Why are they killing themselves?
Cause Sup Forums has been telling them to.
single mothers
Multiculturalism. Critical Theory. Multiracialism. And - most importantly - the denigration of the family. Children are nothing with their parents.
Of course they show pictures of brown girls, despite the fact that white men are the people who most frequently kill themselves.
Life is getting gayer, I know I have an urge to blow my brains out like every five minutes. I just don't want to because it'd hurt my family. I'm also a pussy and scared to do it
>Online bullying (kids get bullied at school, then they get home and get cyber bullied)
>beauty standards
>consumer standards (iphone, clothes etc)
>internet fame being a primary focus of popularity
>nudes getting circulated (due to the high amounts of sexting, yes in middle school)
>terrible parenting (women dont want to be mothers, despite having children)
>lack of real world friends/activities.
As much as I despise millenials and Gen Z kids, I cant but feel sorry for them.
Probably all the homo shit they're cramming down their throats. When little Johnny feels like a girl and gets they surgery and regrets it afterwards, what is he going to do?
It's probably all because of Facebook. And not because of bullying but because people get depressed when they see pictures and posts showing other people having a good time, or being in relationships, and it can make people extra depressed if they are already going through a rough patch.
Zuckerberg basically ruined the world.
Based Gen Z!
smart phones
insecure losers record and photograph people to mock them later
they are already sick of liberal's bullshit.
I could probably think of 13 reasons
Oddly, as pessimistic as I am about life, I don't have any urge to kill myself. My family life is absolutely horrible. I'm poor. My parents are poor. I live in a de-industrialized dump. I'm tired of living 'diversity.' Everything is materialistic, boring, and there's nothing to look forward to.
Because life has turned into a shallow meaningless existence and some of them realize that there is no point to there life. And they are right, there is absolutely no point to your life without Christianity.
>I live in a de-industrialized dump.
Everyday I thank the Lord that I wasnt born in the USA.
Women are monsters to each other, and because of the increased access to the internet, it's much worse than before.
>tfw your redpilled future waifu is considering killing herself RIGHT NOW
well that's not good
I'm not severely suicidal, I just think about wishing there was an escape a lot. I can't remember the last time I was genuinely happy. Now that I think about it, it was a few years ago when someone emailed me talking about how one of my projects positively affected their life.
I hate how there are things you want to do in life, but it's out of reach because of your financial situation. It's not realistic to follow your dreams unless you know a jew or two these days.
I think that's actually a problem white people do have. We're not really a close tight-knit community and won't help each other succeed. That's probably why we're basically losing at everything right now, because we don't work together anymore. We just call each other faggots for being weak instead of offering a hand at bettering each other. That probably contributes to the depression/suicide rates as well.
They're raised by single mothers, they're mixed race, they're pumped full of chemicals, they're sedentary, they're raised by their electronics, they see no future worth living for, and they have no sense of family or community.
In short, they're the most hopeless generation yet, and somehow they'll save the West.
Because they're smart.
Or they're dumb enough to believe they can have a life in today's world's.
It's a normal, healthy reaction. The red-pilled youth are telling the snowflake attention-addicts to kill themselves, and they are. There will be a great reduction in LGBTBBQ youth in the coming years.
It's bad. A steel factory and a car manufacturing plant used to support the area in which I live. These were the backbone of the local economy. The people didn't leave, though. Now there's just a lot poverty, White trash, and crowding. The demand for housing was high in my community's heyday. There's also a lot of poor minorities coming here now. Tons of welfare housing.
>actually believing a concept like multiculturalism is making kids kill themselves
hahaha imagine being this fucking delusional
>between 2007 and 2014
social media
the iphone was first released in mid 2007
I used to think that online bullying was a meme but these poor kids don't know any better, and all of their embarrassing moments get uploaded to the internet
they can't ever get away from something they screw up
going by online examples everyone has some kind of perfect instagram-tier life and you're weird if you don't
This would make for a great movie trailer imo
Hard times build strong men?
why so many more single mothers?
