You have no one to blame but yourselves for the white race dying out. Don't blame the Jews, Blacks, Arabs, Mestizos, Asians or anyone else but yourselves for being so pathetically weak. I'll enjoy when this country will be ours and white people are gone. Tick tock.
The conquering of weaker cultures is inevitable
Other urls found in this thread:
We left behind tons of stainless steel cookware
Our parting gift to you
What you've posted is a native woman cosplay. Which is ironic considering that their culture died out for being too weak.
> this is happening while you fap and post frogs
You're just going to turn America into another Mexican tier shit hole except with niggers in it.
Enjoy being Brazil in 100 years Paco
That bitch is hot as fuck.
But then you will realize that this country is only great because of whites.
Checkmate nigger.
Yet we'll still be here will white people are dead and gone all because they couldn't be bothered to reproduce. Mexico 2.0 will be better than white American degeneracy.
White Americans will just be the ruling class dumbshit, just like in Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, and any other place with whites
Does 70% European count as white if my skin is light brown, but my IQ is 134?
but dude, our stainless steel shit will last for millennia. Think of all the generations of people who will have an elevated quality of life because of that.
Can't you just be a little bit grateful for us?
Nalgona Rica
just doing my part
Sauce on her? Cause god damn
>he fell for the 304 stainless steel meem
You fucking lesser races think you would stand a chance if we fought back? At the moment cultural Marxism has our hands tied yet you are still all shit
he's baiting you this is a slide thread
Something tells me you and your descendants (unlikely seeing as no women white white men anymore) wouldn't be apart of that ruling class. Assuming that is even what happens. No you will probably die in the streets after niggers have taken everything you have.
Thanks for chewing and spitting out some shit once more, faglord
304 stainless is pretty good, unfortunately they will probably just use all the really cool plastic stuff we left behind as firewood.
or am I baiting him
Maybe, maybe not. Fortunately we won't have to find out because 90%+ of your race is content to just die out. Give them my gratitude.
Your race is going to be genocided, the Jews plan on filling the world with themselves, you're going to be cucked so hard. Kek
>imply the prospect of goyim servitude is something to relish
No wonder Cristobal's Colon flushed you fuckers out so easily...
Fuck off, nigger.
OP is a cuckold jewfag acting tough.
Everything he said, will be done to the Jewish people.
My God those thighs...
Saged, but my GOD those thighs...
Unlikely. We don't share the same weakness as the white man. If the Jews try Anything we'll destroy them and this time there won't be any whites to come to their rescue.
What I like is when Mexicans try telling people that their culture is better, when they are basically just a transplant of Spain.
This thread is a capitalist trying to blame whites and shiftting the blame of their criminal action of importing shitskins.
It's your fault goyim the shitskins are here en masse
It's photoshopped.
God was having a good day on that one.
i need some sauce on that OP
>I'll enjoy when this country will be ours and white people are gone.
Me too, so you everything we produce is gone forever, and you die of starvation, and US goes back to Africa tier, except Africa gets billions of free money.
t.transplant of Usa which is in turn a transplant of uk and germany
>tfw quit being a degenerate
sharia law wouldn't bother me at all desu
Take a number.
>Implying it's not Jewish degeneracy
>Implying Mexico has anything to offer
I swear, if Whites disappear I'm going to do my damnedest to send you to gas chambers along with the niggers and commie marxists who think I give a damn about "sharing". You little brown aztec trolls are a shitstain on the Hispanic collective. I'll have fun making you the new Jews. When your goose is cooked, the "old" Jews are next as futile an effort some may find it.
Think twice about killing the gatekeepers and letting the gates open when you don't have a clue what you're letting. Though a smug millennial twerp like you thinks he doesn't need to think longterm. You will be someone's lunch first.
Is this the new de facto shill thread?
I see this shit everywhere as if you've finally found an argument we can't refute, when really it's more of a call to arms so you can say WHITES ARE THE REAL NIGGERS, LET'S KILL THEM ALL.
You aren't destroying us, we aren't destroying us, hell kikes aren't really even destroying us it is merely a very select group of people that have been over 300 years developing social scientific methods to subvert and undermine society to the point where we have no cohesion, dumbed down by race-mixing and cannot challenge them that has been perpetuated by greed and a system of banking that will soon fail.
If it works god help you all
Tell me what race you are.
What the hell are you talking about? Just who the hell do you think you are?
