Why is DMT illegal in most countries around the world considering the huge benefits its had on mental health?
I thought for something to be Class A/Schedule 1 it had to have no medicinal value whatsoever?
Why is DMT illegal in most countries around the world considering the huge benefits its had on mental health?
I thought for something to be Class A/Schedule 1 it had to have no medicinal value whatsoever?
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because it can be used to fight ((drug addiction))
Why are any drugs illegal?
Reverse psychology. Make it illegal to grow the market.
It's always the people who have never experienced it that make fun of it.
Would be the faggot flying the Kek flag.
Easy guess - Newfag, under 21, watches too much porn and can't talk to people without flipping a word sandwich.
That would make sense if it was actually something people have heard about.
Because, of all the psychedelics, it most resembles true mystical realisation. Part of this realisation is that the 'you' you think yourself to be is, in reaity, reality itself. As such, one realises that one can neverdie becsuse one was never born.
The ultimate governental coercion is the threat of death. If one is not afraid to die, then what power have they? None. That is why psychedelics, especially DMT, are illegal.
I knew what DMT was when I was in high school and that was like almost 7 years ago
I'd consider that a very rare instance.
Compare the amount of people who have heard of DMT with cocaine or other popular drugs.
I don't think this is the reason why it is illegal.
never tried dmt, please elaborate
i had a similar experience on shrooms
Dmt is scary that's why just like salvia.
>Why is DMT illegal in most countries around the world considering the huge benefits its had on mental health?
because all the drugs in the bible should be outlawed
>Why are any drugs illegal?
to protect monopoly
Really though? I love mushrooms, never tried DMT, and Fucking hate salvia.
Are the two similar?
>i cant die
>look i threw trash cans at the police lol
>get shot
>everyone wonders what drugs you were high on
>its DMT
>ban DMT to stop other idiots like you from suicide by cop
Well salvia is confusing I think it's just the similarity where it is a 15 minute very intense trip but not as confusing as salvia. It affects everyone differently though
>moving around after taking DMT
You don't even know what it fucking is mate
DMT, especially in the form of ayahuasca temporarily removes the egoic mind. This is the part of one's psyche that takes things personally, that reacts to others as separate entities to itself, that creates the identity of a person; it's the 'you' that most people take themselves to be. Mystical experience is the realisation that the egoic mind is an illusion. When you see the illusion you see that you are reality. You are the unborn, roaring silence that is at the heart of the universe. Your origin is Divine.
Psychedelics, sometimes including psilocybin, unveil reality by temporrily removing awareness of the egoic mind. If you've taken mushrooms, you know that part of the experience is that you're no longer concerned with the minutiae of life, or your ego. A vast world appears to open up and you take that to be an experience and effect of being high. In fact, that is reaility without your conception of you.
Anyway, both psychedelics and mystics are detested by those who deem to have power over others. Mystics especially have always been persecuted because they know the Truth. There is no division, no fear. Allis love and all is God.
Do you actually believe any of that faggotry?
>DMT, especially in the form of ayahuasca temporarily removes the egoic mind.
unfortunately it also removed my boner
I should also mention I have never tried any psychs before but I have been seriously considering it. I still don't think I'll old enough and it scares the shit out of me as it is.
honestly bro the psychedelics are mostly pretty similar
Can someone tell me what does it do and what are the dangers of it without any pretentious bullcrap?
I am honestly curious.
>t. someone who's never done psychedelics
you are like little baby
wtf are you talking about
every drug has its own character, and DMT is fucking a million times crazier than even a heavy acid trip
>I thought for something to be Class A/Schedule 1 it had to have no medicinal value whatsoever?
That is how the schedule 1 category was defined, but Marijuana is currently schedule 1 in America yet we have 29 states along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico where you can get medical marijuana.
Psychs and marijuana are schedule 1 so they can continue to fill up private prisons and take your money through civil forfeiture.
You're retarded.
Psychedelics are needed as tools for researching consciousness.
not shitposting this time.
everyone has different response to lets call them 'narcotics'. you cant make stuff like DMT legal because certain types of people would go nuts from it.
eh, sort of, set and setting bro, although ayahuasca allows you to trip the longest, when done properly you can basically be hallucinating all the time 24/7
This is the basic breakthrough experience based on listening to and reading up on dozens of experiences.
>frequency gets louder and louder until it consumes everything
>reality slides apart and essentially explodes
>you leave your body and travel through a tunnel where you see impossible colours
>arrive in a place where you experience 4th dimensional geometry and shapes presented by entities that are extremely happy to see you and loving
>you may learn something about the universe or about yourself
>it feels like you're in this impossible place for an infinite amount of time, there essentially is no time
>you open your eyes and it was only 10/15 minutes
That's the most common parts of the trip, however it is always extremely subjective but will generally follow that sort of set of events.