I would love to see her get my cummies in her mouth
The weak minded are offing themselves so the strong willed will rule. Anyone, child or not, who doesn't have a self preservation instinct is a shit tier human and doesn't deserve sympathy
also they were raised on the internet so they know a fuck ton of shit so the more you learn the more
depressing life gets.
watch high schools go online only
I don't think he's done ruining it either
social media, specifically. that's really it. ban social media and make life good again!
Not in this case. Hard times in the past gave you ways to make you strong through war and competition. "Hard times" today involve endlessly clicking away at your computer while the decline continues.
Smartphones should be banned. And I'm not even joking. Perhaps the ultimate tool to fuck up human psyche completely.
>i'm an independent wymyn, I don't need no man, just the gomment!
Sorry sweety but that mouth is for BBC only.
Asians have the highest IQ and are the mostly likely to commit suicide.
Men like you will just lead us to a society full of niggers.
Unfettered access to places like facebook that makes them believe the world is full of candy and unicorns.
Of course. Multiculturalism breaks down community trust. It places your beliefs in question. Multiculturalism trends towards nihilism. You cannot make truth out of much in a multicultural society. Plus, multiculturalism - in and of itself - is a product of nihilism. Multiculturalism also tends to put the weight of history on the backs of particular groups of people, which produces anxiety, in-authenticity and feelings of alienation. I will stand by this statement: People are more likely to kill themselves in modern, multicultural societies. Durkheim would likely agree.
Life is getting easier and that is making it more monotonous and meaningless. Humans need something to fight against and struggle for in order to feel like there is purpose.
This is why there are more suicides in middle and upper class families than there are in less wealthy communities. Life is harder when you have less money, and that makes you struggle.
Look at this guy.
And then there's this guy.
And this guy has a point too.
It used to be that you sat in your bedroom thinking about how shitty your life was and how much better everyone else's lives were.
Now you get to see pictures of it and read about how much better everyone else's lives are while you're just sitting alone in your bedroom.
Most of the happy shit and posed pictures on Facebook are posted by people trying to convince themselves and others that they really are living a great life and they're just as miserable as anyone else, but it still sucks.
They all watched 13 reasons why.
blue whale
Lack of religion or purpose. Do this because also there is no rules on how you should act just be yourself XD
And we are in a society that expects everyone to be perfect
the ubermensch will be born in the least likely time
What precisely do Americans have to live for? We have identity, no national spirit, we have no culture, we have no real historical foundation anymore due to massive amounts of immigration which has diluted the population to the extent that there is no shared history (b-but this is what made us strong!!! ...).
In addition, our entire existence is based around the concept solely of making money for the sake of making money. We put all of our self-worth into accumulating stuff and we measure success in life based on how much stuff one has acquired.
With no social framework whatsoever and with Leftism in control children have even less identities than our generation did. For the love of God they aren't even sure what fucking gender they are anymore.
We're also coddled until the time we graduate from college. Most other countries you're already married at 25 - in America this is far different and normally you've accumulated a substantial amount of debt plus the housing market in most States is relatively hard to break into.
So, most kids coming out of college might have a degree but have absolutely no fucking direction in life.
You don't think kids are going to notice these trends? They're on the internet just as much if not more than the rest of us - they see exactly what the future holds for them. Can you blame them for dropping out altogether and taking the final blackpill?
I was in your situation a while ago in HS, Almost 30 now. Its hard growing up and living in a situation where it seems like there is no way out and nothing is in your control.
What you need to do, and is hard, is seriously take a look at your life and who you are and what skills/requirements you need in order to get to where you want to go.
For example: In HS i was a 280 pound loser who had no friends, parents were dirt poor, constantly abused and fucked with. The only thing in my life that I enjoyed was food and the internet. It was my escapism. Now, I make 30/hr, will probably retire before thirty (I make close to 10k a month right now, 3k+ from job after taxes, 7k from investments). I can run 5m in 33 min, I deadlift 375 3x3 and squat 285 3x8, and weight under 190.
