explain this.
this is not a serbia thread, this is just my curiosity and why they send more bombs to a country as small as serbia?
again, not a serbian thread, just fucking curiosity.
Explain this
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genuine answers and not
>sebrshits deserved it
Because the Saudis got scared gheir footholds in Europe (Bosnia and Albania) would get wrecked. They sent 20 000 mujahedeen to Bosnia and paid the Clintons hundreds of millions to bomb you. Fucking Clinton scum.
Its not hard to guess the answer.
Damn that's a lot of bombs. You should've shot down the planes bro.
It's the Jews, it's always the fucking Jews. The Jew fears the enteral Serb.
we were at 3 fronts at that time and we were winning at all those 3 fronts and then suddenly nato started interfering.
why? i know that bosnia is american territory(that's why it's full of muslims) and kosovo is basically:
- strategic spot for one of the biggest American bases in Europe
- drug, organ and human trafficking
- massive amounts of all kinds of natural resources stolen from among others the huge Trepca mine that's no longer owned by Serbia
- the entire Kosovo region is now owned by various European and American countries and corporations
was that small part of land so valuable to you?
why did clinton think that bombing serbs to defend these people youtube.com
i know it's not clinton anymore or tony bler but it's still isis.
like i already said, i'm not interested in why you did this to us, i'm more interested in why you aren't doing this to them right now.
the funny thing is that the air campaign against Serbia was a total failure and NATO did not active any victory.
Mashallah, god wills that USA is punished if you know what I mean. The whole world of Europe is getting infected with rapefugees.
Because all Terror groups are Jewish controlled and meant to further the interests of Israel. And U.S. Being an Israeli puppet state, isn't allowed to bomb them into submission. Not only that but Serbia has defined borders while (((ISIS))) does not. Without proper borders, it is hard to not bomb civilians and Israel has to pretend to care about civilians.
>was a total failure and NATO did not active any victory.
how was it a failure?
we were winning at all three fronts and suddenly nato came in the game and we got fucked.
they got what they wanted, their precious muslim and american territory, so how did they get fucked?
because of pic related
your still independent, goal was to destroy at least 60% of ground troops and invade Serbia.
After the war research did show that only barely 5% of Serbian ground troops where hit.
Hence you had no invasion in serbia.
But Belgrade is in ruins still, and 60,000 people get cancer a year from uranium bombs dropped by USA. Hope they get nuked by North Korea
nah nigga, i'm more laughing about the roach rape babies meme where they couldn't even conquer us but just make us a vassal state picrelated.
this tho isn't a meme and i'm more interested in the goal of the bombing and what they wanted to achieve with it.
Dunno but you are probably guilty of pogroms
I legit want to apologize on behalf of Americans not cucked up by (((them))). Once again, we backed the wrong side in the name of (((globalism))).
Good meme
The clinton gang was ruling at the time, so I would say somebody paid big money to the clinton foundation and wanted serbia to burn.
US media can then easily manufacture conscent, especially when for them, its some distant war against the bad guys. As other user suggested, it was probably Saudis that wanted NATO to protect european muslims.
It really pains me to see fellow slavs suffer so much from Clintons, especially after all the horrible stuff that happened to your people in the 20th century
>Americans using Tomcats for airstrikes
Serbian Education, people.
If you eliminate IS, SAA and ISF get closer to achieving their objective in their respective countries.
Why didn't Serbia just let the other countries leave?
19,484 sorties against Serbia is nothing compared to Gulf War (well over 120k sorties) or even Invasion of Iraq (41,404 sorties in less than a month).
Probably because Serbia is an actual country instead of an insurgency so there are much more obvious places to bomb. Also because we wanted to bomb the shit out of Serbia to avoid a ground war involving US troops and to get out quickly like we did in the gulf war (the whole "end of history" thought process)
say thanks to your american veterans you uneducated fuck
fuck serbshits, right?
>19,000 air strikes with urianium is nothing
>7 m population
Why didn't you just let us leave? Dumb bong
>still this unbelievably assblasted 20 full years later
man, get over it pussy
NATO told you to stop but you were like muhh mighty serbia we had to show a strong disposition in front of Russia and show them we were not afraid of bombing European shithole
Next time shut up and suckling dicks like you did all your history
>Serbian Education, people.
