It has been a year and this Aussie faggot keep posting these Threads, (((Mods))) don't do anything about it
Do you think it's one of these "Liberal" Mods ??
are they trying to brainwash us ???
It has been a year and this Aussie faggot keep posting these Threads, (((Mods))) don't do anything about it
Do you think it's one of these "Liberal" Mods ??
are they trying to brainwash us ???
because the aussi faggot is one of the mods. thast why they dont do anything.
>It has been a year and this Aussie faggot keep posting these Threads
So many newfags
Perhaps they are just laughing at how mad it makes you. Not everything is a conspiracy. What happened to 'for the lulz'
I knew it, it was like that faggot mod that banned anyone who posts his real name and that other liberal faggot who works for the jews
I blame Moot for this, fucking sold us to Jews
FPBP, checked.
He's just telling the truth.
Just hide the thread and move on.
He's either black with a small dick or gay idk
its just faggot from Melbourne who has a fetish for bbc after being raped by Tyrone.
either that or some Somali's broke into his house and forced him to watch them gang rape his wife and now he cannot get enough of being cucked by bbc.
im the aussie shit posters ex boyfriend, ask me anything
>So many newfags
I've been here since /new/, kid
What you post is nothing related to politics, and still the poster (you) aren't banned even though you do it for a very long time
I posted a small penis by accident in /k/ and got one month ban
Shit, that makes a lot of sense actually.
his threads are still up, with many replies
now tell me Mods have nothing to do with this
>one Aussie
It's not you fucking retard, it's either some porn company or it's some Russian/Chinese/Israeli intelligence group posting this shit as psychological warfare.
>posting this shit as psychological warfare
it's Mods
all Sup Forums mods are liberals and cucks
If you were here since /new/ then you'd already know it's some asian using a proxy, dipshit. Anyone else notice these threads complaining about it started popping up when reddit came over here in a big way. Go the fuck back.
He admitted to wanting to fuck his sister at one point.
I just picture him as some hoop earing wearing deadshit sporting a flat cap and a shit eating grin.
He's just a victim in his own way.
Heh they dont remember the good old days of cuck bombing threads.
>pure Irish blood
>some asian using a proxy
I heard this just lately, no one suspected Aussie IPs to be asian before
>he doesn't know mod positions on Sup Forums have been taken up by reddit lefties and tumblrinas
This is actually the most retarded theory in existence
I can't tell if this is suppose to be a subtle meme or not. Obviously it's just some tardo who gets his jollies off to trolling with the same bait every day.
Why do you guys need to make this some grand conspiracy?
You guys really are new fags. Autrailia has notoriously shitty Internet. Companies have found alternate means of providing internet service and companies like Optus and iinet have no static IP address. This means all you need to do to reset your IP address is reset your modem.
It is impossible to ban this nigger without banning the entire country.
This is why it keeps happening.
Google Australia stealth IP for details.
It's not one Aussie.
It's all of us.
All Aussies know the truth about BBC superiority and we just enjoy sharing that truth, especially knowing how mad it makes you stormweenies.
I actually find it pretty hilarious
Crying about/to the mods is one of the faggiest things you can do.
Try calling the cyber police.
t. the aus cuck spammer
where in aus are you, cuck spammer? I'd love to see what you look like
what do you think the odds are that this guy is -
chink from r/asianmasc?
pajeet pissed off at poo in the loo?
arab on a cuck jihad?
nigger muh dicking?
white self hating cuck?
australian shitposting is part and parcel of meming on Sup Forums.
We have to abandon kek. They have used that meme as a divide and conquer tactic since day won. Fuck the aussmods. Kek=Cuck
>whoops, i meant to post a picture of gun but there was a picture of a dick with a similar file name in the same folder.
Cool story faggot.
Kek at this triggered little dick white boi.
Keep fighting an ultimately unwinnable war against the simple fact of nature that BBC and white girls are made for each other and are naturally attracted to each other, bound by an unbreakable bond of lust, desire and destiny.
There was a thread that just 404'd
Yeah you're either a nigger or pajeet by that response
Funny you are so focused on genitals
Sure you're not a fag? Or just projecting your own insecurities like a mad man on an anonymous forum almost if not daily?
5/10 troll
>It is impossible to ban this nigger without banning the entire country.
We can ask for the Sup Forums administration to make a system that checks OPs for keywords that when present make the thread not bump, no matter how many replies.
[list of keywords] (how, white, men,man, compete, cuck, dick, women,woman, superior, i'm, i, am, girl, like, adore, BBC, KEK,etc)
if true >x%
then thread not bump
Its like a partially automated mod.
R9k has a bot that checks for unoriginal posts, sure it can be circumvented, but the point is they have the bot, bots can be implemented, we could have one too. And nothing prevents us from improving the bot or entirely dropping the idea if it doesnt works like it should.
theres a feedback link at the bottom of the page, I dont suggest it myself because I'm a fucking nigger at explaining things in english and I'm honestly want to get out of this place but keep coming out of boredom, so I don't care enough. And to be honest I doubt 4chinz admins listen to users like they should, so I dont even try.
They aren't up very long before they are deleted. Report, hide, and move on with your life pussy
>implying it's poos and not filthy kikes
I'm not focused on my genitals, but white girls sure are.
Truth is in a country like Australia you wouldn't believe how curious girls are to suck their first BBC, and I'm only too happy to give them that opportunity.
Little dick white bois like you are going to be extinct one day.
It's simple
Range ban all Aussies.
>mfw he's right
translation: "muh dick"
I am leaning towards you being pajeet just by the way you are so obviously insecure lmfaoing@yourliferightnow
Keep fighting this inevitable war you triggered ausscuck. A day will transpire when the all powerful white man wrecks your ass and lays claim to his kingdom once again. Lick my balls you inept shill.
Okay mate, you keep being an impotent racist virgin on Sup Forums and I'll keep giving pretty white girls the facials they beg me for.
I'm not a racist but I sure do hate fucking niggers.
kek you really need new material mate, for instance you are not talking to some r9k incel, I woke up to a blowjob today. ;D
>Pure Irish blood
Absolut kek
> france
>if you fight them they win
It's a fucking psyop tactic to force white men to stand up for themselves against nigger jew degeneracy and racemixing, while pruning the weak minded cuck faggotry into breeding themselves out of the white genepool.
I'm sure it was your mom giving you head.
To be fair, that's a shite ban more because that's a violation of GR#4.