(((Jewnited Kikedom)))

Britbong hate thread. Post sick bantz about English people being English.



my gf is a brit and is waiting for something good. this is weak af. prove her wrong u wont. waiting right here nazi bitches


Fuck Arab people, I hate the UK

kek i've met both of those people several times. TPB

> Goatse knockoffs are being put on display in British museums of fine art
This. Fucking. Timeline.

>NHS has 3x less likely cancer (and other deadly disease) survivsl rates
>Their teeth are yellow because of socialist healthcare
>Their food is shit
>They haven't invented anything in the last 100 years other than doctor who
>Their biggest news outlet is government run propaganda
>Their internet will be """regulated""" soon
>Their political choice is: communist vs a crazy grandma that doesn't like the interwebz
>EU is gonna fuck them up soon, to make an example of them, and their living standard will drop by like 50%
>Their salaries went down by 10% (not inflation adjusted, it's even more with inflation) since 2000.
>Oh and also weekly terrorist attacks.

Seriously, why even live as a britbong?
