him on foreign policy and you're good
He has strong, compelling arguments except when it comes to Israel.
please ban Ben Shapiro from promoting himself in here
You have betrayed us multiple times!
you are retarded and over-rated
fuck off
Trump is a jew though
Sup Forums is has become people who hate Sup Forums talking shit about everything Sup Forums likes.
Outside of Trump most agree with him. The merchant banter is no longer banter its a bunch of stormfags
his "little brown ring" still winks with anticipation of what Zoey Tur whispered she would do to him.
Jesus Christ nu-Sup Forums is fucking Aids. I hope most of old Sup Forums feels ashamed for this abomination.
we've went from politics is down stream from culture we need to colonise... to this
Implying it wasn't a fucking event on Sup Forums when benji gave a speech 2 years ago
I think he's a great debater. His points in SJW/Feminism/liberalism are good. But I don't rate him as an intellectual.
He was sued by that Ackmed Clock making boy and won LOL
too strong on borders, islam and multiculturalism to be a neocon
>sounds like a petulant child
or maybe he just talks over your head a bit?
pics or didn't happen
>IQ above 160
EVERYBODY on the internet has an IQ over 150. They fucking tell us so all the time. They usually write it like this:
ihave iq that over 160 u fucking racisms your stupid Drumpf is not legimat!!!
>He was sued by that Ackmed Clock making boy and won LOL
Like there's no more important things to do.
I sweat, i can't handle /newpol/ anymore.
It was an event for nu-Sup Forums, which is why you remember it as an event. Everyone else remembers the pre-election drama. Nice try though. Faggot.
You forgot
>would-be never Trumper who was smart enough to see he'd lose his viewerbase and cooled off of Trump for that reason alone
>Israel-first neocon kike traitor
Those are pretty big ones, OP.