Bill Nye recieves Emmy Nomination for "Sex Junk" episode

>“It’s been a record-breaking year for television, continuing its explosive growth,” Television Academy Chairman Hayma Washington said in a press statement announcing this year’s Emmy nominations. “We are thrilled to once again honor the very best that television has to offer.”

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Every day we stray further from God's light. Fucking kikes.

About three years ago I learned awards mean nothing. They are just given to somebody who is the "most daring" and as a pat on the back in an echo chamber. I don't need some douche to win an award to tell me if something is good or not. I will be the judge of my own thoughts.

Awards for media was such a mistake.


Only thing that'll stop it at this point is divine intervention.

Only way people are going to react is if these kikes come in to our homes and start killing out white children.

what the fuck am I saying, any award! They gave Obama the "peace prize" award for drone striking randos and spying on people and covering for Clinton.

He hasn't won yet, moron.
Just nominated, which is horrible, but he hasn't won

Hahahaha of course. Soon that song will be blasted on all speakers from the taco stand-mosque-gay bars on every street corner like the fucking call to prayer in Baghdad or London

Are you surprised honestly?

FFS earlier this year Hollywood gave Best Picture to Moonlight for the sole purpose of virtue signaling (at least that's what it seems, since I've seen Moonlight and can't otherwise think of why it was considered 'best picture' other than the fact that it was about a poor, gay black kid)

Its all an attempt to make the populace think that these peoples actions are the right one.

to try and get people on board with these ridiculous ideas.