Why did these absolute retards just let the KGB destroy the west?

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Why aren't they undoing subversion today?

why are they trying to subvert the new rightwing?

Why is CIA LARPer Spencer telling us all to worship Israel and accept the Holocaust?

they are the major subversive force, previously just internationally but now they are doing unconstitutional black ops on the America citizenry

trust me I grew up with their BS, I can detect them a mile away now

because Trump represents the reversal of all of their interests internationally, Sup Forums is their greatest information enemy especially when we work in congruence with infowars (not just Jones but all freedom, dignity, and liberty people

>he's a central intelligence agent
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it as a career
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is closest he will ever get to real field work in his pathetic life
>he ruins threads everyone else likes because he does not know how to win a meme war
>he wastes the time of everyone at the CIA because he gets in the way of the backlog of real intelligence data that real agents must go through
>he will never be a real CIA spy
>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

Is this a new meme


What have they done now?

Seems like some sketchy ass shit

Agent 911 reporting

>Why did the (((CIA))) allow 9/11 and lie about WMD's in Iraq?

>Why did the (((CIA))) allow Muh Russians mess with 2016 election?


>youtube com/watch?v=NJWRw8bRwt4
>thehill com/policy/defense/311836-israel-will-share-evidence-of-obama-un-collusion-with-trump-ambassador-says
>thehill com/policy/international/un-treaties/311715-israel-obama-administration-colluded-with-shameful-anti


fuck off honeypotter, if any of this is questionable, that you've seen report it the the respective agency

(sorry if good guy, just seems like a strange sketchy derail, 1 post and all...)

Why do they have a big ugly room full of ugly fucking columns? Whoever built their stupid Langley asylum had no idea how to build things the right way.

why did [[[they]]] claim Russia hacked the fair election?

you are fucking destroying both west and east. fuck your kgb boogyman.

Busy smuggling weapons for arms deals with mexican drug cartels.

Data on raiding the cia HQ: pastebin.com/zsL938ZQ

From my home IP. Yes... So fun when you've lost so much. Oh, and here:

^ They threatened me w/ GITMO with that one. ;^)

t. CIAMossad nigger trying to prep a false flag to blame on us

The CIA used the same tactics they use to destabilize and overthrow legitimate governments around the world domestically during the US election, first to entrap a presidential candidate, and then to use it as justification to wiretap him with a FISA warrant. The Russia narrative is one big attack on the american people by their own corrupted and wildly out of control intelligence mafia.


are false flags all you have at langley? just like CIA hook

Thank you Norway archive bot.

Your career has literally been reduced to a useless losing battle against a bunch of teenagers on the internet. Neck youselves all CIAniggers

lmao, they might have colluded on their own


No cia here, friendo. They don't like me much... the weapons around me would show that is what I believe to be true.
Think deeper, farther.

i just diddnt want to start a thread saw cia,
i just like to put in cern in searchbar in youtube and then see results from the last hour.

Somehow i keep getting the weirdest shit

Post the goods.

Why did Mossad create ISIS with the help of obedient CIA niggers?


Now I heard a funny thing that got me in a whoooooooole heap of trouble.
Why did ISIS so easily take over the Iraqi military base, that was handed to them from the us army two weeks earlier, filled with guns, ammo, military vehicles, and so much more?
Also, as someone asked me, why didn't the Iraqis set off the charges in the base? (Maybe it's all BS?... just heard this shit...)

I meant NOT set off the charges

Why did [[[they]]] help Mossad do 9/11?

To any big CIA guy here reading this thread, does anyone dress up like Bill Wilson at the office?
pic related: bill wilson

just to reiterate noone would ever do violence against CIA that is a false flag by CIA posters to shut down our investigations if you see it


If I could, I would bomb their HQ into a pit of lava, but I lack the resources. They are monsters of humanity.
... but, alas... I must be off to Russia shortly!

come one dude give us some other good stuff. what do you mean deeper, farther? what is that?

I do, but today is Casual Tuesday.


stop intimating violence against CIA retards

they need to be demoted by Trump and fifth columns kicked out not physically hurt

still think you're a CIA false flag poster

CIA isn't responsible for counter espionage aside from keeping their own ranks clean. Generally US counter espionage is FBI's job.

That's for the denser lobes to know, and the Russians, if they will agree to my small deal:
Sneak me out of the US.
Russian language lessons.
Six months of a middle-class apartment, so that I may have time to grieve my losses, learn, and and become Russian.
Eventual Russian Citizenship
My payback will be to create tech jobs and to help their entertainment industry flourish, if possible.

>he's too fucking stupid to realize any of that

You have not interacted with them. They are not.. normal humans. They should not continue to exist on this planet, among our species. They must be destroyed, but I cannot do it alone. I must attempt to leave instead. Sad stuff.

>they need to be demoted by Trump and fifth columns kicked out not physically hurt
They are degenerate, violent, subhuman criminals and traitors who must be brought to justice. Nothing more, nothing less.

I ran into one of these losers in /sg/ a couple of nights ago. Weak shilling and thin skin. I don't like my tax dollars paying for these amateur shit posters.

ponies rule bitch

those are his orders. same with (((anglin and weev))).