The effects from smoking DMT fade within 30 minutes. I've had acid trips that last 12+ hours.
I'll play. What do you mean by legal? Do you think it should be mass produced and sold at retail?
It should be allowed to consume at ones will without getting thrown into jail.
they can also last for years though
t. someone who had a "bad trip" on DMT at the height of weed induced psychosis about eight years ago and had lasting psychological "trauma" for about three years before I was able to stop obsessing over what amounted to being "red pilled"
DMT is an EXTREMELY powerful tool.
You're describing a junkie on PCP
How many people get arrested for DMT For simple possession in a year?
>bad trip on dmt.
I dont think you wanted to accept the lesson at that time. Bad trips are usually the most effective trips in changing opinions and habits.
tell me about the beings that are never friendly.
>try to ask about weird beings
>captcha sperges out more than it normally does
What happens to you though, do you just pass out and all of this happens or do you go around doing stupid shit?
as i said - it does happen to certain people. that is why if they do legalize anything it should be given to people by the real doctors and usage should be monitored. and not by private shops/contractors as burgers do atm for example.
I mean, to someone watching you, you close your eyes and it looks like you're sleeping.
>weed induced psychosis
>smoking dmt as an inexperienced marijuana user while "on weed"
You asked for those three years, idiot. DMT should only ever be smoked on its own, in a sanctuary-like setting. "Weed" doesn't cause psychosis, you must have had bad bud or bad dmt or were already mentally fucked to begin with
Because hallucinogens are opposed by Christians and western law is largely informed by that tradition.
you leave your body. Honestly it feels like you just died and your spirit is shooting to another dimension and then all of a sudden you're there. At high enough doses the ego disolves and you become pure energy in the other dimension. pretty interesting experience.
Dont do dmt if youre not comfortable with death or losing your ego. Or do it anyways because its something almost everyone needs to experience.
You become fairly unresponsive in somewhat of a dream state, getting up and moving around isn't much of a possibility or something you would desire once it starts kicking in.
It was a bad trip because it was fucking terrifying and negative. This does not mean I did not learn from it. Did it about 3-5 times all up, wont touch it again because I know what it is, what the experience is, and I don't need that. Also wont let my gf try it because of the potential for it to go bad. You cant just say "lol you werent ready to accept the elves teachings lol" and expect to be taken seriously anywhere but outside of a methadone clinic m8
pretty easy to extract it... I hear ;)
I was pretty young and in a foggy hyper paranoid state due to what was the largest sustained smoking period in my life up to that point
Dont get all pissed off because I didnt absolutely love your waifu drug you fucking junkie faggot
Why are they opposed by Christians? Does the bible even mention hallucinogens?
the bible talks about psylociben mushrooms. MANA
You're the faggot, you don't have to be defensive. Calling someone an anime junkie degenerate on a board for telling you that good Cannabis doesn't cause psychosis unless you are inexperienced with it (in any amount) is just you lashing out
What part of your life caused the trip to be bad? Bad trips stem from ones own consciousness.
>All is love and all is God.
That is observably false.
you're actually blue pilled.
putting shit into boxes is the most blue-pilled thing you can do.
you are putting everything mind-altering into the "drug" box.
drugs r bad bcuz theyre illegal
it's the lawl.
please dont be such a blue pill and judge things you know nothing about because you think you know best
you're a fool
DMT has no use at all.
leave that shit alone. God hippies are insufferable twats.
No fucktards. It's because nukes were in mass supply during the cold war and a shitload of accidents had occur. Sunk nuclear submarines, bombers with hbombs crashing into homes. The government could not afford to have it's soldiers go on a bad trip when it could mean the end of the world. If you actually read shit, you'll understand how many near close calls were had.
also worth mentioning is do it at high enough dose so you actually break through. There is nothing worse than teetering on the edge of this reality and the one it sends you to, it's a very unpleasant experience.
Dude fucking weed & shit brooo. Get sober you degenerate.
The only benefit i see coming from powerful psychedelics is to overload the nervoussystem and cause a "flush", or hard-reset on the body and mind. This can help fight urges associated with addiction, rationalize/pacify powerful (usually negative)emotions while empowering calmness from the "coming down" effect.
Powerful drugs like dmt and salvinorin-a have almost a burst-like quality to their effects, with the onset happening swiftly, and the comedown just as suddenly.
Shrooms(non-extract, organic) are very gradual in comparison, creating a muddied experience at the end in comparison with the other two drugs.
Sorcery, in a few places, is translated from the Greek word pharmaceia or however it's spelled. Sorcery has different definitions throughout the bible depending on the language and context, but there are a few areas where it translates to that.
