Is she still marriage material

So I been going out with this chick for a little over 3 months. The first times we had sex, she was very awkward, but shook it thinking that there was no way in hell that she was still a virgin at 26, I just assumed she was rusty or not a slut. But after recently have meet her mother and haveing a long chat with her, she informed me that I was her daughters first boyfriend. I had a hard time believing this so I jokingly said I was the first serous boyfriend introduced to her. The mother said first ever. Later that night I talked to her and confirmed that I was the one who took here virginity.

So did I ruin her for marriage or since I took her virginity is she still okay to marry.

You should probably honor kill her.

>had sex
No she's not a virgin you can't marry her

>premarital sex
Kill her, then yourself.

Okay so I just read your whole post, yeah she's a harlot. Fornication is a sin and our body is a temple to the Holy Spirit, this temple of hers has been defiled and you are what caused this! Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves

If she has never had a boyfriend and was a virgin before you that means she has never pair bonded with another man. This is exactly what you want in the person you are marrying but it isn't the only thing you want.

yes but we are changing it to honor murder

Boy you'd better show up with a (((diamond))) before the vengeance of God strikes you down.

He HAS to marry her, they lay together and fornicated. Either the father should shoot him or they marry