You need to be completely mercenary in your thinking and in your life. If anything isn't providing movement toward your goal or acquiring the foundation necessary to achieve your goal you minimize or cut it out of your life. You need to research, plan, and strategize how to get where you want to go and you need to constantly update that plan with research and practical experience.
You will fail and constantly have to re-adjust. It will take a long ass time. But you have to believe, within your gut, that you are worth more and that you can prove it.
Good luck user. reply if you need more help.
my thoughts exactly
Melenial parents
>You need to be completely mercenary in your thinking and in your life
You aren't wrong, but this is also why our generation is completely miserable. There is nothing keeping us together because there is no reason any of us should feel anything towards one another.
>multiculturalism - in and of itself - is a product of nihilism
Can confirm. Preferentially dated foreign (Korean) women then married a Korean after seeing my father raped harder by the American divorce courts than a blonde captured by ISIS.
People who post stuff on Facebook are the most unhappy cunts of all.
What does IQ have to do with a survival instinct? Animals are stupid yet they are born with self preservation in mind.
Archive please
Depression and other mental illnesses have been normalized, even encouraged by society.
I need more help, keep going. I'm 20 and could use the advice from an older fellow.
I started lifting when I was 16 but I've had wrecks and two surgeries and it basically erased all my gains. I've got a full ride to college and I work on my stuff in my spare time but I have like no social life and it's depressing the shit out of me, on top of the fact everything Iw ork for is seemingly for nothing since it keeps getting reset. It doesn't help I live in the east and there's fuck all to do here.
How do you deal with life's horse shit without feeling like ass?
No future.
I am guessing that a being with a larger IQ would develop a concept of suicide far faster than a being with a low IQ. A lower IQ being would most likely not be able to construct the emotional capacity to feel strongly enough to kill itself and in that regard exists solely to serve its primary needs and functions.
I remember a girl in my middle school class killed herself. The school was in a pretty ghetto area of Las Vegas and she was full on blonde hair, blues eyes white girl. Everyday she was getting her shit fucked up by everyone because being white in a poor area is not welcoming. Needless to say she got sick of the bullying and put down a bottle of pills.
Previous generations were like this too, only people were more...respected and respectful. It's hard to respect your neighborhood and your community when you dress and treat yourself like shit. If you start taking care of yourself, sorting yourself out and your environment out, and demanding that others treat you with the care and decency you treat yourself, you will build the community or have the community you seek.
Feminism. Gender equality laws. Women have an incentive to have children with no fathers (child support checks) and to get divorces. (alimony AKA "divorce rape")
Thanks. You should give us a jpeg on how to archive sites for dummies and make a sticky about it. 10/10 would bump
>What precisely do Americans have to live for?
a goddamn rennaissance you demoralized dimwit
It's true. I post images of my baking and cats and I am miserable.
>muh red
Yeah so fucking what? More chick-fil-a and walmart big fucking whoop.
>Failing to realize that a vast amount of those counties are rural/empty
That's sad, man. Real sad. I recently erased my Facebook. I talk to no one except my girlfriend.
Being raised by people with (mostly) little emphasis on honor and dedication, every single quirk getting a prescription with a laundry list of side effects, less room to think for themselves, kids taught by the system to hate themselves (unless they're culturally enriched enough), over-saturation of useless technology and media, most forms of identity and dissent discouraged and even punished, constant surveillance, questionable futures, I could keep going. The biggest one?
Scraped knees, fist fights, pick-up games, playing in the woods, racing on bikes, urban legends, etc. are becoming a thing of the past due to the digital age. Childhood defining experiences are being replaced by a one-size fits all platform, the fucked up mess that is the internet.
It's sad, man. Kids should get to be kids.