Also, if you're into apocrypha angels taught humans how to use hallucinogenic substances. I don't believe the substances are inherently evil, but the bible presupposes the existence of evil spirits and other influences as existing, at least for the moment, the book of enoch actually explains their origin too. It's not the most entry level issue theologically.
>You dont have to be defensive after I call you an idiot
kek, kys
general insecurity and low confidence, typical nerdy white kid fresh out of high school.
had a friend that saw nothing but geometric patterns and static
while I went on a cosmic voyage
it definitely rests on what you think you will get out of it
in the end its just a HYPER DREAM fuelled by a drug, so yes it relies on your own consciousness
I don't think it should be illegal, but i don't think its worth bitching about either.
Maybe you should get a degree in medicine, chemistry, or biological engineering and find a helpful use for it and then push for its availability on the open market.
Or just sit in your house and smoke weed and work min wage talking about how everyone is keeping you down.
sage the retard thread
ALso salvia is better
>Person with predisposition to schizophrenia takes DMT
>Has mental break and does some crazy shit
>People blame the drug
Ditto for every other drug
That said, it's not baseless. Most normies have no business using psychedelics to get "fucked up". I would bet a large proportion of the population would become psychotic if they took many of these banned drugs.
Ive had one DMT trip and it was the most intense, weird, terrifying, profound thing ive ever experienced.
i tried it a few months ago, and i still get goosebumps when i think about it.
i think i saw absolute intelligence at some point, but it felt evil. maybe it felt that way because i was judging it. in the weeks immediately after the trip, i felt possessed and tormented by this force. it was like i was in a bad trip. after some time now, it's less scary, more like a snide joking vibe. I apologize for the weird description.
after the trip, i can sort of channel it, feel the goosebumps/terror again, but weirdly it gives me huge amounts of focus and clarity of thought.
It came over me suddenly when i was doing squats at the gym a couple of weeks ago, and i entered beast mode, it was remarkable how much harder i could work out. I channeled it while playing my very smart dad at chess and actually managed to beat him, which is rare.
my degenerate alcohol and weed habits gradually faded into non-existence, too.
for an absolutely terrifying and seemingly traumatic experience, it has helped me.
idk why im blog posting at this point, i just thought i'd share my experience.
I've hit a wall with my flat earth research, has anyone asked the 4th dimension entities about this?
I'd rather not take dmt because I'm scared, so if anyone could help or has asked about nature of our universe I'd appreciate your input.
meh, those days are over for me, i have no interest in tripping no moar. was fun though.
this makes 0 sense burger. and your "christian" term means thousands of weird ass sects you spawned over there.
Having a much better ability to focus in on one task was also a lasting byproduct of my breakthrough trip
I think it does something to the brain, creates connections between things that never had been made so it allows more possibility in what you're able to envision
has allowed for conceptualisation and creation of some pretty complex systems when I am at my peak, though maybe thats just me and would have been apparent even without the dmt.
It comes directly from the Greek of the NT you illiterate fuck.
Interesting perspective.
I'd love to try DMT but how easy/hard is it for the person making it to fuck it up? That's always my paranoia and why I never do anything harder than cannabis (except alcohol, which is regulated).
Did either of you talk to the 4th dimension inhabitants about the nature of reality etc?
If so, any tangible response that has turned out to be true in sober life?
Anyone with any input here would be much appreciated, I'm trying to determine the nature of our earth.
I've taken mushrooms, and mdma in doses that have caused indirect hallucinations (seeing things if I relax my eyes and stare)
Good post, thanks for writing it.
>i think i saw absolute intelligence at some point, but it felt evil. maybe it felt that way because i was judging it.
It's a wholly alien world, it seems to have no analogue to the world as one experiences it in normal life. I too have felt this machine-like intelligence or being, though it didn't feel evil necessarily, rather it was simply alien and somehow metallic. I find it interesting that you were able to recreate this state in normal life, this is something I have heard of but never experienced. I'm very happy to hear that the exprience has helped you, especially with regards to your alcohol and weed habits. Thanks for haring your experience, very interesting.
I had some things spoken to me, but I am still holding too much paranoia to share it on a public global communication medium, or how it was delivered
>Anyone with any input here would be much appreciated, I'm trying to determine the nature of our earth.
Take it with a grain of salt but one image that stuck with me was the earth essentially being created like a drop of liquid in a petri dish / test tube
Another of my friends flew over the great wall of china, wish I was as carefree, that guy always had awesome trips.
show me where Christ is prohibiting smoking weed or tripping, burger genious, and i will look it up now.