>grandma Cherokee and German
>grandpa Dutch 1st gen American
>oldest ancestor in America was an Iris freeman at Boonesborough
I'm an American, fuckface.
Got a problem?
They don't use guns you moron, they use subversion, divide and conquer and poisoning of the water and food.
You wont even see it coming, and you sure as hell wont be smart enough to stop it, there's a reason why they are most scared of us
Cmon, to sweeten the deal. We will even bury all that really nasty uranium stuff.
Listen here faggot, don't destroy my dreams.
Also don't forget this thread does not deserve to be bumped.
Goes in the options field
OP you're a fag but colonization is in my blood
No problem at all. I'm sure you're bloodline will die with you. I'm working on my 6th kid. Yet I'm sure you're childless.
If whites are bred out, I honestly feel sorry for the state the world will degrade into. White people will become mythical god like figures that legend tells brought peace and prosperity to the world through their superior god like IQs. The world is going to become one brown, boring, low IQ infested battle royal. Why the fuck would anyone want to have kids to force them to live through that shit?
>What the hell are you talking about?
If you don't know then you need to lurk a lot more before posting.
Look into the Rothchilds loan to Oliver Cromwell, look into the world wars, look into the third reichs currency reforms, look into thinktanks and the bilderberg groups, and who attends them. Look into the banking system, the national debt, the media narratives logical conclusion, the banning of racial studies, open borders, welfare, destruction of the nuclear family, the Frankfurt school, the subversion of america by the USSR.
It's all there.
>Who the hell do you think you are
Someone that recognises the situation for what it is.
Unfortunately we were not able to eradicate measles and whooping cough. But at least we tried to leave behind a better world for you.
This is not news to anyone but blind sheep.
It was foretold by the 24 Elder Scientists, Yakub's creation, the Albinoid tribe, would rule for 6000 years before being replaced entirely by the original humans, the Ebonoids.
Educate yourself, your genes are the result of artificial selective breeding for the sole purpose of destroying black people.
>one kid at the Naval Academy
>two kids in JSOC
Sure thing, friend.
>we've pissed more saltwater than you've crossed
>I'll enjoy the worthless smoldering crater that'll be left when whites are gone because my people destroy everything we control
muh portuguese not white, breed with natives.
And muh Sup Forums slobber over a pic
We'll stop blaming jews, blacks, arabs, mestizos, asians, etc... then we'll gas them.
Asking about my race? That's kind of racist by your logic, don't you think? Doesn't matter. I'm a non-White who is no threat of vanishing. Someone who is well aware of the criminal garbage you produce, Pablo. It will be easy for everyone else to turn against you. Niggers will be the only race who has it worse.
If a Holocaust didn't happen before, then it will happen in the future should you make Whites disappear. The best part is, you produced enough garbage that the report of 6 million will easily reached.
Hopefully the remaining Hispanics will learn to get their shit together to form a psuedo Spanish empire. I'd like to hope so, now that they can finally move on from the cannibalistic, drug-peddling aztecs who had no problem attacking their own, let alone anyone else.
If Hispanics have any shot at preserving a respectable future, with or without Whites, it's without Mexicans first and foremost.
>Unlikely. We don't share the same weakness as the white man.
Mexico is more obese than the US. Generally lower IQ people fall prey to the Jewish propaganda even more easily than whites. Just look at how well 'rap' worked on blacks.
I hope no one expects to keep civilization going after we whites die out that would be hilarious.
I think that version looks better.
How can white girls even comp-
>White people will become mythical god like figures that legend tells brought peace and prosperity to the world through their superior god like IQs.
We will be the next Atlantis myth.
>actually thinking Whites will be conquered
Shit bait thread, I know, but Whites will not roll over and die. We've faced far worse and survived. All we need is for the weak links to be cut and we'll thrive once more.
This wolf still has teeth.
Ashtray senpai!
The white race isn't dying out. This is a demoralization tactic. It's like telling your team that you're losing.
so, you be sayin' "da' week shuld feer da' stronk"?
her name is Selena Spice, not that google recommended bullshit.
this is what the spanish raped??
That's what the tapasniggers want you to believe.
These womyn raped them.
the portuguese raped them
oh yea forgot about portugal
The result of trying to establishing a new community oceans away from your old one and without considering the fact that you didn't bring YOUR OWN WOMEN WITH YOU.
It's shameful, I know. If the men just waited for the women, our current mess wouldn't be this bad. Makes me wonder if Jews are onto something with dubbing the mothers the progenitors of culture.
Reality is a bitch