Those aren't Tomcats... American education, everyone.
t. Ahmed
Suck American 4inch cock like you always do
NATO is full fucking garbage
it is filthy british, americunts and their colonial scum. and their german buttbuddy cousins.
they are true enemies of europe.
ask them directly, their five eyed pedo protecting spies reside on Sup Forums while making "profiles" on everyone who posts here.
in regards to your topic, i met a french exchange student in 2007. rich as fuck. his father, a pilot in french army was bombing you back then, he told me about it. this french guy was dark skinned from northern africa some kebab type.
Clinton needed heat off him for getting his Dick sucked
thank you usa
thank god you saved all those muslim lives Pierre.
it made you behave properly
When we fought you we weren't under threat of the biggest military alliance in the world and having the entirety of our country flattened, Our country at the time also wasn't made up of 4 or 5 different cultures that despise each other for historical reasons and were willing to do awful shit to each other like killing children in front of their mothers.
t. abdullah turkovic
Also Tomcat was fine for bombing sandpeople as long as they used 1000lbs+ unguided bombs or only guided munitions. Tomcat couldn't accurately drop smaller bombs because of aerodynamics.
Serbia talking about Muslims really?
You were ganged ass raped by ottomans all your history.
Without us you would still be ottomans. You didn't even try to liberate yourselves.
Ahah fuckin serbian cocksuckers
Oh, I see.
Fake news for EU gibs, dumb fuck
Russia and the internet are watching now.
None of that 20 years ago.
Because he needed to distract people from getting his dick sucked
Uh... The other picture is a tomcat. You are wrong.
t. milos milanovic
Bro, I don't think you understand history. Do you think millions of Turks came to Serbian territory? No. Only a few soldiers. Fucking diaspora make me sick
it ok
>much skanderburg
Skanderburg was a Christian who would execute you race traitor scum
>while making "profiles" on everyone who posts here.
Say, where in Australia do you live exactly? Or just ballpark. Like 5 mile radius, maybe? Just curious. After revealing your location, please stay put.
omfg, serbia is a meme in ietself xD
Holy shit, Roki is so fucking based
the eternal French admitting he's the route of all cancer. I legitimately hate your nation with a furry, Germany gets dissed on all the time but for the shit you've done throughout history you should be ashamed to even call someone else's nation out.
pic related is your shitty country's "cotemporary" art
skanderbeg cared about his people, not some kike on a stick
europeans today would do well to learn from him
>You were ganged ass raped by ottomans all your history.
you are a fucking idiot.
we removed the ottomans in more than half of the wars we fought against them, and the noly time they won majorly was because we were fighting against all our neighbouring countries and that was when they had a chance for a sneak attack.
and not even then they managed to conquer us, they just made us a vassal state when we were at our weakest. i hope you at least know how a vassal state works. you are currently more muslim than we ever were.
you are dying while we managed to free ourselves from the ottomans, your women are curently fucking Somalis you fucking french frog.
Serbia has always been the gateway to europe. A weak Balkanized Serbia/Yugoslavia means an open gate to Europe for perhaps... economic migrants?
Simply because you are killing muslims and they hate it. Sell AK please.
kek ahmed talkin bout getting raped
you gallic roaches supported turk roaches through the centuries against austria, russia... etc.
without you traitors they wouldnt have lasted 100 years...
>OP's pic clearly has two (2) rudders
>F-111 has one (1) rudder
>F-14 has two (2) rudders
having the capability to do so =/= using it
Serbia unironically did nothing wrong.
Just admit it. You got serbed.
the balkans were defending all of europe from muslims, and without us europe would've already been full on muslim long ago.
cry all you want this is the pure truth and you dare to insult us you immigrant loving faggots.
Remember folks if it weren't for France our world wouldn't be half as degenerate and unlawful. We can all say thanks to jean and his country!
nice artwork there jean what's it supposed to represent?
better bombs. from about 1930s to the 1980s all bombs were "dumb bombs." in the 1980s, with lasers, the first guided bombs were made, but were expensive. by 2015 we could basically strap a laser pointer and a camera and it be accurate enough to his with enough force to perform its intended task. isis is laso more concentrated and isolated as far as tactical/strategic targets are concerned, basically few targets that can be hit/need to.
