Shouldn't we consider anyone who buys a Gatebox dangerous?
Man, I'm ok with lonely grown men who watch their animes but this is just too much.
Shouldn't we consider anyone who buys a Gatebox dangerous?
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I don't know what the fuck this is, I don't care, it's not Sup Forums-related, and OP is a faggot. Sage this slide thread.
I'll only become dangerous if this happens REEEE.
>Sup Forums related
The vid is old as fuck and has been spamed many times but it kinda is Sup Forums related. It shows how fucking isolated people are these days due to educational mass processing to wage slavery.
The product is so ridiculous it shouldnt even fucking exist!
HO-LEE-PHUCK! I keked at the end.
A personal assistant A.I. should exist, but not some waifu shit for lonely autists.
A sign of how fucked up our societies are becoming.
Oh well.
You are a faggot for even bringing this shit up. Watching anime is also faggotry.
More like gay box
>but not some waifu shit for lonely autists
And why the fuck not? That's exactly what should exist for lonely autists.
anime fags fuck off
Sh-she's perfect.
there is no escape from the cuckery
Im full blown /r9k/ wizard tier and even I find that retarded. That and the rubber dolls. Who in his right mind would want some gadget whose algorithm bothers you all the time or fuck a piece of rubber?
It does, however, trigger the shit out of me to know that many people are just barred from a proper social life. Not to mention it goes way beyond dating.
This cyber roastie in a jar will never cheat on you with Tyrone or take away half of your hard earned moneys and then an alimony each month. This technology has potential.
>Anime is faggotry
>Posts furfag anime
Just cause it has a MAGA hat on doesn't mean it's still acceptable
Fellow wiz, you need to be a bit more far sighted. This is just how the technology is now. Imagine if this is given another 10 years of development to the point where it can have realistic conversation with you or more functions like being able to order pizzas for you or remote control a vacuum cleaner.
It doesn't even need to be able to take about deep philosophical or political shit as real life 3d roasties can't manage that anyway. It just need to be able to talk about TV shows and whether Domino's or Papa John's is better, and that's already most of what all my previous GFs ever managed to do anyway.
good thing i quit my fucking job today
would really hate to perpetuate this fucking trash
i might not even fucking kill myself anymore. i have nothing to lose who has ideas for my future?
>Who in his right mind would want some gadget whose algorithm bothers you all the time
Because some people can delude themselves better. They have an active imagination. I mean, there are people who already have imaginary waifus.
>or fuck a piece of rubber?
If you watch porn and fuck your hand anyway, why not?
>It does, however, trigger the shit out of me to know that many people are just barred from a proper social life.
>proper social life
You judgmental little bitch.
This is some normie-tier shit you just posted there.
I would actually buy this. This looks very nice and would give me a relationship that I can look at and be happy about which will make me healthier and live longer. All I see are wins with this Gatebox. Fuck off normies, this is exactly what we need and if you think otherwise then you are a NEW FAG AND NEED TO LEAVE.
I would have bought one day one if they weren't so expensive..
It's just an Amazon Alexa or Google home with a cute anime slut as the voice and doing the work. I think that's kinda cool
If you leave your PC on, all you need to do is pick some shit Arduino or Raspberry, a RF module and program it to send a signal to some robotic vacuum (the circular ones) through a remote administration tool.
There... your shit remote vacuum.The fuck with rubber waifus and nip drawings.
Also, before all of you fucking normies came onto the internet when cell phones on 3G networks started to become ubiquitous this would have been praised to high heaven and back by the TRUE citizens of the internet. As far as I am concerned all of you NORMIES AND NEWFAGS are simply guests on this cyber highway an need to GTFO
>cyber roastie in a jar
>cute anime slut
How fucking dare you talk about waifus like this?
But this has a cute waifu. That's why it's worth the money, because it feels like a living entity with human like eyes and voice care about you, and is sharing your life with you.
Fuck, I'd buy this shit if they got an english version available. I checked the site and the initial price for one of these is $3000. If it takes off, it'd become cheaper over time and be all the more affordable.
You're right, this shit's not gonna whine about my hobbies, complain about my salary or demand to go on vacations to foreign countries twice a year. It is no roastie.
Kill yourself, loser.
Even our dreams become nightmares by the end
A Gatebox and month supply of soylent is all you need
koreans are weedy looking people.
This thing won't last. Mixed reality is the future:
>"normies and newfags"
>says the early 20's mook to a city rat from the 90's
>Im full blown /r9k/ wizard tier and even I find that retarded.
Sure roasty, as if we can`t see that you are a judgemental cunt.
Not your fucking problem bitch.
explain how is this involves politics?