Clinton camp taking preventative measures for 2024
I've been injured twice too. I tore the tendons in my leg trying to get into the military and couldn't walk for a long ass time. Pretty hard to earn a living when you can't even walk. Luckily I had enough savings to ensure that I wasn't homeless, but just barely. Most recent injury was slicing the tendons open in my hand. Couldn't use my left hand for six months, couldn't lift for a year and ballooned back up to 230.
If there's fuck all to do that's perfect, less distractions from what you want to do.
Alright, these posts are gonna be fucking long, and a lot of what I say is gonna be known, but not understood. To reach understanding, you have to have assloads of practical experience.
So give me a few seconds to type it all out.
Fellow full_ridefag here. My research kept me going in college, but I was really lost after college when I couldn't find work that payed over $15 an hour despite all the work I put in. So, I decided to leave this shithole. I taught English in East Asia for years and even found the love of my life. The networking I built up working as an English teacher turned into a pretty comfy job back in the US (~66k).
Anyway you can spend some time in a society that isn't fucked to see the greener grass?
>More chick-fil-a and walmart big fucking whoop.
no you're right lets have more frijjole food trucks and welfare offices. fuck like, a job and shit
Lmao, you fucking moron. Multiculturism is hype.
Sure thing, thanks user. Looks like you were the right person in the right place for me right now.
>a vast amount of those counties are rural/empty
a vast amount of your posts are useless reddit habits so whats your point
if you dont want it broken down by county, here is it broken down by individuals
sit on that one manlet
This. This is the reason why. That show glorifies suicide and how she gets what she wants by killing herself, it is the epitome of cancer. Also they have no religion or sense of belonging.
The last white South African children will probably experience true childhood before they disappear altogether.
Less media influence down there.
imagine never feeling at home, and then going home to your shitty single mother. then going back to school where you are a minority and get bullied harder than normal due to the racial aspect.
Because they're weak faggots used to a lifetime of comfort, so that when life does throw them a curve ball, they fall apart and kill themselves instead of sacking up and powering through it. Their peers, parents, and the media also reinforce their victim mentality.
I know because I've been teaching these little bastards for 5 years now.
What the fuck is there to live for?
There's no jobs, industry's gone. Video games suck. Shows and movie are propaganda. People are degenerate and self centered. All of this, and they are told to be ashamed of being white.
I wouldn't kill myself over it, but it's a shithole out there.
>hahaha imagine being this delusional
imagine being such an out of place brain washed nu male with aspergers who holds the mainstream opinion yet still cannot seem to receive positive affirmation from social circles to he comes a mongolian basket weaving forum to spout retarded nothingness in the hopes it will give him some sense of purpose, but alas he x'd out of the thread and can't get back to it to see how he pwnd those delusional nazis so he'll always be known as '1 post by this ID'.
Yeah, my girlfriend is the best thing to ever happen to me.
>implying im a communist
Enjoy living in your restaurant ridden shithole yuptopia filled with freshly imported 3rd world street shitters. Thanks for shopping at walmart btw.
>More chick-fil-a
But i like their chicken sandwiches
They're coming here for advice, and then they take it literally. Classic gen.. err, z?
Is this a generation yet or are they still referred to as kids?
Get out you globalist jew
I got banned from facebook for only posting fascist memes and humiliating roasties in groups. Only other use I had for it was networking with hobbyists and watching the qts from my HS progressively grow uglier.
Because car crash is going down you fucking idiots.
Very true but at the end of the day self preservation is built into every living thing regardless of IQ. Having intellect does override many fundamental instincts though.
They are being influenced by a popular show called 13 reasons why that's on netflix
It all stems from overpopulation.
Maybe the only citizens who should be able to vote are those who own property
>inb4 hippity hoppity
>Have the mindset still of a first grader
>Be going throuhg puberty
>Expected to be a part of the cancer that's social media
>Being taught by libshits who suspend you for hitting someone but do nothing to the guy who called you a faggot, which was why you hit him.
Suicide has never been so common a backup plan as it is now
There are a shit ton of children sharing those 'lol im so depressed me_irl' memes they actually get depressed