Trump blocks people he disagrees with on twitter

>Trump blocks people he disagrees with on twitter
>American e-celebs regularly get into unironic online meltdowns
>Americans on Sup Forums are the easiest to trigger and immediately screech autistically when you post a leftist opinion

Do Americans just take everything at face value? Is this brain damage from infant circumcision or just due to puritanical culture?


Fuck the Israel flag! Those fucking Jews place their fucking israel demon fucking flag with everything they want to fucking take over. We think it's friendship! No Jews don't think that fucking way. Jews are evil as shit.

goddamnit leafs. you can't control yourselves can you?

Jews are the fucking anti-christs. Jews are literally fucking anti-christs and need to be fucking expunged from the west.

i have no idea from what country the creator of the picture could be

>Is this brain damage from infant circumcision or just due to puritanical culture?

it literally the lead in the water, eveyrone is retarded left and right.

Getting rid of Jews from the west is the only way to save the west. Fuck the Jews.

OP, you realize that trolling is a sign of mental illness?

Dissocial personality disorder, look up the symptoms and see if they apply to you. You will probably tick a lot of boxes.

>banter is a sign of mental illness