>the balkans
funny way of saying albanians, romanians, then hungarians and croats
you didnt do shit
show your flag.
Since inception, Serbia has stemmed the tide of Muslim incursion into Europe. We're in agreement, brat.
Well they did.
Blocking Russia was the big deal. The Cold War never ended and Russian allies had to be eliminated.
Wesley Clark almost went too far:
You didn't do shit either, I've broken so many Albanian kids noses before I can't count.
People who unironically hate on Serbia are just self hating diasporas whos dads got serbed by the Serbian militaries.
Serbs singlehandedly saved Christendom and Europe during Europe's most scarce time.
>having the capability to do so =/= using it
>F-14s from VF-2, VF-31, VF-32, VF-154, and VF-213 participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The F-14s flew 2,547 combat sorties and dropped 1,452 GBU, JDAM, and MK-82 bombs with just one lost jet (from engine failure). F-14s led strikes on Baghdad, attacking targets such as the Iraqi Ministry of Information's Salman Pak radio relay transmitter facility at Al Hurriyah (southwest of central Baghdad) with JDAM bombs. Another notable mission involved TARPS-equipped F-14Ds dropping four Mark 82 bombs on Saddam Hussein's Presidential yacht Al-Mansur (The Victor). F-14s also supported ground troops during the war and acted as Forward Air Controllers for other aircraft. An aircrew from VF-32 was involved in the worst friendly-fire incident in the war when the crew attacked a U.S. Special Forces convoy in northern Iraq, believing they were Iraqi forces.
...he said, sporting the confederate flag
You do understand however that all that Russia gave was just verbal support? Russia literally did nothing while its historical ally was getting gang raped my western back Muslim hordes
i want to like SOME americans but you have to understand why we have an issue with some of you.
it's really weird for us to say that someof you are ok people, i hope that this guy is ok since i belive that heis pretty col youtube.com
Cause (((ISIS))) = (((US Gov.))) + (((Mossad))) + (((Saudis)))
Bombing your own forces for real would be kinda strange. A few bombs in the middle of some desert should be quite enough to persuade the stupid surfs to vote (((Democrat))) or (((Republican))), or for any other (((established politicians))).
are you that croat who always hides behind the csa flag? Jesus man for a people who are supposed to be based you clearly aint showing it by doing that.
Because Serbia is closer to Nato bases.
Syria is fuck away and the media hates it when you shoot brown people
come at me fags so i can cum on you.
only idiots would blame the average american ... as if they knew in a time without internet what was going on ... as if it was their decision ... dont ridicule yourself milos
anyhow anyone still defending the bombing, shitptars, bosniaks... should be shot
you are not in a position to give orders to anyone
Maybe they would not have interfered if you didnt commit genpcides like the one at Srebenica
Bombs got better
Its not really the people you should be mad about its the system. Here in the west you basically get indoctrinated that Serbs are ebil and that serbs deserved what they got. Be it left right or centrist the foreign policy set in place by (((them))) is quite evident.
cry some more fake flag faggot, have some honour and show your flag
there was no genocide
We had more money to spend then. U.S. is in decline and cannot afford to go to war with ISIS. We're broke when it comes to that sort of thing.
I'm proud Finnish guy. Not gonna show my christ cuck flag though. Ei muuten kiinnosta sitten vittuakaan, jos et usko.
Cause Serbia is closer to actually relevant countries, than ISIS
Also Jihadis>Commies
>7k soldiers died in a 3 year period in combats, killing serb civilians as well
kys murat
i have a friend that is into history and books and all that stuf.
he traveled around the world on multiple occasions and since he is a book worm he likes to read, and what do you think he read in all those book? obviously how serbs are genocidal maniacs.
You guys became the scapegoat, tough luck. When something bad happens people can't internalize that humans are flawed creatures so they look to blame someone for the conflict which creates an easy narrative to believe and propagate. Also serbia was arguably the strongest yugoslav state to all the attention went to you guys naturally.
If the western powers have anything to teach on genocide then we should just kill ourselves.
Because Clinton needed a distraction from his affairs.
Milosavic did nothing wrong.
Because we are literally running out of bombs.
i am still interested in why a small country as serbia was getting fucked by the rest of the world.
we have nothing except our nationalism and our honour, so why did you defend muslims america?
CF did not exist in the 1990s, gentle moron.