>get a degree in medicine, chemistry, or biological engineering and find a helpful use for it
thats not going to happen, you can't make any money with this stuff, it stays on the black market
>show me where Christ is prohibiting smoking weed or tripping,
that part of exodus where they describe building the ark to contain the word of god out of a hallucinogenic wood tree
Moses burning bush is the same tree
I took dmt over 7 years ago and It was a "bad trip" but it ended up saving my life I think. When I got to wherever the place is the inhabitants were angry at me. It was more of a loving dissapointed anger like they wanted me to be better. Anyways I felt like I got punched in the face and then one of em played some music that was beautiful. They didnt really talk. They used energy to communicate and morphed n stuff. After I got done with the trip it took me a long time to figure out everything that had happened. I believe DMT "saved my life" and helped me become a better person. I no longer consume pornography and I quit drugs and excessive video games. I masturbate once or twice a month, any more and I feel like Im hitting it hard. even though I used to be a porn/mastrubation/drug addict. I realised how every interaction with anyone will affect how they treat others. The Ripple effect is real. The path to righteousness is straight and narrow while the path to wickedness is broad and easy. Now for some reason whenever Im slacking in a certain aspect of life I get anxiety and flashbacks and usually have a panic attack about the fact that I will die and leave the material world one day. Just remembering the feeling of dying and leaving my body gives me strength and motivation to do my best everyday and make the best I can of my life. Every day is a precious gift. And yeah I know im posting on Sup Forums haha I can spare a few minutes for this.
I appreciate this post very much, thanks for sharing. May I ask if the music-maker or any of the others morph into and out of you as the music played? Again, very happy to hear the experience had a transformative and beneficial effect on your life.
Thank you both for taking the time to write your replies, very interesting indeed.
Your ripple has been felt by me :)
How many people who have done hallucinogens have gone on to be very successful and attributed their success at least in part to hallucinogens? How many end up as burn outs telling everyone "you just don't get it maaaan."
very glad to hear that, user.
i sometimes catch myself on the thought of how weird being alive is. i think the traumatic trips can have the highest healing effect. the disappointment may have been angular male energy, whereas the musical part was like a loving mother. this is just a shallow hypothesis of mine, take it with a grain of salt. life really is a gift, but dont worry. I honestly get a kick out of thinking about all the stuff, good and bad, ill have to go through and how ill still come out fine (albeit "dead") at the end.
machine-like is a very good way to describe it. at one point i remember it seeming almost computer-generated... like vaporwave or something.
i dont know about production, but i know you're looking for a yellow crystalline powder. if you want to take as little risk as possible, go to an ayahuasca ceremony. the only drugs you really have to worry about are the pharmaceutical and very hard ones (heroin, meth, crack cocaine) just do your research before you try something.
These posts seem fake. Too good to be true. Everyone would take DMT at least once if this stuff was true
Great thread OP. You definitely aren't a faggot. Please keep your retarded honeypot cum bragging about drugs threads on Reddit where they belong.
>t. Guy who has tripped many a time on many a substance but has never been to Reddit nor bragged anonymously about getting spun
a lot more than youd think.
stop generalizing and putting people and ideas into boxes.
it's very sad you cant uncouple "drugs" from the people you associate "drugs" with.
you just lump it all together into something altogether unpalatable, then reject anyone who talks about it because "drugs" (anything illegal and mild-altering from the way you understand it)
the "you just dont get it maaan" are the burn outs, yes.
the ones who have gleaned value from these experiences arent going around saying these things. theyre out being successful. by the way, LSD microdosing is very popular in silicon valley. you should read doors of perception by aldous huxley.
if you have time, patience, and an open mind, try to give this a listen.
This is my mint condition 1st Edition copy of TDoP. Stop spouting nonsense you poser. The people who are successful users are people like me, not the tryhards like you trying to convince everyone, but succeeding in convincing no one else but yourself that you are going to manifest your time wasted on a head full of psychedelics into something other than a retail manager. Stop blowing up my spot you shit.
I think the people who are attracted to psychedelics in the first place have a very different definition of successful than you, or most of society would. To a lot of 'hippies' travelling the country as a hobo would be successful. Not many of them aspire to be suits working a 9-5 making six figures or be a media darling.
what about what i said was nonsense? we were having a discussion about dmt, someone wanted to dismiss psychedelics, and i tried to explain why they shouldnt.. im not even sure what im trying hard at or bragging about.
i dont understand why you are so triggered or why you felt the need to post an image of a book you happen to own.
drug addicts must die
I've heard that when people meet the machine elves they get a feeling of being "welcomed back", anyone have any experiences with this?
>i saw absolute intelligence at some point, but it felt evil
Reminds me of the tree in the story of Adam and Eve
Psychedelics are way overrated. Sure, it feels profound in the moment, but when you reflect back on it you realize it was all bullshit.
At least, if you aren't a moron you do anyway.
i experienced it multiple times its not that great. most overhyped drug ever